问题是如何将JavaScript Date格式化为一个字符串,声明时间经过,类似于您在Stack Overflow上看到的时间显示方式。
1分钟前 1小时前 1天前 1个月前 一年前
问题是如何将JavaScript Date格式化为一个字符串,声明时间经过,类似于您在Stack Overflow上看到的时间显示方式。
1分钟前 1小时前 1天前 1个月前 一年前
function timeAgo (value) { const seconds = Math.floor((new Date().getTime() - new Date(value).getTime()) / 1000) let interval = seconds / 31536000 const rtf = new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat("en", { numeric: 'auto' }) if (interval > 1) { return rtf.format(-Math.floor(interval), 'year') } interval = seconds / 2592000 if (interval > 1) { return rtf.format(-Math.floor(interval), 'month') } interval = seconds / 86400 if (interval > 1) { return rtf.format(-Math.floor(interval), 'day') } interval = seconds / 3600 if (interval > 1) { return rtf.format(-Math.floor(interval), 'hour') } interval = seconds / 60 if (interval > 1) { return rtf.format(-Math.floor(interval), 'minute') } return rtf.format(-Math.floor(interval), 'second') } console.log(timeAgo('2022-08-12 20:50:20'))
function timeSince(post_date, reference) { var reference = reference ? new Date(reference) : new Date(), diff = reference - new Date(post_date + ' GMT-0000'), date = new Date(diff), object = { unit: null, value: null }; if (diff < 86400000) { var secs = date.getSeconds(), mins = date.getMinutes(), hours = date.getHours(), array = [ ['second', secs], ['minute', mins], ['hour', hours] ]; } else { var days = date.getDate(), weeks = Math.floor(days / 7), months = date.getMonth(), years = date.getFullYear() - 1970, array = [ ['day', days], ['week', weeks], ['month', months], ['year', years] ]; } for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { array[i][0] += array[i][1] != 1 ? 's' : ''; object.unit = array[i][1] >= 1 ? array[i][0] : object.unit; object.value = array[i][1] >= 1 ? array[i][1] : object.value; } return object; }
我还没有检查(虽然这并不难),但我认为Stack Exchange站点使用jquery。Timeago插件来创建这些时间字符串。
First, load jQuery and the plugin: <script src="jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="jquery.timeago.js" type="text/javascript"></script> Now, let's attach it to your timestamps on DOM ready: jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery("abbr.timeago").timeago(); }); This will turn all abbr elements with a class of timeago and an ISO 8601 timestamp in the title: <abbr class="timeago" title="2008-07-17T09:24:17Z">July 17, 2008</abbr> into something like this: <abbr class="timeago" title="July 17, 2008">about a year ago</abbr> which yields: about a year ago. As time passes, the timestamps will automatically update.
const DateTime = luxon.DateTime; // toRelative console.log(DateTime.now().minus({ seconds: 1 }).toRelative()) // 1 second ago console.log(DateTime.now().minus({ seconds: 10 }).toRelative()) // 10 seconds ago console.log(DateTime.now().minus({ days: 2 }).toRelative()) console.log(DateTime.now().minus({ years: 3 }).toRelative()) console.log(DateTime.now().plus({ years: 3 }).toRelative()) console.log(DateTime.now().plus({ days: 2 }).toRelative()) console.log(DateTime.now().plus({ seconds: 1 }).toRelative()) console.log(DateTime.now().plus({ seconds: 10 }).toRelative()) // toRelativeCalendar console.log(DateTime.now().minus({ seconds: 1 }).toRelativeCalendar()) // today console.log(DateTime.now().minus({ seconds: 10 }).toRelativeCalendar()) // today console.log(DateTime.now().minus({ days: 2 }).toRelativeCalendar()) console.log(DateTime.now().minus({ years: 3 }).toRelativeCalendar()) console.log(DateTime.now().plus({ years: 3 }).toRelativeCalendar()) console.log(DateTime.now().plus({ days: 2 }).toRelativeCalendar()) console.log(DateTime.now().plus({ seconds: 1 }).toRelativeCalendar()) console.log(DateTime.now().plus({ seconds: 10 }).toRelativeCalendar()) <script src="https://moment.github.io/luxon/global/luxon.min.js"></script>
export const showTimeAgo = () => {
const MONTH_NAMES = [
function getOrdinalNum() {
return (
n +
(n > 0
? ['th', 'st', 'nd', 'rd'][
(n > 3 && n < 21) || n % 10 > 3 ? 0 : n % 10
: '')
function getFormattedDate(
preformattedDate = false,
hideYear = false
) {
const day = date.getDate();
const month = MONTH_NAMES[date.getMonth()];
const year = date.getFullYear();
let hours = date.getHours();
let minutes = date.getMinutes();
let ampm = hours >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am';
case (hours > 12):
hours = hours - 12;
case (hours === 0):
hours = 12;
case(minutes < 10):
minutes = `0${minutes}`;
// Today at 10:20am
// Yesterday at 10:20am
return `${preformattedDate} at ${hours}:${minutes} ${ampm}`;
// January 10th at 10:20pm
return `${month} ${getOrdinalNum(
)}, at ${hours}:${minutes} ${ampm}`;
// January 10th 2022 at 10:20pm
return `${month} ${getOrdinalNum(
)}, ${year} at ${hours}:${minutes} ${ampm}`;
// --- Main function
function timeAgo(dateParam) {
if (!dateParam) {
return null;
const date =
typeof dateParam === 'object' ? dateParam : new Date(dateParam);
const DAY_IN_MS = 86400000; // 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
const today = new Date();
const yesterday = new Date(today - DAY_IN_MS);
const seconds = Math.round((today - date) / 1000);
const minutes = Math.round(seconds / 60);
const hour = Math.round(seconds / 3600);
const day = Math.round(seconds / 86400);
const month = Math.round(seconds / 2629800);
const year = Math.floor(seconds / 31536000);
const isToday = today.toDateString() === date.toDateString();
const isYesterday =
yesterday.toDateString() === date.toDateString();
const isThisYear = today.getFullYear() === date.getFullYear();
case (seconds < 5):
return 'now';
case (seconds < 60):
return `${seconds} seconds ago`;
case (seconds < 90):
return 'about a minute ago';
case (minutes < 60):
return `${minutes} minutes ago`;
case (hour === 1 && hour < 2):
return `${hour} hour ago`; // 1 hour ago
case (hour > 1 && hour <= 12):
return `${hour} hours ago`; // 2 hours ago
case (isToday):
return getFormattedDate(date, 'Today'); // Today at 10:20am
case (isYesterday):
return getFormattedDate(date, 'Yesterday'); // Yesterday at 10:20am
case(day > 1 && day <= 30):
return `${day} days ago`; // 2 days ago
case (isThisYear):
return getFormattedDate(date, false, true); // January 10th at 10:20pm
case (day > 30 && month <= 1):
return `${hour} month ago`; // 1 month ago
case (month > 1 && month <= 12):
return `${month} months ago`; // 2 months ago
case (year === 1):
return `${year} year ago`; // 1 year ago
case (year > 1):
return `${year} years ago`; // 2 years ago
return getFormattedDate(date); // January 10th 2022 at 10:20pm
return timeAgo(date);
function timeSince(date) { var seconds = Math.floor((new Date() - date) / 1000); var interval = seconds / 31536000; if (interval > 1) { return Math.floor(interval) + " years"; } interval = seconds / 2592000; if (interval > 1) { return Math.floor(interval) + " months"; } interval = seconds / 86400; if (interval > 1) { return Math.floor(interval) + " days"; } interval = seconds / 3600; if (interval > 1) { return Math.floor(interval) + " hours"; } interval = seconds / 60; if (interval > 1) { return Math.floor(interval) + " minutes"; } return Math.floor(seconds) + " seconds"; } var aDay = 24*60*60*1000; console.log(timeSince(new Date(Date.now()-aDay))); console.log(timeSince(new Date(Date.now()-aDay*2)));