
Question: Does the user have a choice to kill the application unless we put a menu option in to kill it? If no such option exists, how does the user terminate the application? Answer: (Romain Guy): The user doesn't, the system handles this automatically. That's what the activity lifecycle (especially onPause/onStop/onDestroy) is for. No matter what you do, do not put a "quit" or "exit" application button. It is useless with Android's application model. This is also contrary to how core applications work.




我其实很期待为Android平台开发,因为它解决了Windows Mobile和。net中存在的许多问题。然而,上周对我来说有点令人失望……我希望我不必放弃Android,但它现在看起来不太好=(






话虽如此,我仍然认为应该有一个退出按钮。为什么?... 不是为了我,不是为了泰德,也不是为了在座的任何一位技术大师,而是为了满足终端用户的需求。








This is, for all intents and purposes exactly what you say you want. Done the Android way. Look at Google Talk or Google Maps Navigation for examples of this "exit" is possible mentality. The only difference is that pressing back button out of your activity might leave your UNIX process lying in wait just in case the user wants to revive your application. This is really no different than a modern operating system that caches recently accessed files in memory. After you quit your windows program, most likely resources that it needed are still in memory, waiting to be replaced by other resources as they are loaded now that they are no longer needed. Android is the same thing.


Android上下文中的应用程序只是一堆模糊相关的活动,退出应用程序并没有多大意义。你可以finish()一个Activity, Activity栈中前一个Activity的视图就会被绘制出来。



public void exit() {
    startActivity(new Intent(this, HomeActivity.class).
    setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | IntentCompat.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK).putExtra(EXIT_FLAG, true));


protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    if (getIntent().getBooleanExtra(EXIT_FLAG, false)) {
        if ((getIntent().getFlags() & Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_LAUNCHED_FROM_HISTORY) == 0) {


回答:(罗曼盖伊):用户不需要,系统会处理这个问题 自动。这就是活动生命周期(特别是 onPause/onStop/onDestroy)用于。无论你做什么,都不要放不下 “退出”或“退出”应用程序按钮。这在安卓系统中毫无用处 应用程序模型。这也与核心应用程序的方式相反 工作。

1: Totally exiting an application may be generally unmandatory, but it is not useless. What if windows had no exit option? System would be doggy slow as memory was full and the OS had to guess at which programs you were done with. I don't care what Romain Guy or even Larry Page and Sergey Brin say - these are unquestionable facts: Systems run slower when they have to kill tasks to get their memory before a new app can be launched. You just can't tell me that it doesn't take time to kill an app! Even the light from distant stars take time... There is some use in allowing the user to fully close apps.









The exit button on some applications should be more out in front than others. Games, for example, or programs where the user is likely to want to fully exit, should have an obvious exit. Other programs, like, perhaps, email programs, where exiting is an unlikely desire (so that it can keep checking for email) -- these programs should not waste prime control input screen space with an exit option, but for good program flow, it should have an exit option. What if someone decides they don't want their mail program trying to check email when they are in poor coverage area, or maybe in a Skype call or whatever? Let them exit the email program if they want!


我同意泰德的观点。我明白退出应用程序不是 “Android方式”,但它似乎不应该被排除。在这里 您可能需要一个真正的应用程序出口(不是 只是活动):

The user might want some control over which app gets killed in the case of low memory. If important app A is running in the background, then you might like to exit app B when you are done with it so that app A doesn't get killed by the operating system. If your application has sensitive data cached in memory, you might like to kill the app so that a virus/worm/rogue app can't get at it. I know the security model is supposed to prevent that, but just in case... If your application uses resources (like network, CPU, sensors, etc.) that could adversely affect the phone, then one way of ensuring that those resources are freed up is to exit the application. I understand that well-behaved apps should free up resources when they are not needed. But again, exiting the application seems like a reasonable way of ensuring that.