
我发现静态变量使用起来更方便。而且我假定它们也是有效的(如果我错了请纠正我),因为如果我必须在一个类中对一个函数进行10,000次调用,我将很高兴使方法静态,并在其上使用直接的class . methodcall(),而不是用10,000个类实例使内存混乱,对吗?







以上所有答案都说明了为什么静态方法很糟糕。它们是邪恶的原因是因为它给人一种错误的印象,即你在编写面向对象的代码,而事实上你并不是。 这简直是邪恶。


记忆: 静态变量只要类加载器存在(通常直到VM死亡)就存在,但这只是在大块对象/引用存储为静态的情况下。

模块化: 考虑IOC、依赖注入、代理等概念。所有这些都完全反对紧密耦合/静态实现。




First, about static variables. Static variables are completelly unnecesary and it's use can be avoided easily. In OOP languajes in general, and in Java particularlly, function parameters are pased by reference, this is to say, if you pass an object to a funciont, you are passing a pointer to the object, so you dont need to define static variables since you can pass a pointer to the object to any scope that needs this information. Even if this implies that yo will fill your memory with pointers, this will not necesary represent a poor performance because actual memory pagging systems are optimized to handle with this, and they will maintain in memory the pages referenced by the pointers you passed to the new scope; usage of static variables may cause the system to load the memory page where they are stored when they need to be accessed (this will happen if the page has not been accesed in a long time). A good practice is to put all that static stuf together in some little "configuration clases", this will ensure the system puts it all in the same memory page.

Second, about static methods. Static methods are not so bad, but they can quickly reduce performance. For example, think about a method that compares two objects of a class and returns a value indicating which of the objects is bigger (tipical comparison method) this method can be static or not, but when invoking it the non static form will be more eficient since it will have to solve only two references (one for each object) face to the three references that will have to solve the static version of the same method (one for the class plus two, one for each object). But as I say, this is not so bad, if we take a look at the Math class, we can find a lot of math functions defined as static methods. This is really more eficient than putting all these methods in the class defining the numbers, because most of them are rarelly used and including all of them in the number class will cause the class to be very complex and consume a lot of resources unnecesarilly.

