
我发现静态变量使用起来更方便。而且我假定它们也是有效的(如果我错了请纠正我),因为如果我必须在一个类中对一个函数进行10,000次调用,我将很高兴使方法静态,并在其上使用直接的class . methodcall(),而不是用10,000个类实例使内存混乱,对吗?






您可以记录这种情况,或者防止这种情况发生(单例/工厂模式)——但这是额外的工作,因此需要额外的成本。 即使这样,在大公司中,也有可能有人在某些时候尝试使用您的类,而没有完全注意到所有好的评论或工厂。


















Statics cause a real problem when running suites of unit tests together (for example, with your Continuous Integration server). Imagine a static map of network Socket objects that remains open from one test to another. The first test might open a Socket on port 8080, but you forgot to clear out the Map when the test gets torn down. Now when a second test launches, it is likely to crash when it tries to create a new Socket for port 8080, since the port is still occupied. Imagine also that Socket references in your static Collection are not removed, and (with the exception of WeakHashMap) are never eligible to be garbage collected, causing a memory leak.


这些问题经常出现在框架对象中,例如,您的DB访问、缓存、消息传递和日志记录层。如果您正在使用Java EE或一些最好的框架,它们可能会为您管理很多这方面的工作,但如果您像我一样正在处理遗留系统,则可能会有许多自定义框架来访问这些层。








When a thread dies, a static object doesn’t get reset or garbage collected. Imagine you have a thread called “EmailCustomers”, and when it starts it populates a static String collection with a list of email addresses, then begins emailing each of the addresses. Lets say the thread is interrupted or canceled somehow, so your high availability framework restarts the thread. Then when the thread starts up, it reloads the list of customers. But because the collection is static, it might retain the list of email addresses from the previous collection. Now some customers might get duplicate emails.


“static final”的使用实际上相当于Java中的c#定义,尽管在技术实现上存在差异。C/ c++ #定义在编译前被预处理程序从代码中交换出来。Java的“静态final”将最终驻留在JVM的类内存中,使其(通常)永久存在于ram中。这样,它更类似于c++中的“静态const”变量,而不是#define变量。


我希望这有助于解释为什么静态统计是有问题的几个基本原因。如果您正在使用Java EE或Spring等现代Java框架,您可能不会遇到很多这样的情况,但如果您正在处理大量遗留代码,它们可能会变得更加频繁。







由于静态对象存在于一个空间中,所有希望使用它们的线程都必须通过您必须管理的访问控制。这意味着程序更加耦合,这种变化更难想象和管理(就像J Skeet说的那样)。这导致了隔离变更影响的问题,从而影响了如何管理测试。


Its not very object oriented: One reason statics might be considered "evil" by some people is they are contrary the object-oriented paradigm. In particular, it violates the principle that data is encapsulated in objects (that can be extended, information hiding, etc). Statics, in the way you are describing using them, are essentially to use them as a global variable to avoid dealing with issues like scope. However, global variables is one of the defining characteristics of procedural or imperative programming paradigm, not a characteristic of "good" object oriented code. This is not to say the procedural paradigm is bad, but I get the impression your supervisor expects you to be writing "good object oriented code" and you're really wanting to write "good procedural code".


Object Lifetime: Additionally, statics have a lifetime that matches the entire runtime of the program. This means, even once you're done using your class, the memory from all those static variables cannot be garbage collected. If, for example, instead, you made your variables non-static, and in your main() function you made a single instance of your class, and then asked your class to execute a particular function 10,000 times, once those 10,000 calls were done, and you delete your references to the single instance, all your static variables could be garbage collected and reused.

防止某些重复使用: 此外,静态方法不能用于实现接口,因此静态方法会阻止某些面向对象的特性的可用性。

Other Options: If efficiency is your primary concern, there might be other better ways to solve the speed problem than considering only the advantage of invocation being usually faster than creation. Consider whether the transient or volatile modifiers are needed anywhere. To preserve the ability to be inlined, a method could be marked as final instead of static. Method parameters and other variables can be marked final to permit certain compiler optimiazations based on assumptions about what can change those variables. An instance object could be reused multiple times rather than creating a new instance each time. There may be compliler optimization switches that should be turned on for the app in general. Perhaps, the design should be set up so that the 10,000 runs can be multi-threaded and take advantage of multi-processor cores. If portablity isn't a concern, maybe a native method would get you better speed than your statics do.

If for some reason you do not want multiple copies of an object, the singleton design pattern, has advantages over static objects, such as thread-safety (presuming your singleton is coded well), permitting lazy-initialization, guaranteeing the object has been properly initialized when it is used, sub-classing, advantages in testing and refactoring your code, not to mention, if at some point you change your mind about only wanting one instance of an object it is MUCH easier to remove the code to prevent duplicate instances than it is to refactor all your static variable code to use instance variables. I've had to do that before, its not fun, and you end up having to edit a lot more classes, which increases your risk of introducing new bugs...so much better to set things up "right" the first time, even if it seems like it has its disadvantages. For me, the re-work required should you decide down the road you need multiple copies of something is probably one of most compelling reasons to use statics as infrequently as possible. And thus I would also disagree with your statement that statics reduce inter-dependencies, I think you will end up with code that is more coupled if you have lots of statics that can be directly accessed, rather than an object that "knows how to do something" on itself.