IEnumerable<object> FilteredList()
foreach(object item in FullList)
yield return item;
Yield return与枚举器一起使用。在yield语句的每次调用中,控制权都返回给调用方,但它确保被调用方的状态得到维护。因此,当调用方枚举下一个元素时,它将在yield语句之后立即在被调用方方法from语句中继续执行。
static void Main(string[] args)
foreach (int fib in Fibs(6))//1, 5
Console.WriteLine(fib + " ");//4, 10
static IEnumerable<int> Fibs(int fibCount)
for (int i = 0, prevFib = 0, currFib = 1; i < fibCount; i++)//2
yield return prevFib;//3, 9
int newFib = prevFib + currFib;//6
prevFib = currFib;//7
currFib = newFib;//8
该函数返回一个实现IEnumerable<object>接口的对象。如果调用函数开始覆盖该对象,则再次调用该函数,直到它“屈服”。这是c# 2.0中引入的语法糖。在早期的版本中,你必须创建你自己的IEnumerable和IEnumerator对象来做这样的事情。
public void Consumer()
foreach(int i in Integers())
public IEnumerable<int> Integers()
yield return 1;
yield return 2;
yield return 4;
yield return 8;
yield return 16;
yield return 16777216;
当您逐步浏览这个示例时,您将发现对Integers()的第一个调用返回1。第二次调用返回2,并且不再执行yield return 1行。
public IEnumerable<T> Read<T>(string sql, Func<IDataReader, T> make, params object[] parms)
using (var connection = CreateConnection())
using (var command = CreateCommand(CommandType.Text, sql, connection, parms))
command.CommandTimeout = dataBaseSettings.ReadCommandTimeout;
using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
while (reader.Read())
yield return make(reader);
Think of it this way: You go to the meat counter and want to buy a pound of sliced ham. The butcher takes a 10-pound ham to the back, puts it on the slicer machine, slices the whole thing, then brings the pile of slices back to you and measures out a pound of it. (OLD way).
With yield, the butcher brings the slicer machine to the counter, and starts slicing and "yielding" each slice onto the scale until it measures 1-pound, then wraps it for you and you're done. The Old Way may be better for the butcher (lets him organize his machinery the way he likes), but the New Way is clearly more efficient in most cases for the consumer.