预处理语句是Statement的一个稍微强大一点的版本,并且应该总是至少像Statement一样快速和容易处理。 预估报表可以被参数化

大多数关系数据库处理JDBC / SQL查询分为四个步骤:

解析传入的SQL查询 编译SQL查询 规划/优化数据采集路径 执行优化的查询/获取和返回数据






1 -如果你想在循环中执行查询(超过1次),由于你提到的优化,预处理语句可以更快。

2 .参数化查询是避免SQL注入的好方法。参数化查询只在PreparedStatement中可用。


Precompilation and DB-side caching of the SQL statement leads to overall faster execution and the ability to reuse the same SQL statement in batches. Automatic prevention of SQL injection attacks by builtin escaping of quotes and other special characters. Note that this requires that you use any of the PreparedStatement setXxx() methods to set the values preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO Person (name, email, birthdate, photo) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"); preparedStatement.setString(1, person.getName()); preparedStatement.setString(2, person.getEmail()); preparedStatement.setTimestamp(3, new Timestamp(person.getBirthdate().getTime())); preparedStatement.setBinaryStream(4, person.getPhoto()); preparedStatement.executeUpdate(); and thus don't inline the values in the SQL string by string-concatenating. preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO Person (name, email) VALUES ('" + person.getName() + "', '" + person.getEmail() + "'"); preparedStatement.executeUpdate(); Eases setting of non-standard Java objects in a SQL string, e.g. Date, Time, Timestamp, BigDecimal, InputStream (Blob) and Reader (Clob). On most of those types you can't "just" do a toString() as you would do in a simple Statement. You could even refactor it all to using PreparedStatement#setObject() inside a loop as demonstrated in the utility method below: public static void setValues(PreparedStatement preparedStatement, Object... values) throws SQLException { for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { preparedStatement.setObject(i + 1, values[i]); } } Which can be used as below: preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO Person (name, email, birthdate, photo) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"); setValues(preparedStatement, person.getName(), person.getEmail(), new Timestamp(person.getBirthdate().getTime()), person.getPhoto()); preparedStatement.executeUpdate();


And: (OraclePreparedStatement) ps

这样更容易阅读 您可以轻松地将查询字符串设置为常量




对于重复执行有效 它是预编译的,所以更快

They are pre-compiled (once), so faster for repeated execution of dynamic SQL (where parameters change) Database statement caching boosts DB execution performance Databases store caches of execution plans for previously executed statements. This allows the database engine to reuse the plans for statements that have been executed previously. Because PreparedStatement uses parameters, each time it is executed it appears as the same SQL, the database can reuse the previous access plan, reducing processing. Statements "inline" the parameters into the SQL string and so do not appear as the same SQL to the DB, preventing cache usage. Binary communications protocol means less bandwidth and faster comms calls to DB server Prepared statements are normally executed through a non-SQL binary protocol. This means that there is less data in the packets, so communications to the server is faster. As a rule of thumb network operations are an order of magnitude slower than disk operations which are an order of magnitude slower than in-memory CPU operations. Hence, any reduction in amount of data sent over the network will have a good effect on overall performance. They protect against SQL injection, by escaping text for all the parameter values provided. They provide stronger separation between the query code and the parameter values (compared to concatenated SQL strings), boosting readability and helping code maintainers quickly understand inputs and outputs of the query. In java, can call getMetadata() and getParameterMetadata() to reflect on the result set fields and the parameter fields, respectively In java, intelligently accepts java objects as parameter types via setObject, setBoolean, setByte, setDate, setDouble, setDouble, setFloat, setInt, setLong, setShort, setTime, setTimestamp - it converts into JDBC type format that is comprehendible to DB (not just toString() format). In java, accepts SQL ARRAYs, as parameter type via setArray method In java, accepts CLOBs, BLOBs, OutputStreams and Readers as parameter "feeds" via setClob/setNClob, setBlob, setBinaryStream, setCharacterStream/setAsciiStream/setNCharacterStream methods, respectively In java, allows DB-specific values to be set for SQL DATALINK, SQL ROWID, SQL XML, and NULL via setURL, setRowId, setSQLXML ans setNull methods In java, inherits all methods from Statement. It inherits the addBatch method, and additionally allows a set of parameter values to be added to match the set of batched SQL commands via addBatch method. In java, a special type of PreparedStatement (the subclass CallableStatement) allows stored procedures to be executed - supporting high performance, encapsulation, procedural programming and SQL, DB administration/maintenance/tweaking of logic, and use of proprietary DB logic & features




Statement适用于DDL, prepared Statement适用于DML。




PreparedStatement helps us in preventing SQL injection attacks because it automatically escapes the special characters. PreparedStatement allows us to execute dynamic queries with parameter inputs. PreparedStatement provides different types of setter methods to set the input parameters for the query. PreparedStatement is faster than Statement. It becomes more visible when we reuse the PreparedStatement or use it’s batch processing methods for executing multiple queries. PreparedStatement helps us in writing object Oriented code with setter methods whereas with Statement we have to use String Concatenation to create the query. If there are multiple parameters to set, writing Query using String concatenation looks very ugly and error prone.



Statement is used for static queries like DDLs i.e. create,drop,alter and prepareStatement is used for dynamic queries i.e. DML query. In Statement, the query is not precompiled while in prepareStatement query is precompiled, because of this prepareStatement is time efficient. prepareStatement takes argument at the time of creation while Statement does not take arguments. For Example if you want to create table and insert element then :: Create table (static) by using Statement and Insert element (dynamic)by using prepareStatement.






当数据数量不断增加,索引频繁变化时,Prepared statement可能会失败,因为在这种情况下需要一个新的查询计划。


语句在JDBC中的使用应该100%本地化为正在使用 对于DDL (ALTER, CREATE, GRANT等),因为这些是唯一的语句 不能接受BIND变量的类型。preparedstatement或 CallableStatements应该用于所有其他类型的语句 (DML、查询)。因为这些是接受bind的语句类型 变量。 这是一个事实,一条规则,一条法律——在任何地方都使用事先准备好的陈述。 几乎不使用语句。

我遵循了这个问题的所有答案,使用- Statement(但有SQL注入)将工作的遗留代码更改为使用PreparedStatement的解决方案,由于对Statement周围的语义理解不佳,代码要慢得多。addBatch(String sql) & PreparedStatement.addBatch()。



Statement statement = connection.createStatement();

for (Object object : objectList) {
    //Create a query which would be different for each object 
    // Add this query to statement for batch using - statement.addBatch(query);



List<PreparedStatement> pStatements = new ArrayList<>();    
for (Object object : objectList) {
    //Create a query which would be different for each object 
    PreparedStatement pStatement =connection.prepareStatement(query);
    // This query can't be added to batch because its a different query so I used list. 
    //Set parameter to pStatement using object 
}// Object loop
// In place of statement.executeBatch(); , I had to loop around the list & execute each update separately          
for (PreparedStatement ps : pStatements) {


