另一个区别是字符串。Empty生成更大的CIL代码。而用于引用“”和String的代码。Empty是相同的长度,编译器不会为string优化字符串连接(参见Eric Lippert的博客文章)。空的参数。以下等价函数
string foo()
return "foo" + "";
string bar()
return "bar" + string.Empty;
.method private hidebysig instance string foo() cil managed
.maxstack 8
L_0000: ldstr "foo"
L_0005: ret
.method private hidebysig instance string bar() cil managed
.maxstack 8
L_0000: ldstr "bar"
L_0005: ldsfld string [mscorlib]System.String::Empty
L_000a: call string [mscorlib]System.String::Concat(string, string)
L_000f: ret
This is more for speed than memory usage but it is a useful tip. The "" is a literal so will act as a literal: on the first use it is created and for the following uses its reference is returned. Only one instance of "" will be stored in memory no matter how many times we use it! I don't see any memory penalties here. The problem is that each time the "" is used, a comparing loop is executed to check if the "" is already in the intern pool. On the other side, String.Empty is a reference to a "" stored in the .NET Framework memory zone. String.Empty is pointing to same memory address for VB.NET and C# applications. So why search for a reference each time you need "" when you have that reference in String.Empty?
字符串。出于验证目的,Empty被视为空值,如果在Required(带属性)字段上使用,则会抛出验证错误;其中as ""将通过验证而不抛出错误。
这个问题可以在EF 7+中解决。参考: - https://github.com/aspnet/EntityFramework/issues/2610)。
编辑:[Required(AllowEmptyStrings = true)]将解决此问题,允许字符串。为空进行验证。
在。net 2.0及以后版本中,所有出现的""都指向相同的字符串字面值,这意味着""相当于. empty,但仍然不如. length == 0快。
. length == 0是最快的选项,但是. empty会使代码更简洁。
有关更多信息,请参阅. net规范。
我倾向于使用String。空而不是"",原因很简单,但并不明显: “”和“”是不一样的,第一个实际上有16个零宽度字符。显然,没有一个有能力的开发人员会在他们的代码中放入零宽度字符,但如果他们真的这样做了,那将是一个维护的噩梦。
在这个例子中,我使用了U+FEFF。 不确定SO是否会吃掉这些字符,但请自己尝试使用许多零宽度字符中的一个 多亏了https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/,我才发现了这一点
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