



#include "BigClass.h"

class SmallClass
   BigClass m_bigClass;


class BigClass;

class SmallClass
   BigClass* m_bigClass;



POSSIBLE ISSUE #1 - COMPILING THE HEADER: (This may or may not have already been addressed by another answer or comment.) Microsoft Visual C++ (A.K.A. VC++) supports precompiled headers, which I highly recommend. When you create a new project and select the type of program you are making, a setup wizard window should appear on your screen. If you hit the “Next >” button at the bottom of it, the window will take you to a page that has several lists of features; make sure that the box next to the “Precompiled header” option is checked. (NOTE: This has been my experience with Win32 console applications in C++, but this may not be the case with all kinds of programs in C++.)

POSSIBLE ISSUE #2 - THE LOCATION BEING COMPILED TO: This summer, I took a programming course, and we had to store all of our projects on 8GB flash drives, as the computers in the lab we were using got wiped every night at midnight, which would have erased all of our work. If you are compiling to an external storage device for the sake of portability/security/etc., it can take a very long time (even with the precompiled headers that I mentioned above) for your program to compile, especially if it’s a fairly large program. My advice for you in this case would be to create and compile programs on the hard drive of the computer you’re using, and whenever you want/need to stop working on your project(s) for whatever reason, transfer them to your external storage device, and then click the “Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media” icon, which should appear as a small flash drive behind a little green circle with a white check mark on it, to disconnect it.


解析和代码生成实际上相当快。真正的问题是打开和关闭文件。记住,即使使用include守卫,编译器仍然打开. h文件,读取每一行(然后忽略它)。



1)无限头解析。已经提到过。缓解(如#pragma once)通常只适用于每个编译单元,而不是每个构建。


请参见关于comp.compilers: http://compilers.iecc.com/comparch/article/03-11-078的讨论,特别是这个:




Most answers are being a bit unclear in mentioning that C# will always run slower due to the cost of performing actions that in C++ are performed only once at compile time, this performance cost is also impacted due runtime dependencies (more things to load to be able to run), not to mention that C# programs will always have higher memory footprint, all resulting in performance being more closely related to the capability of hardware available. The same is true to other languages that are interpreted or depend on a VM.


1) c++语法比c#或Java更复杂,需要更多的时间来解析。
