我到处搜索,并没有真正找到一个明确的答案,什么时候你想使用. first,什么时候你想使用. firstordefault与LINQ。
什么时候你想用。first ?只有当你想捕捉异常,如果没有结果返回哪里?
var result =列表。Where(x => x == "foo").First();
什么时候使用。firstordefault ?当你总是想默认类型,如果没有结果?
var result =列表。Where(x => x == "foo").FirstOrDefault();
var result =列表。Where(x => x == "foo").Take(1);
另一个需要注意的区别是,如果您在生产环境中调试应用程序,您可能无法访问行号,因此识别方法中哪个特定的. first()语句抛出异常可能很困难。
var customer = context.Customers.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == customerId);
if (customer == null)
throw new Exception(string.Format("Can't find customer {0}.", customerId));
.First will throw an exception when there are no results. .FirstOrDefault won't, it will simply return either null (reference types) or the default value of the value type. (e.g like 0 for an int.) The question here is not when you want the default type, but more: Are you willing to handle an exception or handle a default value? Since exceptions should be exceptional, FirstOrDefault is preferred when you're not sure if you're going to get results out of your query. When logically the data should be there, exception handling can be considered.