As an example, imagine a web application, where each request is served by a different thread. Imagine that for each request you need a piece of data multiple times, which is quite expensive to compute. However, that data might have changed for each incoming request, which means that you can't use a plain cache. A simple, quick solution to this problem would be to have a ThreadLocal variable holding access to this data, so that you have to calculate it only once for each request. Of course, this problem can also be solved without the use of ThreadLocal, but I devised it for illustration purposes.
第一个用例——每个线程上下文,提供线程安全性和性能 SpringFramework类中的实时示例-
LocaleContextHolder TransactionContextHolder RequestContextHolder DateTimeContextHolder
第二个用例——当我们不想在线程之间共享一些东西,同时由于性能成本而不想使用同步/锁定时 SimpleDateFormat为日期创建自定义格式
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
* @author - GreenLearner(https://www.youtube.com/c/greenlearner)
public class ThreadLocalDemo1 {
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-mm-yyyy");//not thread safe
ThreadLocal<SimpleDateFormat> tdl1 = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-dd-mm"));
public static void main(String[] args) {
ThreadLocalDemo1 d1 = new ThreadLocalDemo1();
ExecutorService es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);
for(int i=0; i<100; i++) {
es.submit(() -> System.out.println(d1.getDate(new Date())));
String getDate(Date date){
// String s = tsdf.get().format(date);
String s1 = tdl1.get().format(date);
return s1;
尽可能使用局部变量。这样我们就可以避免使用ThreadLocal 尽可能地将功能委托给框架 如果使用ThreadLocal并将状态设置在其中,请确保在使用后清理它,否则它可能成为OutOfMemoryError的主要原因
As an example, imagine a web application, where each request is served by a different thread. Imagine that for each request you need a piece of data multiple times, which is quite expensive to compute. However, that data might have changed for each incoming request, which means that you can't use a plain cache. A simple, quick solution to this problem would be to have a ThreadLocal variable holding access to this data, so that you have to calculate it only once for each request. Of course, this problem can also be solved without the use of ThreadLocal, but I devised it for illustration purposes.
Many frameworks use ThreadLocals to maintain some context related to the current thread. For example when the current transaction is stored in a ThreadLocal, you don't need to pass it as a parameter through every method call, in case someone down the stack needs access to it. Web applications might store information about the current request and session in a ThreadLocal, so that the application has easy access to them. With Guice you can use ThreadLocals when implementing custom scopes for the injected objects (Guice's default servlet scopes most probably use them as well).
ThreadLocals are one sort of global variables (although slightly less evil because they are restricted to one thread), so you should be careful when using them to avoid unwanted side-effects and memory leaks. Design your APIs so that the ThreadLocal values will always be automatically cleared when they are not needed anymore and that incorrect use of the API won't be possible (for example like this). ThreadLocals can be used to make the code cleaner, and in some rare cases they are the only way to make something work (my current project had two such cases; they are documented here under "Static Fields and Global Variables").