



然而,在许多其他情况下(迭代器和算法),模板化类型应该遵循一个“概念”(Input Iterator, Forward Iterator,等等),其中概念的实际细节完全由模板函数/类的实现定义,而不是由模板使用的类型的类定义,这在某种程度上是对OOP的反使用。


void MyFunc(ForwardIterator<...> *I);


只有通过查看它的定义才能期望Forward Iterator,在这里你需要查看以下方面的实现或文档:

template <typename Type> void MyFunc(Type *I);

我可以提出两个主张来支持使用模板:通过为每个使用的类型重新编译模板,而不是使用动态分派(主要通过虚表),可以使编译后的代码更加高效。2. 事实上,模板可以与原生类型一起使用。













这个问题有很多很好的答案。还应该提到模板支持开放设计。在面向对象编程语言的当前状态下,在处理此类问题时必须使用访问者模式,而真正的OOP应该支持多个动态绑定。参见c++的开放多方法,P. Pirkelbauer等。非常有趣的阅读。


template<class Value,class T>
Value euler_fwd(size_t N,double t_0,double t_end,Value y_0,const T& func)
    auto dt=(t_end-t_0)/N;
    for(size_t k=0;k<N;++k)
        {y_0+=func(t_0 + k*dt,y_0)*dt;}
    return y_0;



auto result=euler_fwd(10000,0.0,1.0,1.0,[](double x,double y)
    {return y;});



class OdeFunction
        virtual double operator()(double t,double y) const=0;

double euler_fwd(size_t N,double t_0,double t_end,double y_0,const OdeFunction& func);


template<class Value=double>
class OdeFunction
        virtual Value operator()(double t,const Value& y) const=0;


template double euler_fwd(size_t N,double t_0,double t_end,double y_0,const OdeFunction<double>& func);

template vec4_t<double> euler_fwd(size_t N,double t_0,double t_end,vec4_t<double> y_0,const OdeFunction< vec4_t<double> >& func); // (Native AVX vector with four components)

template vec8_t<float> euler_fwd(size_t N,double t_0,double t_end,vec8_t<float> y_0,const OdeFunction< vec8_t<float> >& func); // (Native AVX vector with 8 components)

template Vector<double> euler_fwd(size_t N,double t_0,double t_end,Vector<double> y_0,const OdeFunction< Vector<double> >& func); // (A N-dimensional real vector, *not* `std::vector`, see above)


模板类型应该紧随其后 一个“概念”(输入迭代器,前进 迭代器,等等… 定义了概念的细节 完全由实现的 模板函数/类,而不是由 类所使用的类型的类 模板,这是一个 反对使用面向对象编程。

我认为您误解了模板对概念的预期用途。例如,前向迭代器是一个定义非常明确的概念。要找到使类成为前向迭代器必须有效的表达式,以及它们的语义(包括计算复杂性),可以查看标准或http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/ForwardIterator.html(必须按照Input、Output和Trivial Iterator的链接查看所有内容)。



1) STL使用对象定义了有效的表达式,而Java定义了必须在对象上调用的方法。当然,有效表达式可能是一个方法(成员函数)调用,但这并不一定是必须的。

2) Java接口是运行时对象,而STL概念在运行时是不可见的,即使使用RTTI。


第三部分是如果你喜欢某种(编译时)"duck typing":接口可以是隐式的。在Java中,接口是显式的:当且仅当一个类说它实现了Iterable时,它才是Iterable。编译器可以检查它的方法的签名是否都存在并且正确,但是语义仍然是隐式的(即它们要么被记录下来,要么没有,但只有更多的代码(单元测试)才能告诉你实现是否正确)。

In C++, like in Python, both semantics and syntax are implicit, although in C++ (and in Python if you get the strong-typing preprocessor) you do get some help from the compiler. If a programmer requires Java-like explicit declaration of interfaces by the implementing class, then the standard approach is to use type traits (and multiple inheritance can prevent this being too verbose). What's lacking, compared with Java, is a single template which I can instantiate with my type, and which will compile if and only if all the required expressions are valid for my type. This would tell me whether I've implemented all the required bits, "before I use it". That's a convenience, but it's not the core of OOP (and it still doesn't test semantics, and code to test semantics would naturally also test the validity of the expressions in question).


你可以告诉函数。期望前向迭代器仅为 看它的定义,你需要看 实现或文档…

Personally I think that implicit types are a strength, when used appropriately. The algorithm says what it does with its template parameters, and the implementer makes sure those things work: it's exactly the common denominator of what "interfaces" should do. Furthermore with STL, you're unlikely to be using, say, std::copy based on finding its forward declaration in a header file. Programmers should be working out what a function takes based on its documentation, not just on the function signature. This is true in C++, Python, or Java. There are limitations on what can be achieved with typing in any language, and trying to use typing to do something it doesn't do (check semantics) would be an error.

That said, STL algorithms usually name their template parameters in a way which makes it clear what concept is required. However this is to provide useful extra information in the first line of the documentation, not to make forward declarations more informative. There are more things you need to know than can be encapsulated in the types of the parameters, so you have to read the docs. (For example in algorithms which take an input range and an output iterator, chances are the output iterator needs enough "space" for a certain number of outputs based on the size of the input range and maybe the values therein. Try strongly typing that.)


In generics, an argument must be of a class derived from an interface (the C++ equivalent to interface is abstract class) specified in the definition of the generic. That means that all generic argument types must fit into a hierarchy. That imposes unnecessary constraints on designs requires unreasonable foresight on the part of developers. For example, if you write a generic and I define a class, people can't use my class as an argument to your generic unless I knew about the interface you specified and had derived my class from it. That's rigid.


“面向对象编程对我来说只意味着消息传递、状态过程的本地保留、保护和隐藏,以及所有事情的极端后期绑定。它可以在Smalltalk和LISP中完成。可能还有其他系统也有这种可能,但我不知道它们。”——Alan Kay (Smalltalk的创造者)


为什么数据结构和算法库的纯面向对象设计会更好?! 面向对象编程并不是所有事情的解决方案。



你不需要运行时多态性,STL实际上使用静态多态性实现库是一个优势,这意味着效率。 试着写一个通用的Sort或Distance或任何适用于所有容器的算法! 你在Java中的Sort会调用动态的n级函数来执行!


我在STL和模板中看到的唯一问题是糟糕的错误消息。 这将使用c++ 0X中的概念来解决。







Tell us something about your long-term interest in generic programming .....Then I was offered a job at Bell Laboratories working in the C++ group on C++ libraries. They asked me whether I could do it in C++. Of course, I didn't know C++ and, of course, I said I could. But I couldn't do it in C++, because in 1987 C++ didn't have templates, which are essential for enabling this style of programming. Inheritance was the only mechanism to obtain genericity and it was not sufficient. Even now C++ inheritance is not of much use for generic programming. Let's discuss why. Many people have attempted to use inheritance to implement data structures and container classes. As we know now, there were few if any successful attempts. C++ inheritance, and the programming style associated with it are dramatically limited. It is impossible to implement a design which includes as trivial a thing as equality using it. If you start with a base class X at the root of your hierarchy and define a virtual equality operator on this class which takes an argument of the type X, then derive class Y from class X. What is the interface of the equality? It has equality which compares Y with X. Using animals as an example (OO people love animals), define mammal and derive giraffe from mammal. Then define a member function mate, where animal mates with animal and returns an animal. Then you derive giraffe from animal and, of course, it has a function mate where giraffe mates with animal and returns an animal. It's definitely not what you want. While mating may not be very important for C++ programmers, equality is. I do not know a single algorithm where equality of some kind is not used.