I wrote the two methods below to automatically select N distinct colors. It works by defining a piecewise linear function on the RGB cube. The benefit of this is you can also get a progressive scale if that's what you want, but when N gets large the colors can start to look similar. I can also imagine evenly subdividing the RGB cube into a lattice and then drawing points. Does anyone know any other methods? I'm ruling out defining a list and then just cycling through it. I should also say I don't generally care if they clash or don't look nice, they just have to be visually distinct.

public static List<Color> pick(int num) {
    List<Color> colors = new ArrayList<Color>();
    if (num < 2)
        return colors;
    float dx = 1.0f / (float) (num - 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
        colors.add(get(i * dx));
    return colors;

public static Color get(float x) {
    float r = 0.0f;
    float g = 0.0f;
    float b = 1.0f;
    if (x >= 0.0f && x < 0.2f) {
        x = x / 0.2f;
        r = 0.0f;
        g = x;
        b = 1.0f;
    } else if (x >= 0.2f && x < 0.4f) {
        x = (x - 0.2f) / 0.2f;
        r = 0.0f;
        g = 1.0f;
        b = 1.0f - x;
    } else if (x >= 0.4f && x < 0.6f) {
        x = (x - 0.4f) / 0.2f;
        r = x;
        g = 1.0f;
        b = 0.0f;
    } else if (x >= 0.6f && x < 0.8f) {
        x = (x - 0.6f) / 0.2f;
        r = 1.0f;
        g = 1.0f - x;
        b = 0.0f;
    } else if (x >= 0.8f && x <= 1.0f) {
        x = (x - 0.8f) / 0.2f;
        r = 1.0f;
        g = 0.0f;
        b = x;
    return new Color(r, g, b);


这个OpenCV函数使用HSV颜色模型在0<=H<=360º周围生成n个均匀分布的颜色,最大S=1.0, V=1.0。函数在bgr_mat中输出BGR颜色:

void distributed_colors (int n, cv::Mat_<cv::Vec3f> & bgr_mat) {
  cv::Mat_<cv::Vec3f> hsv_mat(n,CV_32F,cv::Vec3f(0.0,1.0,1.0));
  double step = 360.0/n;
  double h= 0.0;
  cv::Vec3f value;
  for (int i=0;i<n;i++,h+=step) {
    value = hsv_mat.at<cv::Vec3f>(i);
    hsv_mat.at<cv::Vec3f>(i)[0] = h;
  cv::cvtColor(hsv_mat, bgr_mat, CV_HSV2BGR);
  bgr_mat *= 255;



生成独特颜色的算法 生成独特的颜色 在图形中生成明显不同的RGB颜色 如何为任意自然数n生成n种不同的颜色?



彩色显示分类图像(免费下载) 一个个性化地图着色的网络服务(免费下载,一个网络服务解决方案应该在下个月可用) 选择高对比度颜色集的算法(作者提供了一个免费的c++实现) 高对比度的颜色集(问题的第一个算法)






Boynton列出了11种几乎不会被混淆的颜色(可在前一节的第一篇论文中找到) Kelly的22种最大对比度的颜色(可以在上面的论文中找到)

我还遇到了一个麻省理工学院学生的这个调色板。 最后,下面的链接在不同颜色系统/坐标之间的转换可能是有用的(例如,文章中的一些颜色没有在RGB中指定):

http://chem8.org/uch/space-55036-do-blog-id-5333.html https://metacpan.org/pod/Color::Library::Dictionary::NBS_ISCC 色彩理论:如何将孟塞尔HVC转换为RGB/HSB/HSL


public static ReadOnlyCollection<Color> KellysMaxContrastSet
    get { return _kellysMaxContrastSet.AsReadOnly(); }

private static readonly List<Color> _kellysMaxContrastSet = new List<Color>
    UIntToColor(0xFFFFB300), //Vivid Yellow
    UIntToColor(0xFF803E75), //Strong Purple
    UIntToColor(0xFFFF6800), //Vivid Orange
    UIntToColor(0xFFA6BDD7), //Very Light Blue
    UIntToColor(0xFFC10020), //Vivid Red
    UIntToColor(0xFFCEA262), //Grayish Yellow
    UIntToColor(0xFF817066), //Medium Gray

    //The following will not be good for people with defective color vision
    UIntToColor(0xFF007D34), //Vivid Green
    UIntToColor(0xFFF6768E), //Strong Purplish Pink
    UIntToColor(0xFF00538A), //Strong Blue
    UIntToColor(0xFFFF7A5C), //Strong Yellowish Pink
    UIntToColor(0xFF53377A), //Strong Violet
    UIntToColor(0xFFFF8E00), //Vivid Orange Yellow
    UIntToColor(0xFFB32851), //Strong Purplish Red
    UIntToColor(0xFFF4C800), //Vivid Greenish Yellow
    UIntToColor(0xFF7F180D), //Strong Reddish Brown
    UIntToColor(0xFF93AA00), //Vivid Yellowish Green
    UIntToColor(0xFF593315), //Deep Yellowish Brown
    UIntToColor(0xFFF13A13), //Vivid Reddish Orange
    UIntToColor(0xFF232C16), //Dark Olive Green

public static ReadOnlyCollection<Color> BoyntonOptimized
    get { return _boyntonOptimized.AsReadOnly(); }

private static readonly List<Color> _boyntonOptimized = new List<Color>
    Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 255),      //Blue
    Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0),      //Red
    Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 0),      //Green
    Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 0),    //Yellow
    Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255),    //Magenta
    Color.FromArgb(255, 128, 128),  //Pink
    Color.FromArgb(128, 128, 128),  //Gray
    Color.FromArgb(128, 0, 0),      //Brown
    Color.FromArgb(255, 128, 0),    //Orange

static public Color UIntToColor(uint color)
    var a = (byte)(color >> 24);
    var r = (byte)(color >> 16);
    var g = (byte)(color >> 8);
    var b = (byte)(color >> 0);
    return Color.FromArgb(a, r, g, b);


kelly_colors_hex = [
    0xFFB300, # Vivid Yellow
    0x803E75, # Strong Purple
    0xFF6800, # Vivid Orange
    0xA6BDD7, # Very Light Blue
    0xC10020, # Vivid Red
    0xCEA262, # Grayish Yellow
    0x817066, # Medium Gray

    # The following don't work well for people with defective color vision
    0x007D34, # Vivid Green
    0xF6768E, # Strong Purplish Pink
    0x00538A, # Strong Blue
    0xFF7A5C, # Strong Yellowish Pink
    0x53377A, # Strong Violet
    0xFF8E00, # Vivid Orange Yellow
    0xB32851, # Strong Purplish Red
    0xF4C800, # Vivid Greenish Yellow
    0x7F180D, # Strong Reddish Brown
    0x93AA00, # Vivid Yellowish Green
    0x593315, # Deep Yellowish Brown
    0xF13A13, # Vivid Reddish Orange
    0x232C16, # Dark Olive Green

kelly_colors = dict(vivid_yellow=(255, 179, 0),
                    strong_purple=(128, 62, 117),
                    vivid_orange=(255, 104, 0),
                    very_light_blue=(166, 189, 215),
                    vivid_red=(193, 0, 32),
                    grayish_yellow=(206, 162, 98),
                    medium_gray=(129, 112, 102),

                    # these aren't good for people with defective color vision:
                    vivid_green=(0, 125, 52),
                    strong_purplish_pink=(246, 118, 142),
                    strong_blue=(0, 83, 138),
                    strong_yellowish_pink=(255, 122, 92),
                    strong_violet=(83, 55, 122),
                    vivid_orange_yellow=(255, 142, 0),
                    strong_purplish_red=(179, 40, 81),
                    vivid_greenish_yellow=(244, 200, 0),
                    strong_reddish_brown=(127, 24, 13),
                    vivid_yellowish_green=(147, 170, 0),
                    deep_yellowish_brown=(89, 51, 21),
                    vivid_reddish_orange=(241, 58, 19),
                    dark_olive_green=(35, 44, 22))


// Don't forget to import javafx.scene.paint.Color;

private static final Color[] KELLY_COLORS = {
    Color.web("0xFFB300"),    // Vivid Yellow
    Color.web("0x803E75"),    // Strong Purple
    Color.web("0xFF6800"),    // Vivid Orange
    Color.web("0xA6BDD7"),    // Very Light Blue
    Color.web("0xC10020"),    // Vivid Red
    Color.web("0xCEA262"),    // Grayish Yellow
    Color.web("0x817066"),    // Medium Gray

    Color.web("0x007D34"),    // Vivid Green
    Color.web("0xF6768E"),    // Strong Purplish Pink
    Color.web("0x00538A"),    // Strong Blue
    Color.web("0xFF7A5C"),    // Strong Yellowish Pink
    Color.web("0x53377A"),    // Strong Violet
    Color.web("0xFF8E00"),    // Vivid Orange Yellow
    Color.web("0xB32851"),    // Strong Purplish Red
    Color.web("0xF4C800"),    // Vivid Greenish Yellow
    Color.web("0x7F180D"),    // Strong Reddish Brown
    Color.web("0x93AA00"),    // Vivid Yellowish Green
    Color.web("0x593315"),    // Deep Yellowish Brown
    Color.web("0xF13A13"),    // Vivid Reddish Orange
    Color.web("0x232C16"),    // Dark Olive Green



这产生了与Janus Troelsen的溶液相同的颜色。但是它使用的不是生成器,而是开始/停止语义。它也是完全向量化的。

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import matplotlib.colors

def distinct_colors(start: int=0, stop: int=20) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]:
    """Returns an array of distinct RGB colors, from an infinite sequence of colors
    if stop <= start: # empty interval; return empty array
        return np.array([], dtype=np.float64)
    sat_values = [6/10]         # other tones could be added
    val_values = [8/10, 5/10]   # other tones could be added
    colors_per_hue_value = len(sat_values) * len(val_values)
    # Get the start and stop indices within the hue value stream that are needed
    # to achieve the requested range
    hstart = start // colors_per_hue_value
    hstop = (stop+colors_per_hue_value-1) // colors_per_hue_value
    # Zero will cause a singularity in the caluculation, so we will add the zero
    # afterwards
    prepend_zero = hstart==0 

    # Sequence (if hstart=1): 1,2,...,hstop-1
    i = np.arange(1 if prepend_zero else hstart, hstop) 
    # The following yields (if hstart is 1): 1/2,  1/4, 3/4,  1/8, 3/8, 5/8, 7/8,  
    # 1/16, 3/16, ... 
    hue_values = (2*i+1) / np.power(2,np.floor(np.log2(i*2))) - 1
    if prepend_zero:
        hue_values = np.concatenate(([0], hue_values))

    # Make all combinations of h, s and v values, as if done by a nested loop
    # in that order
    hsv = np.array(np.meshgrid(hue_values, sat_values, val_values, indexing='ij')

    # Select the requested range (only the necessary values were computed but we
    # need to adjust the indices since start & stop are not necessarily multiples
    # of colors_per_hue_value)
    hsv = hsv[start % colors_per_hue_value : 
                start % colors_per_hue_value + stop - start]
    # Use the matplotlib vectorized function to convert hsv to rgb
    return matplotlib.colors.hsv_to_rgb(hsv)


from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap

ListedColormap(distinct_colors(start=30, stop=50))



 * 1st cycle: 0, 120, 240
 * 2nd cycle (+60): 60, 180, 300
 * 3th cycle (+30): 30, 150, 270, 90, 210, 330
 * 4th cycle (+15): 15, 135, 255, 75, 195, 315, 45, 165, 285, 105, 225, 345
public static float recursiveHue(int n) {
    // if 3: alternates red, green, blue variations
    float firstCycle = 3;

    // First cycle
    if (n < firstCycle) {
        return n * 360f / firstCycle;
    // Each cycle has as much values as all previous cycles summed (powers of 2)
    else {
        // floor of log base 2
        int numCycles = (int)Math.floor(Math.log(n / firstCycle) / Math.log(2));
        // divDown stores the larger power of 2 that is still lower than n
        int divDown = (int)(firstCycle * Math.pow(2, numCycles));
        // same hues than previous cycle, but summing an offset (half than previous cycle)
        return recursiveHue(n % divDown) + 180f / divDown;









cmap = hsv(number_of_colors)