



         A-Start ------------------------------------------ A-End   
           | B-Start -----------------------------------------|--- B-End   
           |    |      C-Start ------------------- C-End      |      |   
           |    |       |                           |         |      |
           V    V       V                           V         V      V      
1 thread->|<-A-|<--B---|<-C-|-A-|-C-|--A--|-B-|--C-->|---A---->|--B-->| 


thread A->|<--A|          |--A-->|
thread B------>|<--B|            |--B-->|
thread C ---------->|<---C|             |C--->|

协程是异步编程的一种实现,异步编程用于实现并发。 许多语言使用协程实现异步编程。其他答案表明Python, Kotlin, Lua, c++已经做到了。 最有用/通常用于涉及I/O绑定问题的场景,例如在获取数据时呈现UI,或从多个数据源下载。


另一方面, 在python中,gevent库是一个基于协程的网络库,它为您提供线程类功能,如异步网络请求,而无需创建和销毁线程的开销。所使用的协程库是绿色的。

来自Python Coroutine:

Python协程的执行可以在许多地方暂停和恢复 点(见协程)。在协程函数体内,等待 异步标识符成为保留关键字;等待表达式, Async for和Async with只能在协程函数中使用 的身体。

From Coroutines (c++ 20)

协程是一种可以挂起要恢复的执行的函数 以后。协程是无堆栈的:它们通过返回来暂停执行 给打电话的人。这允许执行顺序代码 异步(例如,不显式地处理非阻塞I/O 回调),并且还支持惰性计算无限上的算法 序列和其他用途。


在我看来,后面的恢复部分是一个核心的区别,就像@Twinkle一样。 虽然文件的很多方面还在完善中,但是这一部分和大部分的答案是相似的,除了@南晓

另一方面,协程是协作的:在任何给定的时间,一个 带有协程的程序只运行其中一个协程,并且 这个正在运行的协程仅在显式执行时才会暂停执行 请求被暂停。

因为引用自Program in Lua,可能是语言相关(目前不熟悉Lua),不是所有文档都只提到一个部分。

与concurrent的关系: 协程(c++ 20)中有一个“执行”部分。太长了,不能在这里引用。 除了细节,还有几个状态。

When a coroutine begins execution  
When a coroutine reaches a suspension point  
When a coroutine reaches the co_return statement  
If the coroutine ends with an uncaught exception  
When the coroutine state is destroyed either because it terminated via co_return or uncaught exception, or because it was destroyed via its handle 

正如@Adam Arold在@user217714的回答下的评论。并发性。 但它与多线程不同。 从std::线程

Threads allow multiple functions to execute concurrently. Threads begin execution immediately upon construction of the associated thread object (pending any OS scheduling delays), starting at the top-level function provided as a constructor argument. The return value of the top-level function is ignored and if it terminates by throwing an exception, std::terminate is called. The top-level function may communicate its return value or an exception to the caller via std::promise or by modifying shared variables (which may require synchronization, see std::mutex and std::atomic)


协程类似于子例程/线程。 区别在于,一旦调用方调用了子例程/线程,它将永远不会返回到调用方函数。 但是协程可以在执行几段代码后返回到调用方,允许调用方执行一些自己的代码,并返回到它停止执行的协程点,并从那里继续。 ie。协程有多个入口点和出口点


A coroutine is similar to a thread (in the sense of multithreading): it is a line of execution, with its own stack, its own local variables, and its own instruction pointer; but it shares global variables and mostly anything else with other coroutines. The main difference between threads and coroutines is that, conceptually (or literally, in a multiprocessor machine), a program with threads runs several threads in parallel. Coroutines, on the other hand, are collaborative: at any given time, a program with coroutines is running only one of its coroutines, and this running coroutine suspends its execution only when it explicitly requests to be suspended.


关于“并发性”,你可以参考Rob Pike的幻灯片:



