



         A-Start ------------------------------------------ A-End   
           | B-Start -----------------------------------------|--- B-End   
           |    |      C-Start ------------------- C-End      |      |   
           |    |       |                           |         |      |
           V    V       V                           V         V      V      
1 thread->|<-A-|<--B---|<-C-|-A-|-C-|--A--|-B-|--C-->|---A---->|--B-->| 


thread A->|<--A|          |--A-->|
thread B------>|<--B|            |--B-->|
thread C ---------->|<---C|             |C--->|

协程是异步编程的一种实现,异步编程用于实现并发。 许多语言使用协程实现异步编程。其他答案表明Python, Kotlin, Lua, c++已经做到了。 最有用/通常用于涉及I/O绑定问题的场景,例如在获取数据时呈现UI,或从多个数据源下载。


If you are still confused, here is a very simple way of understanding a co-routine. First off, what is a routine? In a lay man's term, a routine is something that we do again and again (for example, your morning routine). Similarly. in programming languages, a routine is a piece of code that we use again and again, e.g., a function. Now, if you look at the general characteristic of a function or routine (note: I am cautiously using these two terms interchangeably), it takes some inputs and hogs the CPU threads for as long as the function needs to output the result. Meaning, functions or routines are blocking calls in you code. However, a co-routine is a special kind of routine that can co-exist (the "co" part of the word co-routine comes from this) with other routines at the same time and we can make this happen in programming languages with the help of asynchronous programming. In Asynchronous programming, when one co-routine is waiting for something to happen (e.g., disk io), the other co-routine will start working and when this co-routine is in a waiting state the other co-routine will be active ultimately reducing the waiting time of our code.


async def my_coroutine_function():
    return 123


my_result = await my_coroutine_function()







To build on your story, I'd put it something like this: You start watching the cartoon, but it's the intro. Instead of watching the intro you switch to the game and enter the online lobby - but it needs 3 players and only you and your sister are in it. Instead of waiting for another player to join you switch to your homework, and answer the first question. The second question has a link to a YouTube video you need to watch. You open it - and it starts loading. Instead of waiting for it to load, you switch back to the cartoon. The intro is over, so you can watch. Now there are commercials - but meanwhile a third player has joined so you switch to the game And so on... The idea is that you don't just switch the tasks really fast to make it look like you are doing everything at once. You utilize the time you are waiting for something to happen(IO) to do other things that do require your direct attention.





A coroutine is similar to a thread (in the sense of multithreading): it is a line of execution, with its own stack, its own local variables, and its own instruction pointer; but it shares global variables and mostly anything else with other coroutines. The main difference between threads and coroutines is that, conceptually (or literally, in a multiprocessor machine), a program with threads runs several threads in parallel. Coroutines, on the other hand, are collaborative: at any given time, a program with coroutines is running only one of its coroutines, and this running coroutine suspends its execution only when it explicitly requests to be suspended.


关于“并发性”,你可以参考Rob Pike的幻灯片:





         A-Start ------------------------------------------ A-End   
           | B-Start -----------------------------------------|--- B-End   
           |    |      C-Start ------------------- C-End      |      |   
           |    |       |                           |         |      |
           V    V       V                           V         V      V      
1 thread->|<-A-|<--B---|<-C-|-A-|-C-|--A--|-B-|--C-->|---A---->|--B-->| 


thread A->|<--A|          |--A-->|
thread B------>|<--B|            |--B-->|
thread C ---------->|<---C|             |C--->|

协程是异步编程的一种实现,异步编程用于实现并发。 许多语言使用协程实现异步编程。其他答案表明Python, Kotlin, Lua, c++已经做到了。 最有用/通常用于涉及I/O绑定问题的场景,例如在获取数据时呈现UI,或从多个数据源下载。