
#include <stdio.h>

class Base {
    virtual void gogo(int a){
        printf(" Base :: gogo (int) \n");

    virtual void gogo(int* a){
        printf(" Base :: gogo (int*) \n");

class Derived : public Base{
    virtual void gogo(int* a){
        printf(" Derived :: gogo (int*) \n");

int main(){
    Derived obj;


>g++ -pedantic -Os test.cpp -o test
test.cpp: In function `int main()':
test.cpp:31: error: no matching function for call to `Derived::gogo(int)'
test.cpp:21: note: candidates are: virtual void Derived::gogo(int*) 
test.cpp:33:2: warning: no newline at end of file
>Exit code: 1




The decision, the rationale behind the name hiding, i.e. why it actually was designed into C++, is to avoid certain counter-intuitive, unforeseen and potentially dangerous behavior that might take place if the inherited set of overloaded functions were allowed to mix with the current set of overloads in the given class. You probably know that in C++ overload resolution works by choosing the best function from the set of candidates. This is done by matching the types of arguments to the types of parameters. The matching rules could be complicated at times, and often lead to results that might be perceived as illogical by an unprepared user. Adding new functions to a set of previously existing ones might result in a rather drastic shift in overload resolution results.

For example, let's say the base class B has a member function foo that takes a parameter of type void *, and all calls to foo(NULL) are resolved to B::foo(void *). Let's say there's no name hiding and this B::foo(void *) is visible in many different classes descending from B. However, let's say in some [indirect, remote] descendant D of class B a function foo(int) is defined. Now, without name hiding D has both foo(void *) and foo(int) visible and participating in overload resolution. Which function will the calls to foo(NULL) resolve to, if made through an object of type D? They will resolve to D::foo(int), since int is a better match for integral zero (i.e. NULL) than any pointer type. So, throughout the hierarchy calls to foo(NULL) resolve to one function, while in D (and under) they suddenly resolve to another.


class Base {
    int x;
    virtual void copy(Base* p) { x = p-> x; }

class Derived : public Base{
    int xx;
    virtual void copy(Derived* p) { xx = p->xx; Base::copy(p); }

void f(Base a, Derived b)
    a.copy(&b); // ok: copy Base part of b
    b.copy(&a); // error: copy(Base*) is hidden by copy(Derived*)






The decision, the rationale behind the name hiding, i.e. why it actually was designed into C++, is to avoid certain counter-intuitive, unforeseen and potentially dangerous behavior that might take place if the inherited set of overloaded functions were allowed to mix with the current set of overloads in the given class. You probably know that in C++ overload resolution works by choosing the best function from the set of candidates. This is done by matching the types of arguments to the types of parameters. The matching rules could be complicated at times, and often lead to results that might be perceived as illogical by an unprepared user. Adding new functions to a set of previously existing ones might result in a rather drastic shift in overload resolution results.

For example, let's say the base class B has a member function foo that takes a parameter of type void *, and all calls to foo(NULL) are resolved to B::foo(void *). Let's say there's no name hiding and this B::foo(void *) is visible in many different classes descending from B. However, let's say in some [indirect, remote] descendant D of class B a function foo(int) is defined. Now, without name hiding D has both foo(void *) and foo(int) visible and participating in overload resolution. Which function will the calls to foo(NULL) resolve to, if made through an object of type D? They will resolve to D::foo(int), since int is a better match for integral zero (i.e. NULL) than any pointer type. So, throughout the hierarchy calls to foo(NULL) resolve to one function, while in D (and under) they suddenly resolve to another.


class Base {
    int x;
    virtual void copy(Base* p) { x = p-> x; }

class Derived : public Base{
    int xx;
    virtual void copy(Derived* p) { xx = p->xx; Base::copy(p); }

void f(Base a, Derived b)
    a.copy(&b); // ok: copy Base part of b
    b.copy(&a); // error: copy(Base*) is hidden by copy(Derived*)







using Base::gogo;




class Base
    void func (float x) { ... }

class Derived: public Base
    void func (double x) { ... }

Derived dobj;




从引用类型开始然后到基类型,找到第一个类型它的方法名为gogo 只考虑在该类型上命名为“gogo”的方法查找匹配的重载
