

互斥锁只能由获得它的线程释放。 二进制信号量可以由任何线程(或进程)发出信号。





互斥对象允许对给定资源的序列化访问,即多个线程等待一个锁,一次一个,正如前面所说,线程拥有锁,直到锁完成:只有这个特定的线程可以解锁它。 二进制信号量是一个值为0和1的计数器:任务阻塞在它上,直到任何任务执行sem_post。信号量宣布资源可用,并提供等待机制,直到发出可用信号。



互斥是一种锁机制,用于同步对资源的访问。 信号量是一种信号机制。


The basic issue is concurrency. There is more than one flow of control. Think about two processes using a shared memory. Now only one process can access the shared memory at a time. If more than one process accesses the shared memory at a time, the contents of shared memory would get corrupted. It is like a railroad track. Only one train can run on it, else there would be an accident.So there is a signalling mechanism, which a driver checks. If the signal is green, the train can go and if it is red it has to wait to use the track. Similarly in case of shared memory, there is a binary semaphore. If the semaphore is 1, a process acquires it (makes it 0) and goes ahead and accesses it. If the semaphore is 0, the process waits. The functionality the binary semaphore has to provide is mutual exclusion (or mutex, in short) so that only one of the many concurrent entities (process or thread) mutually excludes others. It is a plus that we have counting semaphores, which help in synchronizing multiple instances of a resource.




1.互斥锁-> lock和unlock属于锁定互斥锁的线程。


互斥锁:假设我们有临界区线程T1想要访问它,然后按照以下步骤进行。 T1:

锁 使用临界区 解锁

二进制信号量:它基于信号等待和信号工作。 等待将“s”的值减少1,通常“s”的值初始化为值“1”, 信号(s)使“s”值加1。如果“s”值为1表示没有人在使用临界区,当“s”值为0时表示临界区正在使用。 假设线程T2正在使用临界区,那么它遵循以下步骤。 T2:

Wait (s)//最初的s值是1,调用Wait后,它的值减少了1,即0 利用临界区 信号(s) //现在s值增加,变成1

Main difference between Mutex and Binary semaphore is in Mutext if thread lock the critical section then it has to unlock critical section no other thread can unlock it, but in case of Binary semaphore if one thread locks critical section using wait(s) function then value of s become "0" and no one can access it until value of "s" become 1 but suppose some other thread calls signal(s) then value of "s" become 1 and it allows other function to use critical section. hence in Binary semaphore thread doesn't have ownership.