

互斥锁:假设我们有临界区线程T1想要访问它,然后按照以下步骤进行。 T1:

锁 使用临界区 解锁

二进制信号量:它基于信号等待和信号工作。 等待将“s”的值减少1,通常“s”的值初始化为值“1”, 信号(s)使“s”值加1。如果“s”值为1表示没有人在使用临界区,当“s”值为0时表示临界区正在使用。 假设线程T2正在使用临界区,那么它遵循以下步骤。 T2:

Wait (s)//最初的s值是1,调用Wait后,它的值减少了1,即0 利用临界区 信号(s) //现在s值增加,变成1

Main difference between Mutex and Binary semaphore is in Mutext if thread lock the critical section then it has to unlock critical section no other thread can unlock it, but in case of Binary semaphore if one thread locks critical section using wait(s) function then value of s become "0" and no one can access it until value of "s" become 1 but suppose some other thread calls signal(s) then value of "s" become 1 and it allows other function to use critical section. hence in Binary semaphore thread doesn't have ownership.


二进制信号量和互斥量的区别: 所有权: 信号量甚至可以从非当前所有者发出信号(发布)。这意味着您可以简单地从任何其他线程发布,尽管您不是所有者。

信号量是进程中的公共属性,它可以简单地由非所有者线程发布。 请用粗体字标出这个区别,这意味着很多。



Mutex: Is a key to a toilet. One person can have the key - occupy the toilet - at the time. When finished, the person gives (frees) the key to the next person in the queue. Officially: "Mutexes are typically used to serialise access to a section of re-entrant code that cannot be executed concurrently by more than one thread. A mutex object only allows one thread into a controlled section, forcing other threads which attempt to gain access to that section to wait until the first thread has exited from that section." Ref: Symbian Developer Library (A mutex is really a semaphore with value 1.) Semaphore: Is the number of free identical toilet keys. Example, say we have four toilets with identical locks and keys. The semaphore count - the count of keys - is set to 4 at beginning (all four toilets are free), then the count value is decremented as people are coming in. If all toilets are full, ie. there are no free keys left, the semaphore count is 0. Now, when eq. one person leaves the toilet, semaphore is increased to 1 (one free key), and given to the next person in the queue. Officially: "A semaphore restricts the number of simultaneous users of a shared resource up to a maximum number. Threads can request access to the resource (decrementing the semaphore), and can signal that they have finished using the resource (incrementing the semaphore)." Ref: Symbian Developer Library



#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#define xUSE_MUTEX 1
#define MAX_SEM_COUNT 1

DWORD WINAPI Thread_no_1( LPVOID lpParam );
DWORD WINAPI Thread_no_2( LPVOID lpParam );

HANDLE Handle_Of_Thread_1 = 0;
HANDLE Handle_Of_Thread_2 = 0;
int Data_Of_Thread_1 = 1;
int Data_Of_Thread_2 = 2;
HANDLE ghMutex = NULL;
HANDLE ghSemaphore = NULL;

int main(void)

#ifdef USE_MUTEX
    ghMutex = CreateMutex( NULL, FALSE, NULL);
    if (ghMutex  == NULL) 
        printf("CreateMutex error: %d\n", GetLastError());
        return 1;
    // Create a semaphore with initial and max counts of MAX_SEM_COUNT
    ghSemaphore = CreateSemaphore(NULL,MAX_SEM_COUNT,MAX_SEM_COUNT,NULL);
    if (ghSemaphore == NULL) 
        printf("CreateSemaphore error: %d\n", GetLastError());
        return 1;
    // Create thread 1.
    Handle_Of_Thread_1 = CreateThread( NULL, 0,Thread_no_1, &Data_Of_Thread_1, 0, NULL);  
    if ( Handle_Of_Thread_1 == NULL)
        printf("Create first thread problem \n");
        return 1;

    /* sleep for 5 seconds **/
    Sleep(5 * 1000);

    /*Create thread 2 */
    Handle_Of_Thread_2 = CreateThread( NULL, 0,Thread_no_2, &Data_Of_Thread_2, 0, NULL);  
    if ( Handle_Of_Thread_2 == NULL)
        printf("Create second thread problem \n");
        return 1;

    // Sleep for 20 seconds
    Sleep(20 * 1000);

    printf("Out of the program \n");
    return 0;

int my_critical_section_code(HANDLE thread_handle)

#ifdef USE_MUTEX
    if(thread_handle == Handle_Of_Thread_1)
        /* get the lock */
        WaitForSingleObject(ghMutex, INFINITE);
        printf("Thread 1 holding the mutex \n");
    /* get the semaphore */
    if(thread_handle == Handle_Of_Thread_1)
        WaitForSingleObject(ghSemaphore, INFINITE);
        printf("Thread 1 holding semaphore \n");

    if(thread_handle == Handle_Of_Thread_1)
        /* sleep for 10 seconds */
        Sleep(10 * 1000);
#ifdef USE_MUTEX
        printf("Thread 1 about to release mutex \n");
        printf("Thread 1 about to release semaphore \n");
        /* sleep for 3 secconds */
        Sleep(3 * 1000);

#ifdef USE_MUTEX
    /* release the lock*/
        printf("Release Mutex error in thread %d: error # %d\n", (thread_handle == Handle_Of_Thread_1 ? 1:2),GetLastError());
    if (!ReleaseSemaphore(ghSemaphore,1,NULL) )      
        printf("ReleaseSemaphore error in thread %d: error # %d\n",(thread_handle == Handle_Of_Thread_1 ? 1:2), GetLastError());

    return 0;

DWORD WINAPI Thread_no_1( LPVOID lpParam ) 
    return 0;

DWORD WINAPI Thread_no_2( LPVOID lpParam ) 
    return 0;


虽然互斥量和信号量被用作同步原语,但它们之间有很大的区别。 在互斥锁的情况下,只有锁定或获得互斥锁的线程才能解锁它。 在信号量的情况下,等待信号量的线程可以由另一个线程发出信号。 一些操作系统支持在进程之间使用互斥量和信号量。通常使用是在共享内存中创建的。