除了使用String.replaceAll()方法并逐个替换字母之外,还有更好的方法来摆脱重音并使这些字母规则吗? 例子:
除了使用String.replaceAll()方法并逐个替换字母之外,还有更好的方法来摆脱重音并使这些字母规则吗? 例子:
System.out.println(Normalizer.normalize("àèé", Normalizer.Form.NFD).replaceAll("\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}+", ""));
System.out.println(Normalizer.normalize("àèé", Normalizer.Form.NFD).replaceAll("[^\\p{ASCII}]", ""));
System.out.println(Normalizer.normalize("àèé", Normalizer.Form.NFD).replaceAll("\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}+", ""));
System.out.println(Normalizer.normalize("àèé", Normalizer.Form.NFD).replaceAll("[^\\p{ASCII}]", ""));
从2011年开始,你可以使用Apache Commons stringutils . stripaccent (input)(从3.0开始):
String input = StringUtils.stripAccents("Tĥïŝ ĩš â fůňķŷ Šťŕĭńġ");
// Prints "This is a funky String"
接受的答案(Erick Robertson的)对于Ø或Ł不适用。Apache Commons 3.5也不能用于Ø,但它可以用于Ł。在阅读了维基百科上关于Ø的文章后,我不确定它是否应该被“O”取代:它在挪威语和丹麦语中是一个单独的字母,在“z”之后按字母顺序排列。这是“条形强调”方法局限性的一个很好的例子。
@David Conrad solution is the fastest I tried using the Normalizer, but it does have a bug. It basically strips characters which are not accents, for example Chinese characters and other letters like æ, are all stripped. The characters that we want to strip are non spacing marks, characters which don't take up extra width in the final string. These zero width characters basically end up combined in some other character. If you can see them isolated as a character, for example like this `, my guess is that it's combined with the space character.
public static String flattenToAscii(String string) {
char[] out = new char[string.length()];
String norm = Normalizer.normalize(string, Normalizer.Form.NFD);
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0, n = norm.length(); i < n; ++i) {
char c = norm.charAt(i);
int type = Character.getType(c);
//by Ricardo, modified the character check for accents, ref: http://stackoverflow.com/a/5697575/689223
if (type != Character.NON_SPACING_MARK){
out[j] = c;
//Log.d(TAG,"normalized string:"+norm+"/"+new String(out));
return new String(out);
我也遇到过与字符串相等性检查相关的相同问题,比较字符串中的一个 ASCII字符码128-255。
i.e., Non-breaking space - [Hex - A0] Space [Hex - 20]. To show Non-breaking space over HTML. I have used the following spacing entities. Their character and its bytes are like &emsp is very wide space[ ]{-30, -128, -125}, &ensp is somewhat wide space[ ]{-30, -128, -126}, &thinsp is narrow space[ ]{32} , Non HTML Space {} String s1 = "My Sample Space Data", s2 = "My Sample Space Data"; System.out.format("S1: %s\n", java.util.Arrays.toString(s1.getBytes())); System.out.format("S2: %s\n", java.util.Arrays.toString(s2.getBytes())); Output in Bytes: S1: [77, 121, 32, 83, 97, 109, 112, 108, 101, 32, 83, 112, 97, 99, 101, 32, 68, 97, 116, 97] S2: [77, 121, -30, -128, -125, 83, 97, 109, 112, 108, 101, -30, -128, -125, 83, 112, 97, 99, 101, -30, -128, -125, 68, 97, 116, 97]
对于不同的空格及其字节码使用下面的代码:wiki for List_of_Unicode_characters
String spacing_entities = "very wide space,narrow space,regular space,invisible separator";
System.out.println("Space String :"+ spacing_entities);
byte[] byteArray =
// spacing_entities.getBytes( Charset.forName("UTF-8") );
// Charset.forName("UTF-8").encode( s2 ).array();
{-30, -128, -125, 44, -30, -128, -126, 44, 32, 44, -62, -96};
System.out.println("Bytes:"+ Arrays.toString( byteArray ) );
try {
System.out.format("Bytes to String[%S] \n ", new String(byteArray, "UTF-8"));
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
➩ ASCII transliterations of Unicode string for Java. unidecode String initials = Unidecode.decode( s2 ); ➩ using Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java. String replaceFrom = CharMatcher.WHITESPACE.replaceFrom( s2, " " ); For URL encode for the space use Guava laibrary. String encodedString = UrlEscapers.urlFragmentEscaper().escape(inputString); ➩ To overcome this problem used String.replaceAll() with some RegularExpression. // \p{Z} or \p{Separator}: any kind of whitespace or invisible separator. s2 = s2.replaceAll("\\p{Zs}", " "); s2 = s2.replaceAll("[^\\p{ASCII}]", " "); s2 = s2.replaceAll(" ", " "); ➩ Using java.text.Normalizer.Form. This enum provides constants of the four Unicode normalization forms that are described in Unicode Standard Annex #15 — Unicode Normalization Forms and two methods to access them. s2 = Normalizer.normalize(s2, Normalizer.Form.NFKC);
测试字符串和输出的不同方法,如➩Unidecode, Normalizer, StringUtils。
String strUni = "Tĥïŝ ĩš â fůňķŷ Šťŕĭńġ Æ,Ø,Ð,ß";
// This is a funky String AE,O,D,ss
String initials = Unidecode.decode( strUni );
// Following Produce this o/p: Tĥïŝ ĩš â fůňķŷ Šťŕĭńġ Æ,Ø,Ð,ß
String temp = Normalizer.normalize(strUni, Normalizer.Form.NFD);
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}+");
temp = pattern.matcher(temp).replaceAll("");
String input = org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.stripAccents( strUni );
public static void main(String[] args) {
String s1 = "My Sample Space Data", s2 = "My Sample Space Data";
String initials = Unidecode.decode( s2 );
if( s1.equals(s2)) { //[ , ] %A0 - %2C - %20 « http://www.ascii-code.com/
System.out.println("Equal Unicode Strings");
} else if( s1.equals( initials ) ) {
System.out.println("Equal Non Unicode Strings");
} else {
System.out.println("Not Equal");