




    final int a=in[0]<in[1]?in[0]:in[1];
    final int b=in[0]<in[1]?in[1]:in[0];
for(int x=2;x<10;x+=2)
    final int a=in[x]<in[x+1]?in[x]:in[x+1];
    final int b=in[x]<in[x+1]?in[x+1]:in[x];
    int y= x-1;

        in[y+2]= in[y];
        in[y+1]= in[y];



x86 SSE确实为4个32位整型的向量提供了打包的32位整型的min和max指令。AVX2 (Haswell及后续版本)具有相同的功能,但用于256b的8个整型向量。还有高效的洗牌指令。

如果你有很多独立的小排序,用向量并行地做4到8个排序是可能的。特别是,如果你随机选择元素(所以要排序的数据在内存中不会连续),你可以避免打乱,只需要按照你需要的顺序进行比较。10个寄存器保存来自4个(AVX2: 8) 10个整数列表的所有数据,仍然留下6个reg作为临时空间。

如果还需要对相关数据进行排序,则向量排序网络的效率较低。在这种情况下,最有效的方法似乎是使用wrapped -compare来获得更改元素的掩码,并使用该掩码来混合相关数据的(引用)向量。



As a software and hardware engineer this absolutely screams FPGA to me. I don't know what kind of conclusions you need to draw from the sorted set of numbers or where the data comes from, but I know it would be almost trivial to process somewhere between one hundred million and a billion of these "sort-and-analyze" operations per second. I've done FPGA-assisted DNA sequencing work in the past. It is nearly impossible to beat the massive processing power of FPGAs when the problem is well suited for that type of a solution.


As a point of reference, I designed a high performance real-time image processor that received 32 bit RGB image data at a rate of about 300 million pixels per second. The data streamed through FIR filters, matrix multipliers, lookup tables, spatial edge detection blocks and a number of other operations before coming out the other end. All of this on a relatively small Xilinx Virtex2 FPGA with internal clocking spanning from about 33 MHz to, if I remember correctly, 400 MHz. Oh, yes, it also had a DDR2 controller implementation and ran two banks of DDR2 memory.






template<class IterType> 
inline void sort10_iterator(IterType it) 
#define SORT2(x,y) {if(data##x>data##y)std::swap(data##x,data##y);}
#define DD1(a)   auto data##a=*(data+a);
#define DD2(a,b) auto data##a=*(data+a), data##b=*(data+b);
#define CB1(a)   *(data+a)=data##a;
#define CB2(a,b) *(data+a)=data##a;*(data+b)=data##b;
  DD2(1,4) SORT2(1,4) DD2(7,8) SORT2(7,8) DD2(2,3) SORT2(2,3) DD2(5,6) SORT2(5,6) DD2(0,9) SORT2(0,9) 
  SORT2(2,5) SORT2(0,7) SORT2(8,9) SORT2(3,6) 
  SORT2(4,9) SORT2(0,1) 
  SORT2(0,2) CB1(0) SORT2(6,9) CB1(9) SORT2(3,5) SORT2(4,7) SORT2(1,8) 
  SORT2(3,4) SORT2(5,8) SORT2(6,7) SORT2(1,2) 
  SORT2(7,8) CB1(8) SORT2(1,3) CB1(1) SORT2(2,5) SORT2(4,6) 
  SORT2(2,3) CB1(2) SORT2(6,7) CB1(7) SORT2(4,5) 
  SORT2(3,4) CB2(3,4) SORT2(5,6) CB2(5,6) 
#undef CB1
#undef CB2
#undef DD1
#undef DD2
#undef SORT2




 * A Functor class to create a sort for fixed sized arrays/containers with a
 * compile time generated Bose-Nelson sorting network.
 * \tparam NumElements  The number of elements in the array or container to sort.
 * \tparam T            The element type.
 * \tparam Compare      A comparator functor class that returns true if lhs < rhs.
template <unsigned NumElements, class Compare = void> class StaticSort
    template <class A, class C> struct Swap
        template <class T> inline void s(T &v0, T &v1)
            T t = Compare()(v0, v1) ? v0 : v1; // Min
            v1 = Compare()(v0, v1) ? v1 : v0; // Max
            v0 = t;

        inline Swap(A &a, const int &i0, const int &i1) { s(a[i0], a[i1]); }

    template <class A> struct Swap <A, void>
        template <class T> inline void s(T &v0, T &v1)
            // Explicitly code out the Min and Max to nudge the compiler
            // to generate branchless code.
            T t = v0 < v1 ? v0 : v1; // Min
            v1 = v0 < v1 ? v1 : v0; // Max
            v0 = t;

        inline Swap(A &a, const int &i0, const int &i1) { s(a[i0], a[i1]); }

    template <class A, class C, int I, int J, int X, int Y> struct PB
        inline PB(A &a)
            enum { L = X >> 1, M = (X & 1 ? Y : Y + 1) >> 1, IAddL = I + L, XSubL = X - L };
            PB<A, C, I, J, L, M> p0(a);
            PB<A, C, IAddL, J + M, XSubL, Y - M> p1(a);
            PB<A, C, IAddL, J, XSubL, M> p2(a);

    template <class A, class C, int I, int J> struct PB <A, C, I, J, 1, 1>
        inline PB(A &a) { Swap<A, C> s(a, I - 1, J - 1); }

    template <class A, class C, int I, int J> struct PB <A, C, I, J, 1, 2>
        inline PB(A &a) { Swap<A, C> s0(a, I - 1, J); Swap<A, C> s1(a, I - 1, J - 1); }

    template <class A, class C, int I, int J> struct PB <A, C, I, J, 2, 1>
        inline PB(A &a) { Swap<A, C> s0(a, I - 1, J - 1); Swap<A, C> s1(a, I, J - 1); }

    template <class A, class C, int I, int M, bool Stop = false> struct PS
        inline PS(A &a)
            enum { L = M >> 1, IAddL = I + L, MSubL = M - L};
            PS<A, C, I, L, (L <= 1)> ps0(a);
            PS<A, C, IAddL, MSubL, (MSubL <= 1)> ps1(a);
            PB<A, C, I, IAddL, L, MSubL> pb(a);

    template <class A, class C, int I, int M> struct PS <A, C, I, M, true>
        inline PS(A &a) {}

     * Sorts the array/container arr.
     * \param  arr  The array/container to be sorted.
    template <class Container> inline void operator() (Container &arr) const
        PS<Container, Compare, 1, NumElements, (NumElements <= 1)> ps(arr);

     * Sorts the array arr.
     * \param  arr  The array to be sorted.
    template <class T> inline void operator() (T *arr) const
        PS<T*, Compare, 1, NumElements, (NumElements <= 1)> ps(arr);

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
    enum { NumValues = 10 };

    // Arrays
        int rands[NumValues];
        for (int i = 0; i < NumValues; ++i) rands[i] = rand() % 100;
        std::cout << "Before Sort: \t";
        for (int i = 0; i < NumValues; ++i) std::cout << rands[i] << " ";
        std::cout << "\n";
        StaticSort<NumValues> staticSort;
        std::cout << "After Sort: \t";
        for (int i = 0; i < NumValues; ++i) std::cout << rands[i] << " ";
        std::cout << "\n";

    std::cout << "\n";

    // STL Vector
        std::vector<int> rands(NumValues);
        for (int i = 0; i < NumValues; ++i) rands[i] = rand() % 100;
        std::cout << "Before Sort: \t";
        for (int i = 0; i < NumValues; ++i) std::cout << rands[i] << " ";
        std::cout << "\n";
        StaticSort<NumValues> staticSort;
        std::cout << "After Sort: \t";
        for (int i = 0; i < NumValues; ++i) std::cout << rands[i] << " ";
        std::cout << "\n";

    return 0;

注意,我们没有使用if (compare)交换语句,而是显式地为min和max编写了三元运算符。这有助于推动编译器使用无分支代码。

# #基准

下面的基准测试是用clang -O3编译的,并在我2012年年中的MacBook Air上运行。



硬编码排序网络10:88.774毫秒 模板化玻色-纳尔逊排序10:27.815毫秒






最快的固定长度6 int数组排序

Direct call to qsort library function       : 326.81
Naive implementation (insertion sort)       : 132.98
Insertion Sort (Daniel Stutzbach)           : 104.04
Insertion Sort Unrolled                     : 99.64
Insertion Sort Unrolled (Glenn Teitelbaum)  : 81.55
Rank Order                                  : 44.01
Rank Order with registers                   : 42.40
Sorting Networks (Daniel Stutzbach)         : 88.06
Sorting Networks (Paul R)                   : 31.64
Sorting Networks 12 with Fast Swap          : 29.68
Sorting Networks 12 reordered Swap          : 28.61
Reordered Sorting Network w/ fast swap      : 24.63
Templated Sorting Network (this class)      : 25.37



通常,输入数组可能已经排序或基本排序。 在这种情况下,插入排序可能是更好的选择。





function sortNet10(data) { // ten-input sorting network by Waksman, 1969 var swap; if (data[0] > data[5]) { swap = data[0]; data[0] = data[5]; data[5] = swap; } if (data[1] > data[6]) { swap = data[1]; data[1] = data[6]; data[6] = swap; } if (data[2] > data[7]) { swap = data[2]; data[2] = data[7]; data[7] = swap; } if (data[3] > data[8]) { swap = data[3]; data[3] = data[8]; data[8] = swap; } if (data[4] > data[9]) { swap = data[4]; data[4] = data[9]; data[9] = swap; } if (data[0] > data[3]) { swap = data[0]; data[0] = data[3]; data[3] = swap; } if (data[5] > data[8]) { swap = data[5]; data[5] = data[8]; data[8] = swap; } if (data[1] > data[4]) { swap = data[1]; data[1] = data[4]; data[4] = swap; } if (data[6] > data[9]) { swap = data[6]; data[6] = data[9]; data[9] = swap; } if (data[0] > data[2]) { swap = data[0]; data[0] = data[2]; data[2] = swap; } if (data[3] > data[6]) { swap = data[3]; data[3] = data[6]; data[6] = swap; } if (data[7] > data[9]) { swap = data[7]; data[7] = data[9]; data[9] = swap; } if (data[0] > data[1]) { swap = data[0]; data[0] = data[1]; data[1] = swap; } if (data[2] > data[4]) { swap = data[2]; data[2] = data[4]; data[4] = swap; } if (data[5] > data[7]) { swap = data[5]; data[5] = data[7]; data[7] = swap; } if (data[8] > data[9]) { swap = data[8]; data[8] = data[9]; data[9] = swap; } if (data[1] > data[2]) { swap = data[1]; data[1] = data[2]; data[2] = swap; } if (data[3] > data[5]) { swap = data[3]; data[3] = data[5]; data[5] = swap; } if (data[4] > data[6]) { swap = data[4]; data[4] = data[6]; data[6] = swap; } if (data[7] > data[8]) { swap = data[7]; data[7] = data[8]; data[8] = swap; } if (data[1] > data[3]) { swap = data[1]; data[1] = data[3]; data[3] = swap; } if (data[4] > data[7]) { swap = data[4]; data[4] = data[7]; data[7] = swap; } if (data[2] > data[5]) { swap = data[2]; data[2] = data[5]; data[5] = swap; } if (data[6] > data[8]) { swap = data[6]; data[6] = data[8]; data[8] = swap; } if (data[2] > data[3]) { swap = data[2]; data[2] = data[3]; data[3] = swap; } if (data[4] > data[5]) { swap = data[4]; data[4] = data[5]; data[5] = swap; } if (data[6] > data[7]) { swap = data[6]; data[6] = data[7]; data[7] = swap; } if (data[3] > data[4]) { swap = data[3]; data[3] = data[4]; data[4] = swap; } if (data[5] > data[6]) { swap = data[5]; data[5] = data[6]; data[6] = swap; } return(data); } document.write(sortNet10([5,7,1,8,4,3,6,9,2,0]));


为了利用并行处理的优势,可以将5-4-3-3 - 4-4-2 -3-2分组改为4-4-4-2 -4-4-3-2分组。