

在使用web服务时,我经常使用它。代理模式可能应该重命名为更实用的东西,比如“包装器模式”。我也有一个库,是一个代理到MS Excel。它使自动化Excel变得非常容易,而不必担心背景细节,如安装了什么版本(如果有的话)。



代理将访问从外部封装到内部。 装饰器用外部修改或扩展内部的行为。 适配器转换接口从内部到外部。 桥将行为的不变部分(外部)与变量或平台依赖部分(内部)分开。


在代理接口中是相同的。 在Decorator接口中是相同的。 在适配器接口形式上不同,但实现相同的目的。 桥接接口在概念上是不同的。


Proxy could be used when you want to lazy-instantiate an object, or hide the fact that you're calling a remote service, or control access to the object. Decorator is also called "Smart Proxy." This is used when you want to add functionality to an object, but not by extending that object's type. This allows you to do so at runtime. Adapter is used when you have an abstract interface, and you want to map that interface to another object which has similar functional role, but a different interface. Bridge is very similar to Adapter, but we call it Bridge when you define both the abstract interface and the underlying implementation. I.e. you're not adapting to some legacy or third-party code, you're the designer of all the code but you need to be able to swap out different implementations. Facade is a higher-level (read: simpler) interface to a subsystem of one or more classes. Suppose you have a complex concept that requires multiple objects to represent. Making changes to that set of objects is confusing, because you don't always know which object has the method you need to call. That's the time to write a Facade that provides high-level methods for all the complex operations you can do to the collection of objects. Example: a Domain Model for a school section, with methods like countStudents(), reportAttendance(), assignSubstituteTeacher(), and so on.

这是引用自 头部优先的设计模式


装饰器——不改变界面,但增加了责任。假设你有一个汽车界面, 当您为不同型号的汽车(s, sv, sl)实现此功能时,您可能需要为某些型号添加更多的职责。比如有天窗,安全气囊等。


Facade -使界面更简单。假设你有汽车、飞机、轮船接口。实际上,你所需要的只是一个将人从一个位置发送到另一个位置的类。你想让门面决定用什么车。然后将所有这些接口引用收集到一个保护伞下,并让它决定/委托以保持简单。

首先:“facade不仅简化了接口,还将客户端与子系统解耦 的组件。 外观和适配器可以包装多个类,但是外观的目的是简化 适配器的作用是将接口转换为不同的东西。”

它们非常相似,而且它们之间的线条是灰色的。我建议您阅读c2 wiki中的代理模式和装饰器模式条目。

那里的条目和讨论相当广泛,也链接到其他相关文章。顺便说一下,c2 wiki在了解不同模式之间的细微差别时非常有用。




Proxy and Decorator both have the same interface as their wrapped types, but the proxy creates an instance under the hood, whereas the decorator takes an instance in the constructor. Adapter and Facade both have a different interface than what they wrap. But the adapter derives from an existing interface, whereas the facade creates a new interface. Bridge and Adapter both point at an existing type. But the bridge will point at an abstract type, and the adapter might point to a concrete type. The bridge will allow you to pair the implementation at runtime, whereas the adapter usually won't.