


At the moment I plan to use the MySQLi features in PHP5. However how should I setup the databases in relation to users and content? Do I actually need multiple databases? At the moment everything's jumbled into one database - although I've been considering spreading user data to one, actual content to another and finally core site content (template masters etc.) to another. My reasoning behind this is that sending queries to different databases will ease up the load on them as one database = 3 load sources. Also would this still be effective if they were all on the same server?









Cache, cache, cache. Caching is one of the simplest and most effective ways to reduce load on your webserver and database. Cache page content, queries, expensive computation, anything that is I/O bound. Memcache is dead simple and effective. Use multiple servers once you are maxed out. You can have multiple web servers and multiple database servers (with replication). Reduce overall # of request to your webservers. This entails caching JS, CSS and images using expires headers. You can also move your static content to a CDN, which will speed up your user's experience. Measure & benchmark. Run Nagios on your production machines and load test on your dev/qa server. You need to know when your server will catch on fire so you can prevent it.


看看我关于可伸缩性的博客文章,它有很多关于多种语言和平台可伸缩性的演示文稿的链接: http://www.ryandoherty.net/2008/07/13/unicorns-and-scalability/



在开始看到真实世界的负载之前,不要尝试优化。你可能猜对了,但如果你猜错了,那你就是在浪费时间。 使用jmeter、xdebug或其他工具对站点进行基准测试。 如果加载开始成为一个问题,对象或数据缓存都可能涉及到,所以通常阅读缓存选项(memcached, MySQL缓存选项)




Use MYSQLi if portability to other databases is not vital, PDO otherwise If benchmarks reveal the database is the issue, check the queries before you start caching. Use EXPLAIN to see where your queries are slowing down. After the queries are optimized and the database is cached in some way, you may want to use multiple databases. Either replicating to multiple servers or sharding (splitting the data over multiple databases/servers) may be appropriate, depending on the data, the queries, and the kind of read/write behavior.


Plenty of writing has been done on caching code, objects, and data. Look up articles on APC, Zend Optimizer, memcached, QuickCache, JPCache. Do some of this before you really need to, and you'll be less concerned about starting off unoptimized. APC and Zend Optimizer are opcode caches, they speed up PHP code by avoiding reparsing and recompilation of code. Generally simple to install, worth doing early. Memcached is a generic cache, that you can use to cache queries, PHP functions or objects, or entire pages. Code must be specifically written to use it, which can be an involved process if there are no central points to handle creation, update and deletion of cached objects. QuickCache and JPCache are file caches, otherwise similar to Memcached. The basic concept is simple, but also requires code and is easier with central points of creation, update and deletion.


考虑高负载的替代web服务器。像lighthttp和nginx这样的服务器可以用比Apache少得多的内存处理大量流量,如果你可以牺牲Apache的强大功能和灵活性(或者如果你不需要这些东西,通常情况下,你不需要)。 请记住,现在的硬件非常便宜,所以一定要花费精力来优化一大块代码,而不是“让我们购买一个巨型服务器”。 考虑将“MySQL”和“scaling”标签添加到这个问题中






The MySQL Improved Extension - mysqli - is the flagship. It supports all features of the MySQL Server including Charsets, Prepared Statements and Stored Procedures. The driver offers a hybrid API: you can use a procedural or object-oriented programming style based on your preference. mysqli comes with PHP 5 and up. Note that the End of life for PHP 4 is 2008-08-08. The PHP Data Objects (PDO) are a database access abstraction layer. PDO allows you to use the same API calls for various databases. PDO does not offer any degree of SQL abstraction. PDO_MYSQL is a MySQL driver for PDO. PDO_MYSQL comes with PHP 5. As of PHP 5.3 MySQL developers actively contribute to it. The PDO benefit of a unified API comes at the price that MySQL specific features, for example multiple statements, are not fully supported through the unified API. Please stop using the first MySQL driver for PHP ever published: ext/mysql. Since the introduction of the MySQL Improved Extension - mysqli - in 2004 with PHP 5 there is no reason to still use the oldest driver around. ext/mysql does not support Charsets, Prepared Statements and Stored Procedures. It is limited to the feature set of MySQL 4.0. Note that the Extended Support for MySQL 4.0 ends at 2008-12-31. Don't limit yourself to the feature set of such old software! Upgrade to mysqli, see also Converting_to_MySQLi. mysql is in maintenance only mode from our point of view.

对我来说,这篇文章似乎偏向MySQLi。我想我偏向于PDO。 我真的很喜欢PDO胜过MySQLi。这对我来说很简单。这个API更接近于我编写的其他语言。OO数据库接口似乎工作得更好。



模式 首先,去规范化您的模式。这意味着您不应该使用多个关系表,而应该选择使用一个大表。通常,连接会浪费宝贵的DB资源,因为多次准备和排序会消耗磁盘I/O。尽量避免使用。


索引 确保您的查询使用了至少一个索引。但是要注意的是,如果频繁地编写或更新索引将会使您付出代价。有一些实验性的技巧可以避免这种情况。



缓存 我强烈推荐Memcached。它已经被PHP堆栈上最大的玩家(Facebook)证明了,而且非常灵活。有两种方法可以做到这一点,一种是在数据库层缓存,另一种是在业务逻辑层缓存。



数据分片 复制只能让你到此为止。很快,写操作就会成为瓶颈。为了弥补这一点,请确保尽早支持数据分片。如果你不这样做,以后你可能会想开枪自杀。



离线处理 不要让用户等待你的后端,如果他们没有必要的话。构建一个作业队列,并将任何处理移至脱机状态,将其与用户的请求分开。