I don't know if I just have some kind of blind spot or what, but I've read the OAuth 2 spec many times over and perused the mailing list archives, and I have yet to find a good explanation of why the Implicit Grant flow for obtaining access tokens has been developed. Compared to the Authorization Code Grant, it seems to just give up on client authentication for no very compelling reason. How is this "optimized for clients implemented in a browser using a scripting language" (to quote the specification)?


客户端通过将资源所有者的用户代理定向到授权端点来启动流。 授权服务器对资源所有者进行身份验证(通过用户代理),并确定资源所有者是否授予或拒绝客户端的访问请求。 假设资源所有者授予访问权限,授权服务器使用前面提供的重定向URI(在请求中或在客户端注册期间)将用户代理重定向回客户端。

重定向URI包括一个授权代码(授权代码流) 重定向URI在URI片段中包含访问令牌(隐式流)


In the Authorization code flow, when the user agent hits that endpoint with the Authorization code in the URI, code at that endpoint exchanges the authorization code along with its client credentials for an access token which it can then use as needed. It could, for example, write it into a web page that a script on the page could access. The Implicit flow skips this client authentication step altogether and just loads up a web page with client script. There's a cute trick here with the URL fragment that keeps the access token from being passed around too much, but the end result is essentially the same: the client-hosted site serves up a page with some script in it that can grab the access token.



我想Will Cain回答了这个问题,他说:“出于同样的原因,客户凭证没有任何好处。(任何客户端都可以尝试使用这个流程。)”还要考虑隐式流的redirect_uri可能是“localhost”——没有从授权服务器对隐式流进行回调。由于无法预先信任客户端,用户必须批准用户声明的发布。






In the case of decoupled user-agent and client the Authorization Code Grant makes sense. E.g. the user uses a web-browser (user-agent) to login with his Facebook account on Kickstarter. In this case the client is one of the Kickstarter's servers, which handles the user logins. This server gets the access token and the refresh token from Facebook. Thus this type of client considered to be "secure", due to restricted access, the tokens can be saved and Kickstarter can access the users' resources and even refresh the access tokens without user interaction.

If the user-agent and the client are coupled (e.g. native mobile application, javascript application), the Implicit Authorization Workflow may be applied. It relies on the presence of the resource owner (for entering the credentials) and does not support refresh tokens. If this client stores the access token for later use, it will be a security issue, because the token can be easily extracted by other applications or users of the client. The absence of the refresh token is an additional hint, that this method is not designed for accessing the user resources in the absence of the user.



But -- and this is a point that's easy to miss -- the security of the Authorization code flow works only if the web server is protected with a session, which is established with user authentication (login). Without a session, an untrusted user could just make requests to the web server, using the client_id, and it would be the same as if the user had the access token. Adding a session means that only an authenticated user can access the protected resources. The client_id is just the "identity" of the JS webapp, not authentication of said webapp.



*EDIT: More recently, people are recommending that you avoid using the Implicit grant, even on web apps without a server. Instead you can use the Authorization Code grant configured with an empty secret, along with PKCE. The auth-code grant avoids storing the access token in your browser history, and PKCE avoids exposing it if someone hijacks the redirect URL to steal the auth code. In this case you would need the server to avoid returning a refresh token, since your client probably can't store it securely. And it should issue an access token with the same limitations mentioned above.

我刚刚看到一些关于OAuth 2.0的文章。作者指出隐式流背后的原因是JS应用程序在那里的请求非常有限:

如果您想知道为什么隐式类型包含在OAuth 2.0中,那么 解释很简单:同源策略。那时,正面 应用程序不允许向不同的主机发送请求 使用代码获取访问令牌。今天我们有CORS (Cross-Origin) 资源共享)。






然而,这对安全的影响是重大的。从https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6749 #节- 10.3:

当使用隐式授权类型时,访问令牌将在中传输 URI片段,这可能会将其暴露给未经授权的一方。

从https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6749 #节- 10.16:

资源所有者可以自愿将对资源的访问委托给 向攻击者的恶意客户端授予访问令牌。这可能 可能是因为网络钓鱼或其他借口…