I don't know if I just have some kind of blind spot or what, but I've read the OAuth 2 spec many times over and perused the mailing list archives, and I have yet to find a good explanation of why the Implicit Grant flow for obtaining access tokens has been developed. Compared to the Authorization Code Grant, it seems to just give up on client authentication for no very compelling reason. How is this "optimized for clients implemented in a browser using a scripting language" (to quote the specification)?
In the Authorization code flow, when the user agent hits that endpoint with the Authorization code in the URI, code at that endpoint exchanges the authorization code along with its client credentials for an access token which it can then use as needed. It could, for example, write it into a web page that a script on the page could access.
The Implicit flow skips this client authentication step altogether and just loads up a web page with client script. There's a cute trick here with the URL fragment that keeps the access token from being passed around too much, but the end result is essentially the same: the client-hosted site serves up a page with some script in it that can grab the access token.
But -- and this is a point that's easy to miss -- the security of the Authorization code flow works only if the web server is protected with a session, which is established with user authentication (login). Without a session, an untrusted user could just make requests to the web server, using the client_id, and it would be the same as if the user had the access token. Adding a session means that only an authenticated user can access the protected resources. The client_id is just the "identity" of the JS webapp, not authentication of said webapp.
*EDIT: More recently, people are recommending that you avoid using the Implicit grant, even on web apps without a server. Instead you can use the Authorization Code grant configured with an empty secret, along with PKCE. The auth-code grant avoids storing the access token in your browser history, and PKCE avoids exposing it if someone hijacks the redirect URL to steal the auth code. In this case you would need the server to avoid returning a refresh token, since your client probably can't store it securely. And it should issue an access token with the same limitations mentioned above.
然而,这对安全的影响是重大的。从https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6749 #节- 10.3:
从https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6749 #节- 10.16:
虽然隐式授权的设计是为了支持不能保护客户端机密的应用程序,包括客户端JavaScript应用程序,但一些提供商正在实现一种替代方案,使用没有客户端机密的授权代码。OAuth 2.0 IETF RFC-6749于2012年发布,目前的建议是2017年的一些最新讨论。
关于IETF OAuth邮件列表的2017年讨论可从以下实现者获得:
智能健康IT: https://www.ietf.org/.../oauth/current/msg16967.html
Implicit was previously recommended for clients without a secret, but has been superseded by using the Authorization Code grant with no secret.
Previously, it was recommended that browser-based apps use the "Implicit" flow, which returns an access token immediately and does not have a token exchange step. In the time since the spec was originally written, the industry best practice has changed to recommend that the authorization code flow be used without the client secret. This provides more opportunities to create a secure flow, such as using the state parameter. References: Redhat, Deutsche Telekom, Smart Health IT.
But -- and this is a point that's easy to miss -- the security of the Authorization code flow works only if the web server is protected with a session, which is established with user authentication (login). Without a session, an untrusted user could just make requests to the web server, using the client_id, and it would be the same as if the user had the access token. Adding a session means that only an authenticated user can access the protected resources. The client_id is just the "identity" of the JS webapp, not authentication of said webapp.
*EDIT: More recently, people are recommending that you avoid using the Implicit grant, even on web apps without a server. Instead you can use the Authorization Code grant configured with an empty secret, along with PKCE. The auth-code grant avoids storing the access token in your browser history, and PKCE avoids exposing it if someone hijacks the redirect URL to steal the auth code. In this case you would need the server to avoid returning a refresh token, since your client probably can't store it securely. And it should issue an access token with the same limitations mentioned above.