The are not invertible: given a point on the plot space, you can not uniquely map it back to a point in the data space. They are relatively hard to read correctly compared to other options. See A Study on Dual-Scale Data Charts by Petra Isenberg, Anastasia Bezerianos, Pierre Dragicevic, and Jean-Daniel Fekete for details. They are easily manipulated to mislead: there is no unique way to specify the relative scales of the axes, leaving them open to manipulation. Two examples from the Junkcharts blog: one, two They are arbitrary: why have only 2 scales, not 3, 4 or ten?
你也可能想要阅读Stephen Few关于双缩放轴在图形中的主题的冗长讨论,它们是最好的解决方案吗?
从ggplot2 2.2.0开始,您可以添加如下的辅助轴(取自ggplot2 2.2.0公告):
ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy)) +
geom_point() +
"mpg (US)",
sec.axis = sec_axis(~ . * 1.20, name = "mpg (UK)")
以下内容结合了Dag Hjermann的基本数据和编程,改进了user4786271创建“转换函数”的策略,以优化组合图和数据轴,并响应了浸信会的提示,这样的函数可以在R中创建。
#Climatogram for Oslo (1961-1990)
climate <- tibble(
Month = 1:12,
Temp = c(-4,-4,0,5,11,15,16,15,11,6,1,-3),
Precip = c(49,36,47,41,53,65,81,89,90,84,73,55))
#y1 identifies the position, relative to the y1 axis,
#the locations of the minimum and maximum of the y2 graph.
#Usually this will be the min and max of y1.
#y1<-(c(max(climate$Precip), 0))
#y1<-(c(150, 55))
y1<-(c(max(climate$Precip), min(climate$Precip)))
#y2 is the Minimum and maximum of the secondary axis data.
y2<-(c(max(climate$Temp), min(climate$Temp)))
#axis combines y1 and y2 into a dataframe used for regressions.
#Regression of Temperature to Precipitation:
T2P<-lm(formula = y1 ~ y2, data = axis)
T2P_summary <- summary(lm(formula = y1 ~ y2, data = axis))
#Identifies the intercept and slope of regressing Temperature to Precipitation:
T2PInt<-T2P_summary$coefficients[1, 1]
T2PSlope<-T2P_summary$coefficients[2, 1]
#Regression of Precipitation to Temperature:
P2T<-lm(formula = y2 ~ y1, data = axis)
P2T_summary <- summary(lm(formula = y2 ~ y1, data = axis))
#Identifies the intercept and slope of regressing Precipitation to Temperature:
P2TInt<-P2T_summary$coefficients[1, 1]
P2TSlope<-P2T_summary$coefficients[2, 1]
#Create Plot:
ggplot(climate, aes(Month, Precip)) +
geom_col() +
geom_line(aes(y = T2PSlope*Temp + T2PInt), color = "red") +
scale_y_continuous("Precipitation", sec.axis = sec_axis(~.*P2TSlope + P2TInt, name = "Temperature")) +
scale_x_continuous("Month", breaks = 1:12) +
theme(axis.line.y.right = element_line(color = "red"),
axis.ticks.y.right = element_line(color = "red"),
axis.text.y.right = element_text(color = "red"),
axis.title.y.right = element_text(color = "red")) +
ggtitle("Climatogram for Oslo (1961-1990)")
Most noteworthy is that a new "transformation function" works better with just two data points from the data set of each axes—usually the maximum and minimum values of each set. The resulting slopes and intercepts of the two regressions enable ggplot2 to exactly pair the plots of the minimums and maximums of each axis. As user4786271 pointed out, the two regressions transform each data set and plot to the other. One transforms the break points of the first y axis to the values of the second y axis. The second transforms the data of the secondary y axis to be "normalized" according to the first y axis. The following output shows how the axis align the minimums and maximums of each dataset:
从:y1<-(c(max(气候$ precp), min(气候$ precp)))
到:y1<-(c(max(气候$ precp), 0))
以上可能不是理想的输出;然而,这是一个例子,说明了如何容易地操纵图形,并且在图和轴之间仍然有正确的关系。 Dag Hjermann的主题的结合提高了与情节对应的轴的识别。
一个函数进行正向转换:将辅助数据转换为主要尺度。 第二个函数进行反向转换:将主要单位中的数据转换为次要单位。
# Function factory for secondary axis transforms
train_sec <- function(primary, secondary, na.rm = TRUE) {
# Thanks Henry Holm for including the na.rm argument!
from <- range(secondary, na.rm = na.rm)
to <- range(primary, na.rm = na.rm)
# Forward transform for the data
forward <- function(x) {
rescale(x, from = from, to = to)
# Reverse transform for the secondary axis
reverse <- function(x) {
rescale(x, from = to, to = from)
list(fwd = forward, rev = reverse)
sec <- with(economics, train_sec(unemploy, psavert))
然后我们使用y = sec$fwd(psavert)将辅助数据重新缩放到主轴,并指定~ sec$rev(.)作为辅助轴的转换参数。这给了我们一个主要范围和次要范围在图上占据相同空间的图。
ggplot(economics, aes(date)) +
geom_line(aes(y = unemploy), colour = "blue") +
geom_line(aes(y = sec$fwd(psavert)), colour = "red") +
scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(~sec$rev(.), name = "psavert"))
# Rescaling the maximum
sec <- with(economics, train_sec(c(0, max(unemploy)),
c(0, max(psavert))))
ggplot(economics, aes(date)) +
geom_line(aes(y = unemploy), colour = "blue") +
geom_line(aes(y = sec$fwd(psavert)), colour = "red") +
scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(~sec$rev(.), name = "psavert"))
The are not invertible: given a point on the plot space, you can not uniquely map it back to a point in the data space. They are relatively hard to read correctly compared to other options. See A Study on Dual-Scale Data Charts by Petra Isenberg, Anastasia Bezerianos, Pierre Dragicevic, and Jean-Daniel Fekete for details. They are easily manipulated to mislead: there is no unique way to specify the relative scales of the axes, leaving them open to manipulation. Two examples from the Junkcharts blog: one, two They are arbitrary: why have only 2 scales, not 3, 4 or ten?
你也可能想要阅读Stephen Few关于双缩放轴在图形中的主题的冗长讨论,它们是最好的解决方案吗?
climate <- tibble(
Month = 1:12,
Temp = c(-4,-4,0,5,11,15,16,15,11,6,1,-3),
Precip = c(49,36,47,41,53,65,81,89,90,84,73,55)
#Set the limits of each axis manually:
ylim.prim <- c(0, 180) # in this example, precipitation
ylim.sec <- c(-4, 18) # in this example, temperature
b <- diff(ylim.sec)/diff(ylim.prim)
#If all values are the same this messes up the transformation, so we need to modify it here
ylim.sec <- c(ylim.sec[1]-1, ylim.sec[2]+1)
b <- diff(ylim.sec)/diff(ylim.prim)
if (is.na(b)){
ylim.prim <- c(ylim.prim[1]-1, ylim.prim[2]+1)
b <- diff(ylim.sec)/diff(ylim.prim)
ggplot(climate, aes(Month, Precip)) +
geom_col() +
geom_line(aes(y = ylim.prim[1]+(Temp-ylim.sec[1])/b), color = "red") +
scale_y_continuous("Precipitation", sec.axis = sec_axis(~((.-ylim.prim[1]) *b + ylim.sec[1]), name = "Temperature"), limits = ylim.prim) +
scale_x_continuous("Month", breaks = 1:12) +
ggtitle("Climatogram for Oslo (1961-1990)")
这里的关键部分是,我们用~((.-ylim.prim[1]) *b + ylim.sec[1])转换次要y轴,然后对实际值y = ylim.prim[1]+(Temp-ylim.sec[1])/b)应用逆。我们还应该确保limits = ylim.prim。