我们在Team Foundation Server (TFS)中有一个项目,其中有一个非英语字符(š)。当尝试编写一些与构建相关的脚本时,我们偶然发现了一个问题——我们不能将这个字母传递给命令行工具。命令提示符或其他东西会把它弄乱,tf.exe实用程序无法找到指定的项目。

我尝试了不同格式的.bat文件(ANSI, UTF-8,带BOM和不带BOM),以及用JavaScript编写脚本(本质上是Unicode) -但运气不好。如何执行程序并传递一个Unicode命令行?



chcp 65001



把代码页改成1252对我有用。我遇到的问题是,Windows Server 2008上的DOS正在将符号double doller§转换为另一个符号。

在我的BCP声明^§中,我使用了CHCP 1252和它之前的一个帽。

从2019年6月开始,使用Windows 10,你将不必更改代码页。

参见“介绍Windows终端”(来自Kayla Cinnamon)和Microsoft/Terminal。 通过使用Consolas字体,将提供部分Unicode支持。

如Microsoft/Terminal issue 387中所述:

There are 87,887 ideographs currently in Unicode. You need all of them too? We need a boundary, and characters beyond that boundary should be handled by font fallback / font linking / whatever. What Consolas should cover: Characters that used as symbols that used by modern OSS programs in CLI. These characters should follow Consolas' design and metrics, and properly aligned with existing Consolas characters. What Consolas should NOT cover: Characters and punctuation of scripts that beyond Latin, Greek and Cyrillic, especially characters need complex shaping (like Arabic). These characters should be handled with font fallback.


由于我还没有看到Python 2.7的完整答案,我将概述两个重要步骤和一个非常有用的可选步骤。

You need a font with Unicode support. Windows comes with Lucida Console which may be selected by right-clicking the title bar of command prompt and clicking the Defaults option. This also gives access to colours. Note that you can also change settings for command windows invoked in certain ways (e.g, open here, Visual Studio) by choosing Properties instead. You need to set the code page to cp65001, which appears to be Microsoft's attempt to offer UTF-7 and UTF-8 support to command prompt. Do this by running chcp 65001 in command prompt. Once set, it remains this way until the window is closed. You'll need to redo this every time you launch cmd.exe.

要获得更永久的解决方案,请参考超级用户上的答案。简而言之,在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor中使用regedit创建一个REG_SZ (String)条目,并将其命名为AutoRun。将其值修改为chcp 65001。如果不想看到命令的输出消息,请使用@chcp 65001>nul。


我发现这个方法在新版本的Windows 10中很有用:

打开此功能:"Beta版:使用Unicode UTF-8支持全球语言"

控制面板->区域设置->管理选项卡->更改 系统区域设置…