Java 8允许在称为default methods的接口中默认实现方法。
Java 8允许在称为default methods的接口中默认实现方法。
问自己几个问题: 为什么不能把方法放到抽象类中?那么您是否需要多个抽象类呢?然后想想你的类负责什么。您确定要放入单个类中的所有方法都实现了相同的目的吗?可能你会区分几个目的,然后将你的类分成几个类,每个目的有自己的类。
Default methods have put an end to classic pattern of interface and a companion class that implements most or all of the methods in that interface. An example is Collection and AbstractCollection. Now we should implement the methods in the interface itself to provide default functionality. The classes which implement the interface has choice to override the methods or inherit the default implementation. Another important use of default methods is interface evolution. Suppose I had a class Ball as: public class Ball implements Collection { ... }
现在在Java 8中引入了一个新特性流。我们可以通过使用添加到接口的stream方法来获取流。如果stream不是默认方法,那么Collection接口的所有实现都将中断,因为它们不会实现这个新方法。向接口添加非默认方法与源不兼容。
Java 9甚至在接口中提供了私有方法,可以用来封装提供默认实现的接口方法中使用的公共代码逻辑。
抽象类比默认方法实现(如私有状态)要多得多,但从Java 8开始,无论何时您可以选择其中任何一种,都应该选择防御器(也就是私有状态)。默认)方法。
向Java 8引入默认方法的最初动机是希望在不破坏任何现有实现的情况下,使用面向lambda的方法扩展集合框架接口。虽然这与公共图书馆的作者更相关,但您可能会发现相同的特性在您的项目中也很有用。您有一个集中的地方可以添加新的便利,而不必依赖于类型层次结构的其余部分。
abstract class: Inside abstract class we can declare instance variables, which are required to the child class Interface: Inside interface every variables is always public static and final we cannot declare instance variables abstract class: Abstract class can talk about state of object Interface: Interface can never talk about state of object abstract class: Inside Abstract class we can declare constructors Interface: Inside interface we cannot declare constructors as purpose of constructors is to initialize instance variables. So what is the need of constructor there if we cannot have instance variables in interfaces. abstract class: Inside abstract class we can declare instance and static blocks Interface: Interfaces cannot have instance and static blocks. abstract class: Abstract class cannot refer lambda expression Interfaces: Interfaces with single abstract method can refer lambda expression abstract class: Inside abstract class we can override OBJECT CLASS methods Interfaces: We cannot override OBJECT CLASS methods inside interfaces.
Default method concepts/static method concepts in interface came just to save implementation classes but not to provide meaningful useful implementation. Default methods/static methods are kind of dummy implementation, "if you want you can use them or you can override them (in case of default methods) in implementation class" Thus saving us from implementing new methods in implementation classes whenever new methods in interfaces are added. Therefore interfaces can never be equal to abstract classes.
本文将对此进行描述。想想forEach of Collections。
List<?> list = …
The forEach isn’t declared by java.util.List nor the java.util.Collection interface yet. One obvious solution would be to just add the new method to the existing interface and provide the implementation where required in the JDK. However, once published, it is impossible to add methods to an interface without breaking the existing implementation. The benefit that default methods bring is that now it’s possible to add a new default method to the interface and it doesn’t break the implementations.
class MyObject extends String implements Runnable, Comparable { ... }
为了支持我的观点,这里引用了Ken Arnold和James Gosling在《Java编程语言》(第4版)一书中的一句话:
Single inheritance precludes some useful and correct designs. The problems of multiple inheritance arise from multiple inheritance of implementation, but in many cases multiple inheritance is used to inherit a number of abstract contracts and perhaps one concrete implementation. Providing a means to inherit an abstract contract without inheriting an implementation allows the typing benefits of multiple inheritance without the problems of multiple implementation inheritance. The inheritance of an abstract contract is termed interface inheritance. The Java programming language supports interface inheritance by allowing you to declare an interface type