我知道在c++ 11中,我们现在可以使用using来编写类型别名,比如typedefs:

typedef int MyInt;


using MyInt = int;

新语法的出现是为了有一种表达“template typedef”的方法:

template< class T > using MyType = AnotherType< T, MyAllocatorType >;





template <typename T> struct whatever {};

template <typename T> struct rebind
  typedef whatever<T> type; // to make it possible to substitue the whatever in future.

rebind<int>::type variable;

template <typename U> struct bar { typename rebind<U>::type _var_member; }


template <typename T> using my_type = whatever<T>;

my_type<int> variable;
template <typename U> struct baz { my_type<U> _var_member; }


以下所有标准参考资料均参考N4659: 2017年3月后kona工作草案/ c++ 17 DIS。


但是,对于前两个非模板示例,是 标准上还有其他细微的差别吗?

语义上的差异:无。 允许上下文中的差异:一些(++)。

(+) P2360R0(扩展初始化语句以允许别名声明)已经被CWG批准,从c++ 23开始,类型定义声明和别名声明之间的不一致将被消除。 (++)除了别名模板的例子,这在原来的帖子中已经提到过。



(dcl。typedef) / 2 类型名 还可以介绍一个 alias-declaration。 using关键字后面的标识符变成a typef -name和标识符后面的可选属性说明符-seq都属于该typef -name。这样一个 typepedef -name具有与typedef说明符引入的相同的语义。[…]

由别名声明引入的typepedef -name与由typedef声明引入的typef -name具有相同的语义。



// C++11 (C++03) (init. statement in for loop iteration statements).
for (typedef int Foo; Foo{} != 0;)
//   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ init-statement

// C++17 (if and switch initialization statements).
if (typedef int Foo; true)
//  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ init-statement

switch (typedef int Foo; 0)
//      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ init-statement
    case 0: (void)Foo{};

// C++20 (range-based for loop initialization statements).
std::vector<int> v{1, 2, 3};
for (typedef int Foo; Foo f : v)
//   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ init-statement

for (typedef struct { int x; int y;} P; auto [x, y] : {P{1, 1}, {1, 2}, {3, 5}})
//   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ init-statement


// C++ 11.
for (using Foo = int; Foo{} != 0;) {}
//   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: expected expression

// C++17 (initialization expressions in switch and if statements).
if (using Foo = int; true) { (void)Foo{}; }
//  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: expected expression

switch (using Foo = int; 0) { case 0: (void)Foo{}; }
//      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: expected expression

// C++20 (range-based for loop initialization statements).
std::vector<int> v{1, 2, 3};
for (using Foo = int; Foo f : v) { (void)f; }
//   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: expected expression


别名声明与模板兼容,而C 样式typedef则不是。

这两个关键字是等价的,但有一些注意事项。一种是声明函数指针使用T = int (*)(int, int);比使用typedef int (*T)(int, int)更清晰。其次,模板别名形式不可能使用typedef。第三,公开C API需要在公共头中使用类型定义。


template <typename T> struct whatever {};

template <typename T> struct rebind
  typedef whatever<T> type; // to make it possible to substitue the whatever in future.

rebind<int>::type variable;

template <typename U> struct bar { typename rebind<U>::type _var_member; }


template <typename T> using my_type = whatever<T>;

my_type<int> variable;
template <typename U> struct baz { my_type<U> _var_member; }


It has been suggested to (re)use the keyword typedef ... to introduce template aliases: template<class T> typedef std::vector<T, MyAllocator<T> > Vec; That notation has the advantage of using a keyword already known to introduce a type alias. However, it also displays several disavantages [sic] among which the confusion of using a keyword known to introduce an alias for a type-name in a context where the alias does not designate a type, but a template; Vec is not an alias for a type, and should not be taken for a typedef-name. The name Vec is a name for the family std::vector<•, MyAllocator<•> > – where the bullet is a placeholder for a type-name.Consequently we do not propose the “typedef” syntax.On the other hand the sentence template<class T> using Vec = std::vector<T, MyAllocator<T> >; can be read/interpreted as: from now on, I’ll be using Vec<T> as a synonym for std::vector<T, MyAllocator<T> >. With that reading, the new syntax for aliasing seems reasonably logical.

