

如果你正在寻找一个java脚本库,有一个javascript谷歌maps v3扩展的Polygon类,以检测是否有一个点驻留在它里面。

var polygon = new google.maps.Polygon([], "#000000", 1, 1, "#336699", 0.3);
var isWithinPolygon = polygon.containsLatLng(40, -90);



这只适用于凸形状,但是Minkowski Portal Refinement和GJK也是测试一个点是否在多边形中的很好的选择。您使用闵可夫斯基减法从多边形中减去点,然后运行这些算法来查看多边形是否包含原点。


更多信息: http://xenocollide.snethen.com/mpr2d.html

此外,game programming gems 7讨论了如何在3d中做到这一点(:

Like David Segonds' answer suggests I use an approach of angle summation derived from my concave polygon drawing algorithm. It relies of adding up the approximate angles of subtriangles around the point to obtain a weight. A weight around 1.0 means the point is inside the triangle, a weight around 0.0 means outside, a weight around -1.0 is what happens when inside the polygon but in reverse order (like with one of the halves of a bowtie-shaped tetragon) and a weight of NAN if exactly on an edge. The reason it's not slow is that angles don't need to be estimated accurately at all. Holes can be handled by treating them as separate polygons and subtracting the weights.

typedef struct { double x, y; } xy_t;

xy_t sub_xy(xy_t a, xy_t b)
    a.x -= b.x;
    a.y -= b.y;
    return a;

double calc_sharp_subtriangle_pixel_weight(xy_t p0, xy_t p1)
    xy_t rot, r0, r1;
    double weight;

    // Rotate points (unnormalised)
    rot = sub_xy(p1, p0);
    r0.x = rot.x*p0.y - rot.y*p0.x;
    r0.y = rot.x*p0.x + rot.y*p0.y;
    r1.y = rot.x*p1.x + rot.y*p1.y;

    // Calc weight
    weight = subtriangle_angle_approx(r1.y, r0.x) - subtriangle_angle_approx(r0.y, r0.x);

    return weight;

double calc_sharp_polygon_pixel_weight(xy_t p, xy_t *corner, int corner_count)
    int i;
    xy_t p0, p1;
    double weight = 0.;

    p0 = sub_xy(corner[corner_count-1], p);
    for (i=0; i < corner_count; i++)
        // Transform corner coordinates
        p1 = sub_xy(corner[i], p);

        // Calculate weight for each subtriangle
        weight += calc_sharp_subtriangle_pixel_weight(p0, p1);
        p0 = p1;

    return weight;


调用subtriangle_angle_approx(y, x)可以替换为atan2(y, x) / (2.*pi),但是一个非常粗略的近似值就足够精确了:

double subtriangle_angle_approx(double y, double x)
    double angle, d;
    int obtuse;

    if (x == 0.)
        return NAN;

    obtuse = fabs(y) > fabs(x);
    if (obtuse)
        swap_double(&y, &x);

    // Core of the approximation, a very loosely approximate atan(y/x) / (2.*pi) over ]-1 , 1[
    d = y / x;
    angle = 0.13185 * d;

    if (obtuse)
        angle = sign(d)*0.25 - angle;

    return angle;




我的c++版本使用std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>和两个double作为x和y。逻辑应该与原始C代码完全相同,但我发现我的更容易阅读。我不能为表演说话。

bool point_in_poly(std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>& verts, double point_x, double point_y)
    bool in_poly = false;
    auto num_verts = verts.size();
    for (int i = 0, j = num_verts - 1; i < num_verts; j = i++) {
        double x1 = verts[i].first;
        double y1 = verts[i].second;
        double x2 = verts[j].first;
        double y2 = verts[j].second;

        if (((y1 > point_y) != (y2 > point_y)) &&
            (point_x < (x2 - x1) * (point_y - y1) / (y2 - y1) + x1))
            in_poly = !in_poly;
    return in_poly;


int pnpoly(int nvert, float *vertx, float *verty, float testx, float testy)
  int i, j, c = 0;
  for (i = 0, j = nvert-1; i < nvert; j = i++) {
    if ( ((verty[i]>testy) != (verty[j]>testy)) &&
     (testx < (vertx[j]-vertx[i]) * (testy-verty[i]) / (verty[j]-verty[i]) + vertx[i]) )
       c = !c;
  return c;

当我还是Michael Stonebraker手下的一名研究员时,我做了一些关于这方面的工作——你知道,就是那位提出了Ingres、PostgreSQL等的教授。





BKB's link provided a good number of reasonable algorithms. I was working on Earth Science problems and therefore needed a solution that works in latitude/longitude, and it has the peculiar problem of handedness - is the area inside the smaller area or the bigger area? The answer is that the "direction" of the verticies matters - it's either left-handed or right handed and in this way you can indicate either area as "inside" any given polygon. As such, my work used solution three enumerated on that page.


