let insert key value =
internalArray[hash(key) % internalArray.Length] <- (key, value)
//oversimplified for educational purposes
let insert key value =
internalArray[hash(key) % internalArray.Length].AddLast(key, value)
let get key =
let linkedList = internalArray[hash(key) % internalArray.Length]
for (testKey, value) in linkedList
if (testKey = key) then return value
return null
要成为有效的数组索引,键应该是整数 键的范围是相当小的,否则,我们将需要一个巨大的数组。 不能将两个不同的键映射到数组中的同一个槽 宇宙键的长度等于数组的长度
It's important to note that the hashvalue itself generally does not indicate the slot into which to place the value. For example, a hashvalue might be a negative integer value. Obviously a negative number cannot point to an array location. Additionally, hash values will tend to many times be larger numbers than the slots available. Thus another calculation needs to be performed by the hashtable itself to figure out which slot the value should go into. This is done with a modulus math operation like:
uint slotIndex = hashValue % hashTableSize;
slotIndex = (remainder + 1) % hashTableSize;
With the modulus method, if you have a table of say size 1000, any hashvalue that is between 1 and 1000 will go into the corresponding slot. Any Negative values, and any values greater than 1000 will be potentially colliding slot values. The chances of that happening depend both on your hashing method, as well as how many total items you add to the hash table. Generally, it's best practice to make the size of the hashtable such that the total number of values added to it is only equal to about 70% of its size. If your hash function does a good job of even distribution, you will generally encounter very few to no bucket/slot collisions and it will perform very quickly for both lookup and write operations. If the total number of values to add is not known in advance, make a good guesstimate using whatever means, and then resize your hashtable once the number of elements added to it reaches 70% of capacity.
PS - In C# the GetHashCode() method is pretty slow and results in actual value collisions under a lot of conditions I've tested. For some real fun, build your own hashfunction and try to get it to NEVER collide on the specific data you are hashing, run faster than GetHashCode, and have a fairly even distribution. I've done this using long instead of int size hashcode values and it's worked quite well on up to 32 million entires hashvalues in the hashtable with 0 collisions. Unfortunately I can't share the code as it belongs to my employer... but I can reveal it is possible for certain data domains. When you can achieve this, the hashtable is VERY fast. :)
哈希表用于快速存储和检索数据(或记录)。 记录使用散列键存储在桶中 哈希键是通过对记录中包含的选定值(键值)应用哈希算法来计算的。所选值必须是所有记录的公共值。 每个桶可以有多条记录,这些记录按照特定的顺序组织。
Hashtable inside contains cans in which it stores the key sets. The Hashtable uses the hashcode to decide to which the key pair should plan. The capacity to get the container area from Key's hashcode is known as hash work. In principle, a hash work is a capacity which when given a key, creates an address in the table. A hash work consistently returns a number for an item. Two equivalent items will consistently have a similar number while two inconsistent objects may not generally have various numbers. When we put objects into a hashtable then it is conceivable that various objects may have equal/ same hashcode. This is known as a collision. To determine collision, hashtable utilizes a variety of lists. The sets mapped to a single array index are stored in a list and then the list reference is stored in the index.
bucket# bucket content / linked list
[0] --> "sue"(780) --> null
[1] null
[2] --> "fred"(42) --> "bill"(9282) --> "jane"(42) --> null
[3] --> "mary"(73) --> null
[4] null
[5] --> "masayuki"(75) --> "sarwar"(105) --> null
[6] --> "margaret"(2626) --> null
[7] null
[8] --> "bob"(308) --> null
[9] null
each of the array entries (indices [0], [1]...) is known as a bucket, and starts a - possibly empty - linked list of values (aka elements, in this example - people's names) each value (e.g. "fred" with hash 42) is linked from bucket [hash % number_of_buckets] e.g. 42 % 10 == [2]; % is the modulo operator - the remainder when divided by the number of buckets multiple data values may collide at and be linked from the same bucket, most often because their hash values collide after the modulo operation (e.g. 42 % 10 == [2], and 9282 % 10 == [2]), but occasionally because the hash values are the same (e.g. "fred" and "jane" both shown with hash 42 above) most hash tables handle collisions - with slightly reduced performance but no functional confusion - by comparing the full value (here text) of a value being sought or inserted to each value already in the linked list at the hashed-to bucket
Hans gives the actual formula for other load factors in a comment below, but for indicative values: with load factor 1 and a cryptographic strength hash function, 1/e (~36.8%) of buckets will tend to be empty, another 1/e (~36.8%) have one element, 1/(2e) or ~18.4% two elements, 1/(3!e) about 6.1% three elements, 1/(4!e) or ~1.5% four elements, 1/(5!e) ~.3% have five etc.. - the average chain length from non-empty buckets is ~1.58 no matter how many elements are in the table (i.e. whether there are 100 elements and 100 buckets, or 100 million elements and 100 million buckets), which is why we say lookup/insert/erase are O(1) constant time operations.
Given a hash table implementation as described above, we can imagine creating a value type such as `struct Value { string name; int age; };`, and equality comparison and hash functions that only look at the `name` field (ignoring age), and then something wonderful happens: we can store `Value` records like `{"sue", 63}` in the table, then later search for "sue" without knowing her age, find the stored value and recover or even update her age - happy birthday Sue - which interestingly doesn't change the hash value so doesn't require that we move Sue's record to another bucket.当我们这样做的时候,我们使用哈希表作为一个关联容器,也就是map,它存储的值可以被认为是由一个键(名称)和一个或多个其他字段组成,仍然被称为值(在我的例子中,只是年龄)。用作映射的哈希表实现称为哈希映射。
This is normally orchestrated with maths too complicated for me to grok. I'll mention one easy-to-understand way - not the most scalable or cache friendly but inherently elegant (like encryption with a one-time pad!) - as I think it helps drive home the desirable qualities mentioned above. Say you were hashing 64-bit doubles - you could create 8 tables each of 256 random numbers (code below), then use each 8-bit/1-byte slice of the double's memory representation to index into a different table, XORing the random numbers you look up. With this approach, it's easy to see that a bit (in the binary digit sense) changing anywhere in the double results in a different random number being looked up in one of the tables, and a totally uncorrelated final value.
// note caveats above: cache unfriendly (SLOW) but strong hashing...
std::size_t random[8][256] = { ...random data... };
auto p = (const std::byte*)&my_double;
size_t hash = random[0][p[0]] ^
random[1][p[1]] ^
... ^
Many libraries' hashing functions pass integers through unchanged (known as a trivial or identity hash function); it's the other extreme from the strong hashing described above. An identity hash is extremely collision prone in the worst cases, but the hope is that in the fairly common case of integer keys that tend to be incrementing (perhaps with some gaps), they'll map into successive buckets leaving fewer empty than random hashing leaves (our ~36.8% at load factor 1 mentioned earlier), thereby having fewer collisions and fewer longer linked lists of colliding elements than is achieved by random mappings. It's also great to save the time it takes to generate a strong hash, and if keys are looked up in order they'll be found in buckets nearby in memory, improving cache hits. When the keys don't increment nicely, the hope is they'll be random enough they won't need a strong hash function to totally randomise their placement into buckets.