public class MaxSeconds {
public static final int MAX_SECONDS = 25;
public class MaxSeconds {
public static final int MAX_SECONDS = 25;
public, so that they are accessible from everywhere
static, so that they can be accessed without any instance. Since they are constants it
makes little sense to duplicate them for every object.
final, since they should not be allowed to change
String myConstant = IMyInterface.CONSTANTX;
1. Use a regular enum with a default/private constructor. Most people would define
constants this way, IMHO.
- drawback: cannot effectively Javadoc each constant member
- advantage: var members are implicitly public, static, and final
- advantage: type-safe
- provides "a limited constructor" in a special way that only takes args which match
predefined 'public static final' keys, thus limiting what you can pass to the
2. Use a altered enum WITHOUT a constructor, having all variables defined with
prefixed 'public static final' .
- looks funny just having a floating semi-colon in the code
- advantage: you can JavaDoc each variable with an explanation
- drawback: you still have to put explicit 'public static final' before each variable
- drawback: not type-safe
- no 'limited constructor'
3. Use a Class with a private constructor:
- advantage: you can JavaDoc each variable with an explanation
- drawback: you have to put explicit 'public static final' before each variable
- you have the option of having a constructor to create an instance
of the class if you want to provide additional functions related
to your constants
(or just keep the constructor private)
- drawback: not type-safe
4. Using interface:
- advantage: you can JavaDoc each variable with an explanation
- advantage: var members are implicitly 'public static final'
- you are able to define default interface methods if you want to provide additional
functions related to your constants (only if you implement the interface)
- drawback: not type-safe
public interface MyGlobalConstants {
public static final int TIMEOUT_IN_SECS = 25;
public class MyGlobalConstants {
private MyGlobalConstants () {} // Prevents instantiation
public static final int TIMEOUT_IN_SECS = 25;
和使用 MyGlobalConstants。TIMEOUT_IN_SECS,我们需要这个常量。我认为两者是一样的。
这是一个坏习惯,非常可怕 引用约书亚·布洛赫的话,却不理解基本的原教旨主义。
他是个糟糕的程序员 或者迄今为止我发现引用他的人(约书亚是一个男孩的名字,我猜)只是把他的材料作为宗教脚本来证明他们的软件是宗教放纵的。
全心全意地爱根本身份 爱邻居如爱自己
全身心地投入到编程的基础知识中 像对待自己一样,为你的程序员同事的优秀而努力。
类似地,如果你不尊重自己作为一个程序员,只是接受一些编程大师的声明和预言,而不质疑基本原理,你对Joshua Bloch的引用和依赖是毫无意义的。因此,你实际上不尊重你的程序员同事。
懒惰是优秀程序员的美德 你要让你的编程生活尽可能简单,尽可能懒惰,因此尽可能有效 你要让你的编程结果和内脏尽可能简单,尽可能懒惰,因此对你的邻居程序员来说是尽可能有效的,他们和你一起工作,捡起你的编程内脏。
Whatif-No IDE? Who on earth as a software programmer would not use an IDE? Most of us are programmers who prefer not to have to prove having macho aescetic survivalisticism thro avoiding the use of an IDE. Also - wait a second proponents of micro-functional programming as a means of not needing an IDE. Wait till you read my explanation on data-model normalization. Pollutes the namespace with variables not used within the current scope? It could be proponents of this opinion are not aware of, and the need for, data-model normalization Using interfaces for enforcing constants is an abuse of interfaces. Proponents of such have a bad habit of not seeing that "constants" must be treated as contract. And interfaces are used for enforcing or projecting compliance to a contract. It is difficult if not impossible to convert interfaces into implemented classes in the future. Hah .... hmmm ... ??? Why would you want to engage in such pattern of programming as your persistent livelihood? IOW, why devote yourself to such an AMBIVALENT and bad programming habit ?
Similarly, I do not care what the "original" intents of the founders of the Java platform and programming language had for the interface. What I care are the effective features the Java specification provides, and I intend to exploit those features to the fullest to help me fulfill the fundamental laws of responsible software programming. I don't care if I am perceived to "violate the intention for interfaces". I don't care what Gosling or someone Bloch says about the "proper way to use Java", unless what they say does not violate my need to EFFECTIVE fulfilling fundamentals.
甚至EF Codd提出的数据规范化方面现在也受到了严重的挑战。例如,他关于1NF的声明被批评为模棱两可、错位和过于简化,他的其他声明也是如此,特别是在现代数据服务、回购技术和传输的出现方面。在我看来,应该完全抛弃EF Codd语句,并设计一套新的数学上更合理的语句。
EF Codd的一个突出缺陷及其与有效的人类理解不一致的原因是,他相信人类可感知的多维、可变维度数据可以通过一组零碎的2维映射有效地感知。
EF Codd未能表达的。
The Unity and Identity of data instances. design the granularity of each data component, whereby their granularity is at a level where each instance of a component can be uniquely identified and retrieved. absence of instance aliasing. i.e., no means exist whereby an identification produces more than one instance of a component. Absence of instance crosstalk. There does not exist the necessity to use one or more other instances of a component to contribute to identifying an instance of a component. The unity and identity of data components/dimensions. Presence of component de-aliasing. There must exist one definition whereby a component/dimension can be uniquely identified. Which is the primary definition of a component; where the primary definition will not result in exposing sub-dimensions or member-components that are not part of an intended component; Unique means of component dealiasing. There must exist one, and only one, such component de-aliasing definition for a component. There exists one, and only one, definition interface or contract to identify a parent component in a hierarchical relationship of components. Absence of component crosstalk. There does not exist the necessity to use a member of another component to contribute to the definitive identification of a component. In such a parent-child relationship, the identifying definition of a parent must not depend on part of the set of member components of a child. A member component of a parent's identity must be the complete child identity without resorting to referencing any or all of the children of a child. Preempt bi-modal or multi-modal appearances of a data-model. When there exists two candidate definitions of a component, it is an obvious sign that there exists two different data-models being mixed up as one. That means there is incoherence at the data-model level, or the field level. A field of applications must use one and only one data-model, coherently. Detect and identify component mutation. Unless you have performed statistical component analysis of huge data, you probably do not see, or see the need to treat, component mutation. A data-model may have its some of its components mutate cyclically or gradually. The mode may be member-rotation or transposition-rotation. Member-rotation mutation could be distinct swapping of child components between components. Or where completely new components would have to be defined. Transpositional mutation would manifest as a dimensional-member mutating into an attribute, vice versa. Each mutation cycle must be identified as a distinct data-modal. Versionize each mutation. Such that you can pull out a previous version of the data model, when perhaps the need arise to treat an 8 year old mutation of the data model.
public interface CustomerService {
public interface Label{
char AssignmentCharacter = ':';
public interface Address{
String Street = "Street";
String Unit= "Unit/Suite";
String Municipal = "City";
String County = "County";
String Provincial = "State";
String PostalCode = "Zip"
public interface Person {
public interface NameParts{
String Given = "First/Given name"
String Auxiliary = "Middle initial"
String Family = "Last name"
public class PurchaseRequest {
private interface Constants{
String INTERESTINGName = "Interesting Name";
String OFFICIALLanguage = "Official Language"
int MAXNames = 9;
public interface PurchaseOrderConstants {
public interface Properties{
default String InterestingName(){
return something();
String OFFICIALLanguage = "Official Language"
int MAXNames = 9;
I use static final to declare constants and go with the ALL_CAPS naming notation. I have seen quite a few real life instances where all constants are bunched together into an interface. A few posts have rightly called that a bad practice, primarily because that's not what an interface is for. An interface should enforce a contract and should not be a place to put unrelated constants in. Putting it together into a class that cannot be instantiated (through a private constructor) too is fine if the constant semantics don't belong to a specific class(es). I always put a constant in the class that it's most related to, because that makes sense and is also easily maintainable.
枚举是表示一组值的好选择,但是如果您要存储强调绝对值的独立常量(例如。TIMEOUT = 100 ms)你可以直接使用静态的final方法。
If you have access to Java 5+, use enums to define your specific constants for an application area. All parts of the application area should refer to enums, not constant values, for these constants. You may declare an enum similar to how you declare a class. Enums are perhaps the most (and, arguably, only) useful feature of Java 5+. If you have constants that are only valid to a particular class or one of its subclasses, declare them as either protected or public and place them on the top class in the hierarchy. This way, the subclasses can access these constant values (and if other classes access them via public, the constants aren't only valid to a particular class...which means that the external classes using this constant may be too tightly coupled to the class containing the constant) If you have an interface with behavior defined, but returned values or argument values should be particular, it is perfectly acceptible to define constants on that interface so that other implementors will have access to them. However, avoid creating an interface just to hold constants: it can become just as bad as a class created just to hold constants.