它还表示可以使用使用extern声明的变量 关键字在任何文件中,尽管它在其他文件中声明/定义。
对于xc8,必须小心声明变量 在每个文件中都是相同的类型, 在一个文件中声明int型,在另一个文件中声明char型。 这可能会导致变量的破坏。
这个问题在大约15年前的一个微芯片论坛上得到了优雅的解决 /*参见“http:www.htsoft.com”/ /“论坛/ / showflat.php /猫/ 0 /数字/ 18766 / / /页面/ 0 # 18766”
所以我很快就会解释一下; 创建一个名为global.h的文件。
#ifdef MAIN_C
#define GLOBAL
/* #warning COMPILING MAIN.C */
#define GLOBAL extern
GLOBAL unsigned char testing_mode; // example var used in several C files
#define MAIN_C 1
#include "global.h"
#undef MAIN_C
这意味着在main.c中变量将被声明为unsigned char。
现在在其他文件中简单地包括global.h将 将其声明为该文件的extern。
extern unsigned char testing_mode;
但是它将被正确地声明为unsigned char。
旧的论坛帖子可能解释得更清楚一点。 但在使用编译器时,这是一个真正的潜在问题 这允许您在一个文件中声明一个变量,然后在另一个文件中将其声明为不同的类型。这些问题与 也就是说,如果你在另一个文件中将testing_mode声明为int类型 它会认为它是一个16位的变量,并覆盖ram的其他部分,可能会破坏另一个变量。很难调试!
extern keyword before a symbol (a var or function) tells the linker that it(the source file) uses an external symbol. This can be seen by running nm -a on such an object file (.o) which uses or assigns a value to a extern var (remember to declare a extern symbol on top like this extern int x or still better, use a header file with extern before vars and functions can be without extern; then in main assign a value to it like this x=5;), i find undefined bss info (letter B written) against such an extern var(symbol). This means x is still unresolved and will be resolved when ld is run (during link-time).
why always use extern in headers? If i don't use extern, just declare int x, the declaration becomes sort-of strong and without extern, and this redifines the same variable in every source that includes the header, effectively shadowing the original variable. therefore with just int x in a.h header, I redefine a new global variable x in every source that include this a.h. This var in the source, this without-extern var decl in headers shadows(it doesn't shadow exactly, it's redifining a global variable x in every source code that includes the header with just int x, without extern, when i include such header and try to compile .o from such files, every .o has its own definition of this global variable x which was included in the header without extern, and at the time of linking, I get the error multiple definition of variable or symbol x) an important variable defined somewhere of somewhere else in the source files. Important! it is necessary to use extern before vars in headers. Functions are already extern by-default.