#include <iostream>
int main()
int n;
[&](){n = 10;}(); // OK
[=]() mutable {n = 20;}(); // OK
// [=](){n = 10;}(); // Error: a by-value capture cannot be modified in a non-mutable lambda
std::cout << n << "\n"; // "10"
You need to think what is the closure type of your Lambda function. Every time you declare a Lambda expression, the compiler creates a closure type, which is nothing less than an unnamed class declaration with attributes (environment where the Lambda expression where declared) and the function call ::operator() implemented. When you capture a variable using copy-by-value, the compiler will create a new const attribute in the closure type, so you can't change it inside the Lambda expression because it is a "read-only" attribute, that's the reason they call it a "closure", because in some way, you are closing your Lambda expression by copying the variables from upper scope into the Lambda scope. When you use the keyword mutable, the captured entity will became a non-const attribute of your closure type. This is what causes the changes done in the mutable variable captured by value, to not be propagated to upper scope, but keep inside the stateful Lambda.
Always try to imagine the resulting closure type of your Lambda expression, that helped me a lot, and I hope it can help you too.
void registerCallback(std::function<void()> f) { /* ... */ }
void doSomething() {
std::string name = receiveName();
registerCallback([name]{ /* do something with name */ });
When a lambda captures by reference, writing on captured variables is a strain on the concept of pure function, because all a pure function should do is return an output, though the lambda does not certainly mutate because the writing happens to external variables. Even in this case a correct usage implies that if the lambda is called with the same input again, the output will be the same everytime, despite these side effects on by-ref variables. Such side effects are just ways to return some additional input (e.g. update a counter) and could be reformulated into a pure function, for example returning a tuple instead of a single value.