We used something similar in our architecture to address XML performance problems. Our systems are designed with a lot of data stored as XML on a row and applications might need to query particular values within it. Handling lots of XMLTypes and running XPaths across large number of rows has a large impact on performance so we use a form of materialized views to extract the desired XML nodes out into a relational table anytime the base table changes. This effectively provides a physical snapshot of the query at a point in time as opposed to standard views which would run their query on demand.
By way of elaboration, if I were to have a database in which some of the entities were person, company, role, owner type, order, order detail, address and phone, where the person table stored both employees and contacts and the address and phone tables stored phone numbers for both persons and companies, and the development team were tasked with generating reports (or making reporting data accessible to non-developers) such as sales by employee, or sales by customer, or sales by region, sales by month, customers by state, etc I would create a set of views that de-normalized the relationships between the database entities so that a more integrated view (no pun intended) of the real world entities was available. Some of the benefits could include:
减少编写查询时的冗余 建立关联实体的标准 提供机会 评估和最大化绩效 用于复杂的计算和连接 (例如在Schemabound视图上建立索引 在该软件中) 让数据更容易获取 对于团队成员和非开发人员来说是直观的。
We used something similar in our architecture to address XML performance problems. Our systems are designed with a lot of data stored as XML on a row and applications might need to query particular values within it. Handling lots of XMLTypes and running XPaths across large number of rows has a large impact on performance so we use a form of materialized views to extract the desired XML nodes out into a relational table anytime the base table changes. This effectively provides a physical snapshot of the query at a point in time as opposed to standard views which would run their query on demand.
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