我有一个通用字典dictionary <string, T>,我想基本上使克隆()..任何建议。
Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, dynamic>> buildInfoDict =
new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, dynamic>>()
{"tag",new Dictionary<string,dynamic>(){
{ "attrName", "tag" },
{ "isCss", "False" },
{ "turnedOn","True" },
{ "tag",null }
} },
{"id",new Dictionary<string,dynamic>(){
{ "attrName", "id" },
{ "isCss", "False" },
{ "turnedOn","True" },
{ "id",null }
} },
{"width",new Dictionary<string,dynamic>(){
{ "attrName", "width" },
{ "isCss", "True" },
{ "turnedOn","True" },
{ "width","20%" }
} },
{"height",new Dictionary<string,dynamic>(){
{ "attrName", "height" },
{ "isCss", "True" },
{ "turnedOn","True" },
{ "height","20%" }
} },
{"text",new Dictionary<string,dynamic>(){
{ "attrName", null },
{ "isCss", "False" },
{ "turnedOn","True" },
{ "text","" }
} },
{"href",new Dictionary<string,dynamic>(){
{ "attrName", null },
{ "isCss", "False" },
{ "flags", "removeAttrIfTurnedOff" },
{ "turnedOn","True" },
{ "href","about:blank" }
} }
var cln=clone(buildInfoDict);
public static dynamic clone(dynamic obj)
dynamic cloneObj = null;
if (IsAssignableFrom(obj, typeof(IDictionary)))
cloneObj = Activator.CreateInstance(obj.GetType());
foreach (var key in obj.Keys)
cloneObj[key] = clone(obj[key]);
else if (IsNumber(obj) || obj.GetType() == typeof(string))
cloneObj = obj;
return cloneObj;
public static bool IsAssignableFrom(this object obj, Type ObjType = null, Type ListType = null, bool HandleBaseTypes = false)
if (ObjType == null)
ObjType = obj.GetType();
bool Res;
Res = (ObjType.IsGenericType && ObjType.GetGenericTypeDefinition().IsAssignableFrom(ListType)) ||
(ListType == null && ObjType.IsAssignableFrom(obj.GetType()));
ObjType = ObjType.BaseType;
} while ((!Res && ObjType != null) && HandleBaseTypes && ObjType != typeof(object));
return Res;
public static bool IsNumber(this object value)
return value is sbyte
|| value is byte
|| value is short
|| value is ushort
|| value is int
|| value is uint
|| value is long
|| value is ulong
|| value is float
|| value is double
|| value is decimal;
public static Dictionary<K,V> CloneDictionary<K,V>(Dictionary<K,V> dict) where K : ICloneable where V : ICloneable
Dictionary<K, V> newDict = null;
if (dict != null)
// If the key and value are value types, just use copy constructor.
if (((typeof(K).IsValueType || typeof(K) == typeof(string)) &&
(typeof(V).IsValueType) || typeof(V) == typeof(string)))
newDict = new Dictionary<K, V>(dict);
else // prepare to clone key or value or both
newDict = new Dictionary<K, V>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<K, V> kvp in dict)
K key;
if (typeof(K).IsValueType || typeof(K) == typeof(string))
key = kvp.Key;
key = (K)kvp.Key.Clone();
V value;
if (typeof(V).IsValueType || typeof(V) == typeof(string))
value = kvp.Value;
value = (V)kvp.Value.Clone();
newDict[key] = value;
return newDict;
Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, dynamic>> buildInfoDict =
new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, dynamic>>()
{"tag",new Dictionary<string,dynamic>(){
{ "attrName", "tag" },
{ "isCss", "False" },
{ "turnedOn","True" },
{ "tag",null }
} },
{"id",new Dictionary<string,dynamic>(){
{ "attrName", "id" },
{ "isCss", "False" },
{ "turnedOn","True" },
{ "id",null }
} },
{"width",new Dictionary<string,dynamic>(){
{ "attrName", "width" },
{ "isCss", "True" },
{ "turnedOn","True" },
{ "width","20%" }
} },
{"height",new Dictionary<string,dynamic>(){
{ "attrName", "height" },
{ "isCss", "True" },
{ "turnedOn","True" },
{ "height","20%" }
} },
{"text",new Dictionary<string,dynamic>(){
{ "attrName", null },
{ "isCss", "False" },
{ "turnedOn","True" },
{ "text","" }
} },
{"href",new Dictionary<string,dynamic>(){
{ "attrName", null },
{ "isCss", "False" },
{ "flags", "removeAttrIfTurnedOff" },
{ "turnedOn","True" },
{ "href","about:blank" }
} }
var cln=clone(buildInfoDict);
public static dynamic clone(dynamic obj)
dynamic cloneObj = null;
if (IsAssignableFrom(obj, typeof(IDictionary)))
cloneObj = Activator.CreateInstance(obj.GetType());
foreach (var key in obj.Keys)
cloneObj[key] = clone(obj[key]);
else if (IsNumber(obj) || obj.GetType() == typeof(string))
cloneObj = obj;
return cloneObj;
public static bool IsAssignableFrom(this object obj, Type ObjType = null, Type ListType = null, bool HandleBaseTypes = false)
if (ObjType == null)
ObjType = obj.GetType();
bool Res;
Res = (ObjType.IsGenericType && ObjType.GetGenericTypeDefinition().IsAssignableFrom(ListType)) ||
(ListType == null && ObjType.IsAssignableFrom(obj.GetType()));
ObjType = ObjType.BaseType;
} while ((!Res && ObjType != null) && HandleBaseTypes && ObjType != typeof(object));
return Res;
public static bool IsNumber(this object value)
return value is sbyte
|| value is byte
|| value is short
|| value is ushort
|| value is int
|| value is uint
|| value is long
|| value is ulong
|| value is float
|| value is double
|| value is decimal;
internal static Dictionary<string, object> Clone(Dictionary<string, object> dictIn)
Dictionary<string, object> dictOut = new Dictionary<string, object>();
IDictionaryEnumerator enumMyDictionary = dictIn.GetEnumerator();
while (enumMyDictionary.MoveNext())
string strKey = (string)enumMyDictionary.Key;
object oValue = enumMyDictionary.Value;
dictOut.Add(strKey, oValue);
return dictOut;
// assuming this fills the List
List<Dictionary<string, string>> obj = this.getData();
List<Dictionary<string, string>> objCopy = new List<Dictionary<string, string>>(obj);
正如Tomer Wolberg在评论中所描述的,如果值类型是可变类,这是行不通的。
在这种情况下,你有一个"object"的字典,object可以是(double, int,…或ComplexClass):
Dictionary<string, object> dictSrc { get; set; }
public class ComplexClass : ICloneable
private Point3D ...;
private Vector3D ....;
public object Clone()
ComplexClass clone = new ComplexClass();
clone = (ComplexClass)this.MemberwiseClone();
return clone;
dictSrc["toto"] = new ComplexClass()
dictSrc["tata"] = 12.3
dictDest = dictSrc.ToDictionary(entry => entry.Key,
entry => ((entry.Value is ICloneable) ? (entry.Value as ICloneable).Clone() : entry.Value) );
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