


通常在某个操作完成时调用它。由于在将回调函数交给其他函数之前创建了回调,因此可以使用调用站点的上下文信息初始化它。这就是为什么它被命名为call*back* -第一个函数从它被调用的地方回调到上下文。


为了教授回调,你必须先教授指针。一旦学生理解了指向变量的指针的概念,回调的概念就会变得更容易。假设您使用的是C/ c++,可以遵循这些步骤。

First show your students how to use and manipulate variables using pointers alongside using the normal variable identifiers. Then teach them there are things that can be done only with pointers(like passing a variable by reference). Then tell them how executable code or functions are just like some other data(or variables) in the memory. So, functions also have addresses or pointers. Then show them how functions can be called with function pointers and tell these are called callbacks. Now, the question is, why all these hassle for calling some functions? What is the benefit? Like data pointers, function pointer aka callbacks has some advantages over using normal identifiers. The first one is, function identifiers or function names cannot be used as normal data. I mean, you cannot make a data structure with functions(like an array or a linked list of functions). But with callbacks, you can make an array, a linked list or use them with other data like in dictionary of key-value pairs or trees, or any other things. This is a powerful benefit. And other benefits are actually child of this one. The most common use of callbacks is seen in event driver programming. Where one or more functions are executed based on some incoming signal. With callbacks, a dictionary can be maintained to map signals with callbacks. Then the input signal resolution and execution of corresponding code become much easier. The second use of callbacks coming in my mind is higher order functions. The functions which takes other functions as input arguments. And to send functions as arguments, we need callbacks. An example can be a function which take an array and a callback. Then it performs the callback on each of the item of the array and return the results in another array. If we pass the function a doubling callback, we get a doubled valued array. If we pass a squaring callback, we get squares. For square roots, just send appropriate callback. This cannot be done with normal functions.


通常,我们将变量发送给函数:function1(var1, var2)。



编辑:回调这个词最常见的意思是一个函数作为参数传递给另一个函数,并在稍后的时间点被调用。这些思想存在于允许高阶函数的语言中,即将函数视为一等公民,通常用于异步编程中。onready dosomething()。在这里,只有当它准备好了,事情才会发生。



function callback(otherFunction){


callback(1); // error

烤披萨的例子。 烤炉 披萨底,上面有配料 这里,烤箱是回调函数。 披萨的配料是另一个功能。

值得注意的是,不同的披萨原料可以做出不同类型的披萨,但烘焙披萨的烤箱是一样的。 这在某种程度上是回调函数的工作,它不断期望具有不同功能的函数,以产生不同的自定义结果。


通常在某个操作完成时调用它。由于在将回调函数交给其他函数之前创建了回调,因此可以使用调用站点的上下文信息初始化它。这就是为什么它被命名为call*back* -第一个函数从它被调用的地方回调到上下文。




