Cay Horstmann在他的OO设计和模式书中有一个很好的例子,说明了在哪里应用Visitor。他总结了这个问题:
复合对象通常具有复杂的结构,由单个元素组成。有些元素可能也有子元素. ...元素上的操作访问它的子元素,对它们应用该操作,并将结果组合在一起. ...然而,向这样的设计中添加新的操作并不容易。
显示节点元素的名称(一个文件列表) 显示计算出的节点元素大小(其中目录的大小包括其所有子元素的大小) 等。
You could add functions to each class in the FileSystem to implement the operations (and people have done this in the past as it's very obvious how to do it). The problem is that whenever you add a new functionality (the "etc." line above), you might need to add more and more methods to the structure classes. At some point, after some number of operations you've added to your software, the methods in those classes don't make sense anymore in terms of the classes' functional cohesion. For example, you have a FileNode that has a method calculateFileColorForFunctionABC() in order to implement the latest visualization functionality on the file system.
The Visitor Pattern (like many design patterns) was born from the pain and suffering of developers who knew there was a better way to allow their code to change without requiring a lot of changes everywhere and also respecting good design principles (high cohesion, low coupling). It's my opinion that it's hard to understand the usefulness of a lot of patterns until you've felt that pain. Explaining the pain (like we attempt to do above with the "etc." functionalities that get added) takes up space in the explanation and is a distraction. Understanding patterns is hard for this reason.
Visitor allows us to decouple the functionalities on the data structure (e.g., FileSystemNodes) from the data structures themselves. The pattern allows the design to respect cohesion -- data structure classes are simpler (they have fewer methods) and also the functionalities are encapsulated into Visitor implementations. This is done via double-dispatching (which is the complicated part of the pattern): using accept() methods in the structure classes and visitX() methods in the Visitor (the functionality) classes:
这是一个典型的递归节点结构。可以是目录或XML标记。 [如果你是一个Java人,想象一下有很多额外的方法来构建和维护子列表。]
class TreeNode( object ):
def __init__( self, name, *children ):
self.name= name
self.children= children
def visit( self, someVisitor ):
someVisitor.arrivedAt( self )
for c in self.children:
c.visit( someVisitor )
class Visitor( object ):
def __init__( self ):
self.depth= 0
def down( self ):
self.depth += 1
def up( self ):
self.depth -= 1
def arrivedAt( self, aTreeNode ):
print self.depth, aTreeNode.name
这是申请表。它构建了一个树结构,someTree。它创建了一个Visitor, dumpNodes。
someTree= TreeNode( "Top", TreeNode("c1"), TreeNode("c2"), TreeNode("c3") )
dumpNodes= Visitor()
someTree.visit( dumpNodes )
//psuedo code
do paypal checkout
do strip stuff checkout
do payoneer checkout
new PaymentCheckoutVistor(paymentType).visit()
The assumption is that you have a primary class hierarchy that is fixed; perhaps it’s from another vendor and you can’t make changes to that hierarchy. However, your intent is that you’d like to add new polymorphic methods to that hierarchy, which means that normally you’d have to add something to the base class interface. So the dilemma is that you need to add methods to the base class, but you can’t touch the base class. How do you get around this? The design pattern that solves this kind of problem is called a “visitor” (the final one in the Design Patterns book), and it builds on the double dispatching scheme shown in the last section. The visitor pattern allows you to extend the interface of the primary type by creating a separate class hierarchy of type Visitor to virtualize the operations performed upon the primary type. The objects of the primary type simply “accept” the visitor, then call the visitor’s dynamically-bound member function.
在 http://www.remondo.net/visitor-pattern-example-csharp/我找到了一个例子,展示了一个模拟的例子,展示了什么是访问者模式的好处。这里有不同的Pill容器类:
namespace DesignPatterns
public class BlisterPack
// Pairs so x2
public int TabletPairs { get; set; }
public class Bottle
// Unsigned
public uint Items { get; set; }
public class Jar
// Signed
public int Pieces { get; set; }
foreach (var item in packageList)
if (item.GetType() == typeof (BlisterPack))
pillCount += ((BlisterPack) item).TabletPairs * 2;
else if (item.GetType() == typeof (Bottle))
pillCount += (int) ((Bottle) item).Items;
else if (item.GetType() == typeof (Jar))
pillCount += ((Jar) item).Pieces;
public class PillCountVisitor : IVisitor
public int Count { get; private set; }
#region IVisitor Members
public void Visit(BlisterPack blisterPack)
Count += blisterPack.TabletPairs * 2;
public void Visit(Bottle bottle)
Count += (int)bottle.Items;
public void Visit(Jar jar)
Count += jar.Pieces;
您将计数药丸数量的责任转移到名为PillCountVisitor的类(并且我们删除了switch case语句)。这意味着每当您需要添加新的药丸容器类型时,您应该只更改PillCountVisitor类。还要注意IVisitor接口一般用于其他场景。
public class BlisterPack : IAcceptor
public int TabletPairs { get; set; }
#region IAcceptor Members
public void Accept(IVisitor visitor)
var visitor = new PillCountVisitor();
foreach (IAcceptor item in packageList)
在 http://butunclebob.com/ArticleS.UncleBob.IuseVisitor你看到了真实的场景,你不能使用多态性(答案)来遵循单一责任原则。事实上在:
public class HourlyEmployee extends Employee {
public String reportQtdHoursAndPay() {
//generate the line for this hourly employee
Quick description of the visitor pattern. The classes that require modification must all implement the 'accept' method. Clients call this accept method to perform some new action on that family of classes thereby extending their functionality. Clients are able to use this one accept method to perform a wide range of new actions by passing in a different visitor class for each specific action. A visitor class contains multiple overridden visit methods defining how to achieve that same specific action for every class within the family. These visit methods get passed an instance on which to work.
When you have a family of classes you know your going to have to add many new actions them all, but for some reason you are not able to alter or recompile the family of classes in the future. When you want to add a new action and have that new action entirely defined within one the visitor class rather than spread out across multiple classes. When your boss says you must produce a range of classes which must do something right now!... but nobody actually knows exactly what that something is yet.