


从历史上看,outlet的内存管理一直很差。 当前的最佳实践是将outlet声明为属性:

@interface MyClass :NSObject {
    NSTextField *textField;
@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet NSTextField *textField;





对于所有属性,您通常应该使用Objective-C 2.0声明属性特性。如果它们不是公共的,将它们添加到类扩展中。使用声明的属性使内存管理语义立即清晰,并使您更容易检查dealloc方法——如果您将属性声明分组在一起,您可以快速扫描它们并与dealloc方法的实现进行比较。

在不将属性标记为“nonatomic”之前,您应该仔细考虑一下。正如《Objective C编程语言指南》所指出的,属性在默认情况下是原子的,并且会产生相当大的开销。此外,简单地将所有属性都设置为原子化并不能使应用程序具有线程安全性。当然,还要注意,如果你没有指定“nonatomic”,并且实现你自己的访问方法(而不是合成它们),你必须以原子的方式实现它们。


如果您使用的是Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5)或更高版本,则可以使用Instruments应用程序来查找和跟踪内存泄漏。在Xcode中构建程序后,选择使用性能工具> Leaks运行>。

即使你的应用程序没有显示任何泄漏,你可能把对象保存得太久了。在Instruments中,您可以为此使用ObjectAlloc工具。在Instruments文档中选择ObjectAlloc乐器,并通过选择View > detail(它旁边应该有一个复选标记)来显示乐器的详细信息(如果还没有显示的话)。在ObjectAlloc详细信息中的“分配生命周期”下,确保选择“已创建和仍然存在”旁边的单选按钮。

现在,每当您停止记录应用程序时,选择ObjectAlloc工具将在“# Net”列中显示对应用程序中每个仍然活动的对象的引用数。确保不仅要查看自己的类,还要查看NIB文件的顶级对象的类。例如,如果你在屏幕上没有窗口,而你看到一个仍然存在的NSWindow的引用,你可能没有在你的代码中释放它。


Follow KVO naming rules. Even if you don't use KVO now, in my experience often times it's still beneficial in the future. And if you are using KVO or bindings, you need to know things are going work the way they are supposed to. This covers not just accessor methods and instance variables, but to-many relationships, validation, auto-notifying dependent keys, and so on. Put private methods in a category. Not just the interface, but the implementation as well. It's good to have some distance conceptually between private and non-private methods. I include everything in my .m file. Put background thread methods in a category. Same as above. I've found it's good to keep a clear conceptual barrier when you're thinking about what's on the main thread and what's not. Use #pragma mark [section]. Usually I group by my own methods, each subclass's overrides, and any information or formal protocols. This makes it a lot easier to jump to exactly what I'm looking for. On the same topic, group similar methods (like a table view's delegate methods) together, don't just stick them anywhere. Prefix private methods & ivars with _. I like the way it looks, and I'm less likely to use an ivar when I mean a property by accident. Don't use mutator methods / properties in init & dealloc. I've never had anything bad happen because of it, but I can see the logic if you change the method to do something that depends on the state of your object. Put IBOutlets in properties. I actually just read this one here, but I'm going to start doing it. Regardless of any memory benefits, it seems better stylistically (at least to me). Avoid writing code you don't absolutely need. This really covers a lot of things, like making ivars when a #define will do, or caching an array instead of sorting it each time the data is needed. There's a lot I could say about this, but the bottom line is don't write code until you need it, or the profiler tells you to. It makes things a lot easier to maintain in the long run. Finish what you start. Having a lot of half-finished, buggy code is the fastest way to kill a project dead. If you need a stub method that's fine, just indicate it by putting NSLog( @"stub" ) inside, or however you want to keep track of things.