

Scaling both is hard in a distributed fault tolerant way but I'd make a case that it's much harder at massive scale with RabbitMQ. It's not trivial to understand Shovel, Federation, Mirrored Msg Queues, ACK, Mem issues, Fault tollerance etc. Not to say you won't also have specific issues with Zookeeper etc on Kafka but there are less moving parts to manage. That said, you get a Polyglot exchange with RMQ which you don't with Kafka. If you want streaming, use Kafka. If you want simple IoT or similar high volume packet delivery, use Kafka. It's about smart consumers. If you want msg flexibility and higher reliability with higher costs and possibly some complexity, use RMQ.






rabbit mq不能做的让kafka与众不同的事情是分布式消息处理。现在读一下得票最多的答案,它会更有意义。

To elaborate, take a use case where you need to create a messaging system that has super high throughput for example "likes" in facebook and You have chosen rabbit mq for that. You created an exchange and queue and a consumer where all publishers (in this case FB users) can publish 'likes' messages. Since your throughput is high, you will create multiple threads in consumer to process messages in parallel but you still bounded by the hardware capacity of the machine where consumer is running. Assuming that one consumer is not sufficient to process all messages - what would you do?

你能再增加一个消费者到队列中吗?不,你不能这样做。 你能创建一个新的队列并绑定该队列来交换发布“喜欢”消息吗?答案是不能,因为你会有两次消息处理。

这是卡夫卡解决的核心问题。它允许您创建分布式分区(rabbit mq中的Queue)和相互通信的分布式消费者。这确保主题中的消息由分布在各个节点(Machines)中的使用者处理。


但在现实生活中,除非吞吐量非常高,否则您不会遇到这个问题,因为即使只有一个消费者,rabbit mq也可以非常快地处理数据。


Scaling both is hard in a distributed fault tolerant way but I'd make a case that it's much harder at massive scale with RabbitMQ. It's not trivial to understand Shovel, Federation, Mirrored Msg Queues, ACK, Mem issues, Fault tollerance etc. Not to say you won't also have specific issues with Zookeeper etc on Kafka but there are less moving parts to manage. That said, you get a Polyglot exchange with RMQ which you don't with Kafka. If you want streaming, use Kafka. If you want simple IoT or similar high volume packet delivery, use Kafka. It's about smart consumers. If you want msg flexibility and higher reliability with higher costs and possibly some complexity, use RMQ.