



此外,在脚本语言(具有OO功能,如Python、Ruby和PHP)中,您可以在运行时对文件本身进行测试。确保您的更改不会破坏任何东西的快速方法。这显然为测试所有类提供了可伸缩的解决方案:只需运行所有类即可。(你也可以用void main在其他语言中这样做,它也总是运行它的测试)。




使用反射(使之复杂) 在同一个类中编写单元测试(使生产代码变得丑陋 其中还包含测试代码) 在某种util类中重构并使方法为公共 使用@VisibleForTesting注释并删除private

I prefer the annotation method, simplest and least complicated. The only issue is that we have increased the visibility which I think is not a big concern. We should always be coding to interface, so if we have an interface MyService and an implementation MyServiceImpl then we can have the corresponding test classes that is MyServiceTest (test interface methods) and MyServiceImplTest (test private methods). All clients should anyway be using the interface so in a way even though the visibility of the private method has been increased it should not really matter.


protected internal static TResult? InvokePrivateInstanceMethod<TType, TResult>(string methodName, object?[]? methodArguments = null, params object?[]? constructorArguments)
    var classType = typeof(TType);
    var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(classType, constructorArguments);
    var privateMethodInfo = classType.GetMethods(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
                                        .FirstOrDefault(m => m.IsPrivate &&
                                            m.Name.Equals(methodName, StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
    if (privateMethodInfo is null)
        throw new MissingMethodException(classType.FullName, methodName);

    var methodResult = privateMethodInfo.Invoke(instance, methodArguments);
    if (methodResult is not null)
        return (TResult)methodResult;

    return default;

protected internal static async Task<TResult?> InvokePrivateInstanceMethodAsync<TType, TResult>(string methodName, object?[]? methodArguments = null, params object?[]? constructorArguments)
    var classType = typeof(TType);
    var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(classType, constructorArguments);
    var privateMethodInfo = classType.GetMethods(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
                                        .FirstOrDefault(m => m.IsPrivate &&
                                            m.Name.Equals(methodName, StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
    if (privateMethodInfo is null)
        throw new MissingMethodException(classType.FullName, methodName);

    var methodResult = privateMethodInfo.Invoke(instance, methodArguments);
    if (methodResult is not null)
        return await (Task<TResult>)methodResult;

    return default;

I don't agree with the "you should only be interested in testing the external interface" philosophy. It's a bit like saying that a car repair shop should only have tests to see if the wheels turn. Yes, ultimately I'm interested in the external behavior but I like my own, private, internal tests to be a bit more specific and to the point. Yes, if I refactor, I may have to change some of the tests, but unless it's a massive refactor, I'll only have to change a few and the fact that the other (unchanged) internal tests still work is a great indicator that the refactoring has been successful.

You can try to cover all internal cases using only the public interface and theoretically it's possible to test every internal method (or at least every one that matters) entirely by using the public interface but you may have to end up standing on your head to achieve this and the connection between the test cases being run through the public interface and the internal portion of the solution they're designed to test may be difficult or impossible to discern. Having pointed, individual tests that guarantee that the internal machinery is working properly is well worth the minor test changes that come about with refactoring - at least that's been my experience. If you have to make huge changes to your tests for every refactoring, then maybe this doesn't make sense, but in that case, maybe you ought to rethink your design entirely. A good design should be flexible enough to allow for most changes without massive redesigns.




转到类定义的源代码 右键单击类名 选择“创建私有访问器” 选择要在其中创建访问器的项目 你将得到一个名为foo_accessor的新类。 该类将在编译期间动态生成,并提供所有公共成员。


PrivateObject类 另一种方法是使用microsoft。visualstudio。testtools。unittest。privateobject

// Wrap an already existing instance
PrivateObject accessor = new PrivateObject( objectInstanceToBeWrapped );

// Retrieve a private field
MyReturnType accessiblePrivateField = (MyReturnType) accessor.GetField( "privateFieldName" );

// Call a private method
accessor.Invoke( "PrivateMethodName", new Object[] {/* ... */} );


