我正在使用Redux进行状态管理。 如何将存储重置为初始状态?

例如,假设我有两个用户帐户(u1和u2)。 想象下面的一系列事件:

用户u1登录到应用程序并做了一些事情,所以我们在存储中缓存一些数据。 用户u1退出。 用户u2无需刷新浏览器即可登录应用。




我已经创建了一个组件来给Redux重置状态的能力,你只需要使用这个组件来增强你的存储和分派一个特定的动作。类型触发重置。执行的想法和Dan Abramov在他们的回答中说的是一样的。

Github: https://github.com/wwayne/redux-reset



store.dispatch({type: '@@redux/INIT'})


为什么不直接使用return module.exports.default();)

export default (state = {pending: false, error: null}, action = {}) => {
    switch (action.type) {
        case "RESET_POST":
            return module.exports.default();
        case "SEND_POST_PENDING":
            return {...state, pending: true, error: null};
        // ....
    return state;


From a security perspective, the safest thing to do when logging a user out is to reset all persistent state (e.x. cookies, localStorage, IndexedDB, Web SQL, etc) and do a hard refresh of the page using window.location.reload(). It's possible a sloppy developer accidentally or intentionally stored some sensitive data on window, in the DOM, etc. Blowing away all persistent state and refreshing the browser is the only way to guarantee no information from the previous user is leaked to the next user.




import * as types from './types';


for(let key of Object.values(types)) {
        dispatch({ type: key, payload: [] });

使用Redux Toolkit和/或Typescript:

const appReducer = combineReducers({
  /* your app’s top-level reducers */

const rootReducer = (
  state: ReturnType<typeof appReducer>,
  action: AnyAction
) => {
/* if you are using RTK, you can import your action and use it's type property instead of the literal definition of the action  */
  if (action.type === logout.type) {
    return appReducer(undefined, { type: undefined });

  return appReducer(state, action);