






我试图找到关于Linux上mmap / read性能的最后一句话,我在Linux内核邮件列表上看到了一个不错的帖子(链接)。从2000年开始,内核对IO和虚拟内存进行了很多改进,但这很好地解释了为什么mmap或read可能更快或更慢。

调用mmap的开销比读取的多(就像epoll比poll的开销多,poll的开销比读取的多)。在某些处理器上,更改虚拟内存映射是一项相当昂贵的操作,原因与在不同进程之间切换成本相同。 IO系统已经可以使用磁盘缓存,所以如果读取一个文件,无论使用什么方法,都将命中缓存或错过缓存。


Memory maps are generally faster for random access, especially if your access patterns are sparse and unpredictable. Memory maps allow you to keep using pages from the cache until you are done. This means that if you use a file heavily for a long period of time, then close it and reopen it, the pages will still be cached. With read, your file may have been flushed from the cache ages ago. This does not apply if you use a file and immediately discard it. (If you try to mlock pages just to keep them in cache, you are trying to outsmart the disk cache and this kind of foolery rarely helps system performance). Reading a file directly is very simple and fast.


一些Java程序员惊讶地发现,非阻塞I/O通常比阻塞I/O慢,如果您知道非阻塞I/O需要进行更多的系统调用,这是完全有道理的。 其他一些网络程序员惊讶地发现epoll通常比poll慢,如果您知道管理epoll需要进行更多的系统调用,那么这是完全有道理的。





char data[0x1000];
std::ifstream in("file.bin");

while (in)
  in.read(data, 0x1000);
  // do something with data


const int file_size=something;
const int page_size=0x1000;
int off=0;
void *data;

int fd = open("filename.bin", O_RDONLY);

while (off < file_size)
  data = mmap(NULL, page_size, PROT_READ, 0, fd, off);
  // do stuff with data
  munmap(data, page_size);
  off += page_size;





Final Update: Look, people: across a lot of different platform combinations of OS and standard libraries and disks and memory hierarchies, I can't say for certain that the system call mmap, viewed as a black box, will always always always be substantially faster than read. That wasn't exactly my intent, even if my words could be construed that way. Ultimately, my point was that memory-mapped i/o is generally faster than byte-based i/o; this is still true. If you find experimentally that there's no difference between the two, then the only explanation that seems reasonable to me is that your platform implements memory-mapping under the covers in a way that is advantageous to the performance of calls to read. The only way to be absolutely certain that you're using memory-mapped i/o in a portable way is to use mmap. If you don't care about portability and you can rely on the particular characteristics of your target platforms, then using read may be suitable without sacrificing measurably any performance.

编辑以清除答案列表: @jbl:

滑动窗口mmap发出声音 有趣。你能多说一点吗 呢?


Boost::Iostreams already has a mapped_file Source, but the problem was that it was mmapping whole files, which limits you to 2^(wordsize). On 32-bit machines, 4GB isn't big enough. It's not unreasonable to expect to have .pack files in Git that become much larger than that, so I needed to read the file in chunks without resorting to regular file i/o. Under the covers of Boost::Iostreams, I implemented a Source, which is more or less another view of the interaction between std::streambuf and std::istream. You could also try a similar approach by just inheriting std::filebuf into a mapped_filebuf and similarly, inheriting std::fstream into a mapped_fstream. It's the interaction between the two that's difficult to get right. Boost::Iostreams has some of the work done for you, and it also provides hooks for filters and chains, so I thought it would be more useful to implement it that way.





char data[0x1000];
std::ifstream in("file.bin");

while (in)
    in.read(data, 0x1000);
    // do something with data 


char data[0x1000];
std::ifstream iifle( "file.bin");
std::istream  in( ifile.rdbuf() );

while( in )
    in.read( data, 0x1000);
    // do something with data

除此之外,您还可以尝试使缓冲区大小与一页虚拟内存大小相同,以防0x1000不是您机器上一页虚拟内存的大小……IMHO mmap文件I/O仍然是赢家,但这应该使事情更接近。