有什么好的例子可以说明结构体和联合体的区别吗? 基本上我知道struct使用了它成员的所有内存,而union使用了最大的成员内存空间。还有其他操作系统级别的差异吗?
联合的用法 当需要特殊类型的对话时,联合经常被使用。 来了解联合的用处。c/c标准库没有定义专门为将短整数写入文件而设计的函数。使用fwrite()会导致简单操作的开销过大。然而,使用联合可以很容易地创建一个函数,该函数将一个短整数的二进制每次一个字节写入文件。我假设短整数是2字节长
union pw {
short int i;
char ch[2];
int putw(short int num, FILE *fp);
int main (void)
FILE *fp;
fp fopen("test.tmp", "wb ");
putw(1000, fp); /* write the value 1000 as an integer*/
return 0;
int putw(short int num, FILE *fp)
pw word;
word.i = num;
putc(word.c[0] , fp);
return putc(word.c[1] , fp);
struct foobarbazquux_t {
int foo;
long bar;
double baz;
long double quux;
为每个实例在内存中分配至少(sizeof(int)+sizeof(long)+sizeof(double)+sizeof(long double))字节。(“至少”是因为架构对齐约束可能迫使编译器填充结构。)
union foobarbazquux_u {
int foo;
long bar;
double baz;
long double quux;
分配一个内存块并给它四个别名。因此sizeof(union foobarbazquux_u)≥max((sizeof(int),sizeof(long),sizeof(double),sizeof(long double)),同样有可能添加一些对齐。
As you already state in your question, the main difference between union and struct is that union members overlay the memory of each other so that the sizeof of a union is the one , while struct members are laid out one after each other (with optional padding in between). Also an union is large enough to contain all its members, and have an alignment that fits all its members. So let's say int can only be stored at 2 byte addresses and is 2 bytes wide, and long can only be stored at 4 byte addresses and is 4 bytes long. The following union
union test {
int a;
long b;
could have a sizeof of 4, and an alignment requirement of 4. Both an union and a struct can have padding at the end, but not at their beginning. Writing to a struct changes only the value of the member written to. Writing to a member of an union will render the value of all other members invalid. You cannot access them if you haven't written to them before, otherwise the behavior is undefined. GCC provides as an extension that you can actually read from members of an union, even though you haven't written to them most recently. For an Operation System, it doesn't have to matter whether a user program writes to an union or to a structure. This actually is only an issue of the compiler.
struct test {
int a;
double b;
} * some_test_pointer;
union a {
int a;
double b;
union a * v = (union a*)some_int_pointer;
*some_int_pointer = 5;
v->a = 10;
return *some_int_pointer;
对象的存储值只能由具有以下类型之一的左值表达式访问: 与对象的有效类型兼容的类型 ... 在其成员中包含上述类型之一的聚合或联合类型
编译器不会优化出v->a = 10;因为它可能会影响*some_int_pointer的值(该函数将返回10而不是5)。
联合的用法 当需要特殊类型的对话时,联合经常被使用。 来了解联合的用处。c/c标准库没有定义专门为将短整数写入文件而设计的函数。使用fwrite()会导致简单操作的开销过大。然而,使用联合可以很容易地创建一个函数,该函数将一个短整数的二进制每次一个字节写入文件。我假设短整数是2字节长
union pw {
short int i;
char ch[2];
int putw(short int num, FILE *fp);
int main (void)
FILE *fp;
fp fopen("test.tmp", "wb ");
putw(1000, fp); /* write the value 1000 as an integer*/
return 0;
int putw(short int num, FILE *fp)
pw word;
word.i = num;
putc(word.c[0] , fp);
return putc(word.c[1] , fp);
union data
uint32_t packet;
uint8_t packetbyte[4];
} txdata;
循环结束后,txdata。数据包包含4个字节的数据,这些数据被连续存储到txdata联合中。作为通过通信总线发送数据的最后一步,txdata。数据包被写入32位缓冲区,在被写入后,32位缓冲区启动写序列。然后通过txdata重置内容。在next for循环开始执行之前,Packet = 0。
简单的回答是:区别在于内存分配。 解释: 在结构中,将为结构内部的所有成员创建内存空间。 在联合内存空间将只为需要最大内存空间的成员创建。 考虑下面的代码:
struct s_tag
int a;
long int b;
} x;
union u_tag
int a;
long int b;
} y;
这里在struct和union内部有两个成员:int和long int。在32位操作系统中,int的内存空间为:4字节,long int的内存空间为:8。
因此,对于struct, 4+8=12个字节将被创建,而对于union,将创建8个字节
struct s_tag
int a;
long int b;
} x;
union u_tag
int a;
long int b;
} y;
int main()
printf("Memory allocation for structure = %d", sizeof(x));
printf("\nMemory allocation for union = %d", sizeof(y));
return 0;
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