当使用git merge将主题分支“B”合并为“A”时,我得到了一些冲突。我知道所有的冲突都可以用B的版本解决。
我知道git合并是我们的。但我想要的是类似git merge -s的东西。
当使用git merge将主题分支“B”合并为“A”时,我得到了一些冲突。我知道所有的冲突都可以用B的版本解决。
我知道git合并是我们的。但我想要的是类似git merge -s的东西。
git checkout -m old
git checkout -b new B
git merge -s ours old
# in case branchA is not our current branch
git checkout branchA
# make merge commit but without conflicts!!
# the contents of 'ours' will be discarded later
git merge -s ours branchB
# make temporary branch to merged commit
git branch branchTEMP
# get contents of working tree and index to the one of branchB
git reset --hard branchB
# reset to our merged commit but
# keep contents of working tree and index
git reset --soft branchTEMP
# change the contents of the merged commit
# with the contents of branchB
git commit --amend
# get rid off our temporary branch
git branch -D branchTEMP
# verify that the merge commit contains only contents of branchB
git diff HEAD branchB
这个解决方案保留了合并提交的第一个和第二个父节点,就像你期望git merge -s their branchB一样。
git checkout <baseBranch> // this will checkout baseBranch
git merge -s ours <newBranch> // this will simple merge newBranch in baseBranch
git rm -rf . // this will remove all non references files from baseBranch (deleted in newBranch)
git checkout newBranch -- . //this will replace all conflicted files in baseBranch
重新审视这个老问题,因为我刚刚找到了一个兼而有之的解决方案 简短而且——因为它只使用瓷器指令——容易理解。 明确地说,我想回答的问题在标题中提出 问题(实现git merge -s their),而不是问题体。在 换句话说,我想创建一个合并提交,它的树和 第二个父树:
# Start from the branch that is going to receive the merge.
git switch our_branch
# Create the merge commit, albeit with the wrong tree.
git merge -s ours their_branch
# Replace our working tree and our index with their tree.
git restore --source=their_branch --worktree --staged :/
# Put their tree in the merge commit.
git commit --amend
注意:git restore是git中引入的一个相当新的命令 2.23. Git帮助恢复警告
我用多个版本的git (2.25.1, 2.30.2, 2.31.1, 2.34.1和2.35.1),并按预期工作。
git checkout <base-branch>
git merge --no-commit -s ours <their-branch>
git read-tree -u --reset <their-branch>
git commit
# Check your work!
git diff <their-branch>
Replce <<<<<<< HEAD\n[^•>]+\n==========\n([^•>]+)>>>>>>> .+\n with \1