当使用git merge将主题分支“B”合并为“A”时,我得到了一些冲突。我知道所有的冲突都可以用B的版本解决。

我知道git合并是我们的。但我想要的是类似git merge -s的东西。





# in case branchA is not our current branch
git checkout branchA

# make merge commit but without conflicts!!
# the contents of 'ours' will be discarded later
git merge -s ours branchB    

# make temporary branch to merged commit
git branch branchTEMP         

# get contents of working tree and index to the one of branchB
git reset --hard branchB

# reset to our merged commit but 
# keep contents of working tree and index
git reset --soft branchTEMP

# change the contents of the merged commit
# with the contents of branchB
git commit --amend

# get rid off our temporary branch
git branch -D branchTEMP

# verify that the merge commit contains only contents of branchB
git diff HEAD branchB


这个解决方案保留了合并提交的第一个和第二个父节点,就像你期望git merge -s their branchB一样。


当合并主题分支“B”在“A”使用git合并,我得到一些冲突。我知道所有的冲突都可以用“B”中的版本来解决。 我知道git合并是我们的。我想要的是git merge >-s their。



git checkout Branch
git merge master -s ours


git checkout master
git merge Branch

请参阅Junio Hamano被广泛引用的答案:如果您要丢弃已提交的内容,那么只需丢弃提交,或者无论如何要将其排除在主历史记录之外。将来为什么要麻烦每个人从没有提供任何东西的提交中读取提交消息呢?



git update-ref HEAD $(
        git commit-tree -m 'completely superseding with branchB content' \
                        -p HEAD -p branchB    branchB:
git reset --hard


# in case branchA is not our current branch
git checkout branchA

# make merge commit but without conflicts!!
# the contents of 'ours' will be discarded later
git merge -s ours branchB    

# make temporary branch to merged commit
git branch branchTEMP         

# get contents of working tree and index to the one of branchB
git reset --hard branchB

# reset to our merged commit but 
# keep contents of working tree and index
git reset --soft branchTEMP

# change the contents of the merged commit
# with the contents of branchB
git commit --amend

# get rid off our temporary branch
git branch -D branchTEMP

# verify that the merge commit contains only contents of branchB
git diff HEAD branchB


这个解决方案保留了合并提交的第一个和第二个父节点,就像你期望git merge -s their branchB一样。

这个答案是由Paul Pladijs给出的。为了方便起见,我只是把他的命令做了一个git别名。


    mergetheirs = "!git merge -s ours \"$1\" && git branch temp_THEIRS && git reset --hard \"$1\" && git reset --soft temp_THEIRS && git commit --amend && git branch -D temp_THEIRS"

然后你可以“git merge -s their A”通过运行:

git checkout B (optional, just making sure we're on branch B)
git mergetheirs A


Org/repository1主 Org/repository2主

我希望将repository2 master的所有更改应用到repository1 master,接受repository2所做的所有更改。在git的术语中,这应该是一个称为-s their的策略,但它不存在。要小心,因为-X their的名字就像你想要的那样,但它不是一样的(它甚至在手册页中这样说)。

我解决这个问题的方法是到repository2并创建一个新的分支repo1-merge。在那个分支中,我运行git拉git@gitlab.com:Org/repository1 -s ours,它合并得很好,没有问题。然后我把它推到遥控器上。

然后回到repository1并创建一个新的分支rep2 -merge。在该分支中,我运行git拉git@gitlab.com:Org/repository2 repo1-merge,它将与问题一起完成。
