可能的重复: 为什么使用goto不好? GOTO仍然被认为有害?
我在浏览xkcd时看到了这个(如果几年前也读过一些关于他们的负面文章): 它到底有什么问题?那么为什么goto在c++中是可能的呢?
可能的重复: 为什么使用goto不好? GOTO仍然被认为有害?
我在浏览xkcd时看到了这个(如果几年前也读过一些关于他们的负面文章): 它到底有什么问题?那么为什么goto在c++中是可能的呢?
In 1968, Edsger Dijkstra wrote a famous letter to the editor of Communications of the ACM GOTO is considered harmful in which he laid out the case for structured programming with while loops and if...then...else conditionals. When GOTO is used to substitute for these control structures, the result is very often spaghetti code. Pretty much every programming language in use to day is a structured programming language, and use of GOTOs has been pretty much eliminated. In fact, Java, Scala, Ruby, and Python don't have a goto command at all.
C, C++ and Perl still do have a GOTO command, and there are situations (in C particularly) where a GOTO is useful, for example a break statement that exits multiple loops, or as a way of concentrating cleanup code in a single place in a function even when there are multiple ways to terminate the function (e.g. by returning error codes at multiple points in the progress of a function). But generally its use should be restricted to specific design patterns that call for it in a controlled and recognized way.
In 1968, Edsger Dijkstra wrote a famous letter to the editor of Communications of the ACM GOTO is considered harmful in which he laid out the case for structured programming with while loops and if...then...else conditionals. When GOTO is used to substitute for these control structures, the result is very often spaghetti code. Pretty much every programming language in use to day is a structured programming language, and use of GOTOs has been pretty much eliminated. In fact, Java, Scala, Ruby, and Python don't have a goto command at all.
C, C++ and Perl still do have a GOTO command, and there are situations (in C particularly) where a GOTO is useful, for example a break statement that exits multiple loops, or as a way of concentrating cleanup code in a single place in a function even when there are multiple ways to terminate the function (e.g. by returning error codes at multiple points in the progress of a function). But generally its use should be restricted to specific design patterns that call for it in a controlled and recognized way.
反后藤运动的创始人是Edsger Dijskstra和他的传奇之作《后藤有害》。