我问这个问题,首先不是因为垃圾收集的优点。我问这个问题的主要原因是我知道Bjarne Stroustrup说过c++在某个时间点上会有一个垃圾收集器。

话虽如此,为什么还没有加入呢?c++已经有了一些垃圾收集器。这是那种“说起来容易做起来难”的事情吗?或者还有其他原因没有添加它(并且不会在c++ 11中添加)?






If you look at the way strings are handled in a language with garbage collection, you will find they ONLY allow high level string manipulation functions and do not allow binary access to the strings. Simply put, all string functions first check the pointers to see where the string is, even if you are only drawing out a byte. So if you are doing a loop that processes each byte in a string in a language with garbage collection, it must compute the base location plus offset for each iteration, because it cannot know when the string has moved. Then you have to think about heaps, stacks, threads, etc etc.




The general idea of garbage collection is that it should make a reasonable attempt at assuring that a memory allocation will succeed. Unfortunately, it's essentially impossible to guarantee that any memory allocation will succeed, even if you do have a garbage collector in operation. This is true to some extent in any case, but particularly so in the case of C++, because it's (probably) not possible to use a copying collector (or anything similar) that moves objects in memory during a collection cycle.









Bjarne Stroustrup对此问题的常见问题解答如下:


现在编写的代码(c++ 17和遵循官方核心指南)的情况如下:

Most memory ownership-related code is in libraries (especially those providing containers). Most use of code involving memory ownership follows the CADRe or RAII pattern, so allocation is made on construction and deallocation on destruction, which happens when exiting the scope in which something was allocated. You do not explicitly allocate or deallocate memory directly. Raw pointers do not own memory (if you've followed the guidelines), so you can't leak by passing them around. If you're wondering how you're going to pass the starting addresses of sequences of values in memory - you can and should prefer span's, obviating the need for raw pointers. You can still use such pointers, they'll just be non-owning. If you really need an owning "pointer", you use C++' standard-library smart pointers - they can't leak, and are decently efficient (although the ABI can get in the way of that). Alternatively, you can pass ownership across scope boundaries with "owner pointers". These are uncommon and must be used explicitly; but when adopted - they allow for nice static checking against leaks.


... 如果我只是像以前写c++那样写代码?”



... 如果我retrepret_cast ?或者做复杂的指针运算?还是其他类似的黑客?”


您很少会这样做(就代码中的位置而言,而不一定是就执行时间的比例而言) 你只会故意这么做,而不是意外。 这样做将在符合准则的代码库中脱颖而出。 在这种代码中,您无论如何都可以在另一种语言中绕过GC。

... 图书馆发展?”








总之: 是的,在c++中添加垃圾收集是可能的,但是为了连续性,最好不要这样做。


While that ability can be useful--or even indispensable--in some kinds of applications, a language that includes that ability will be very limited in its ability to support any kind of useful and reliable garbage collection. If a compiler doesn't know everything that has been done with the bits that made up a pointer, it will have no way of knowing whether information sufficient to reconstruct the pointer might exist somewhere in the universe. Since it would be possible for that information to be stored in ways that the computer wouldn't be able to access even if it knew about them (e.g. the bytes making up the pointer might have been shown on the screen long enough for someone to write them down on a piece of paper), it may be literally impossible for a computer to know whether a pointer could possibly be used in the future.

An interesting quirk of many garbage-collected frameworks is that an object reference not defined by the bit patterns contained therein, but by the relationship between the bits held in the object reference and other information held elsewhere. In C and C++, if the bit pattern stored in a pointer identifies an object, that bit pattern will identify that object until the object is explicitly destroyed. In a typical GC system, an object may be represented by a bit pattern 0x1234ABCD at one moment in time, but the next GC cycle might replace all references to 0x1234ABCD with references to 0x4321BABE, whereupon the object would be represented by the latter pattern. Even if one were to display the bit pattern associated with an object reference and then later read it back from the keyboard, there would be no expectation that the same bit pattern would be usable to identify the same object (or any object).