

It is mandatory for Function to return a value while it is not for stored procedure. Select statements only accepted in UDF while DML statements not required. Stored procedure accepts any statements as well as DML statements. UDF only allows inputs and not outputs. Stored procedure allows for both inputs and outputs. Catch blocks cannot be used in UDF but can be used in stored procedure. No transactions allowed in functions in UDF but in stored procedure they are allowed. Only table variables can be used in UDF and not temporary tables. Stored procedure allows for both table variables and temporary tables. UDF does not allow stored procedures to be called from functions while stored procedures allow calling of functions. UDF is used in join clause while stored procedures cannot be used in join clause. Stored procedure will always allow for return to zero. UDF, on the contrary, has values that must come - back to a predetermined point.


用户定义函数是sql server程序员可用的重要工具。您可以像这样在SQL语句中内联使用它

SELECT a, lookupValue(b), c FROM customers 


不能产生永久的变化 无法更改数据







Stored Procedure Function
Returns Zero or more values A single value (which may be a scalar or a table)
Can use transaction? Yes No
Can output to parameters? Yes No
Can call each other? Can call a function Cannot call a stored procedure
Usable in SELECT, WHERE and HAVING statements? No Yes
Supports exception handling (via try/catch)? Yes No

一般来说,使用存储过程的性能更好。 例如,在以前版本的SQL Server中,如果你将函数置于JOIN条件下,基数估计为1 (SQL 2012之前)和100 (SQL 2012之后和SQL 2017之前),引擎可能会生成一个糟糕的执行计划。


在SQL 2017中,微软引入了称为交错执行的功能,以产生更准确的估计,但存储过程仍然是最佳解决方案。

要了解更多细节,请参阅以下Joe Sack的文章 https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/sql-server/introducing-interleaved-execution-for-multi-statement-table/ba-p/385417


然后,可以使用一个函数来表示参数化的城市列表。getcitiesin ("NY")返回一个可以用作连接的表。


此外,函数在SQL Server中也是一个好主意。它们速度更快,功能也相当强大。内联和直接选择。注意不要过度使用。