
Unsigned值可以是一个较大的正数,而不能是负数。 Unsigned版本使用前导位作为值的一部分,而signed版本使用最左边的位来识别数字是正还是负。 有符号整数可以同时包含正数和负数。




Unsigned:它只包含非负值,即0到255。 Signed:由正负值组成,但格式不同,如 0 ~ +127 -1 ~ -128




Integer An XDR signed integer is a 32-bit piece of data that encodes an integer in the range [-2147483648,2147483647]. The integer is represented in two's complement notation. The most and least significant bytes are 0 and 3, respectively. The data description of integers is integer. Unsigned integer An XDR unsigned integer is a 32-bit piece of data that encodes a nonnegative integer in the range [0,4294967295]. It is represented by an unsigned binary number whose most and least significant bytes are 0 and 3, respectively. The data description of unsigned integers is unsigned.



unsigned int ui = -1;
signed int si = -1;

if (ui < 0) {
    printf("unsigned < 0\n");
if (si < 0) {
    printf("signed < 0\n");
if (ui == si) {
    printf("%d == %d\n", ui, si);
    printf("%ud == %ud\n", ui, si);


signed < 0
-1 == -1
4294967295d == 4294967295d







Signed integers in C represent numbers. If a and b are variables of signed integer types, the standard will never require that a compiler make the expression a+=b store into a anything other than the arithmetic sum of their respective values. To be sure, if the arithmetic sum would not fit into a, the processor might not be able to put it there, but the standard would not require the compiler to truncate or wrap the value, or do anything else for that matter if values that exceed the limits for their types. Note that while the standard does not require it, C implementations are allowed to trap arithmetic overflows with signed values.

Unsigned integers in C behave as abstract algebraic rings of integers which are congruent modulo some power of two, except in scenarios involving conversions to, or operations with, larger types. Converting an integer of any size to a 32-bit unsigned type will yield the member corresponding to things which are congruent to that integer mod 4,294,967,296. The reason subtracting 3 from 2 yields 4,294,967,295 is that adding something congruent to 3 to something congruent to 4,294,967,295 will yield something congruent to 2.

Abstract algebraic rings types are often handy things to have; unfortunately, C uses signedness as the deciding factor for whether a type should behave as a ring. Worse, unsigned values are treated as numbers rather than ring members when converted to larger types, and unsigned values smaller than int get converted to numbers when any arithmetic is performed upon them. If v is a uint32_t which equals 4,294,967,294, then v*=v; should make v=4. Unfortunately, if int is 64 bits, then there's no telling what v*=v; could do.


是的,无符号整数可以存储大的值。 不,有不同的方式来表示正数和负数。 是的,有符号整数可以包含正数和负数。