
if (Foo == null || typeof(Foo) != "object") { var Foo = new Object();}




var yourNamespace = (function() {

  //Private property
  var publicScope = {};

  //Private property
  var privateProperty = "aaa"; 

  //Public property
  publicScope.publicProperty = "bbb";

  //Public method
  publicScope.publicMethod = function() {

  //Private method
  function privateMethod() {

  //Return only the public parts
  return publicScope;



var yourNamespace = {};

yourNamespace.publicMethod = function() {
    // Do something...

yourNamespace.publicMethod2 = function() {
    // Do something...




// prelude.hjs
billy = new (
    function moduleWrapper () {
    const exports = this;

// postlude.hjs
return exports;

// someinternalfile.js
function bob () { console.log('hi'); }
exports.bob = bob;

// clientfile.js



while (true); do make; sleep 1; done

将此添加为make任务“go”,您可以“make go”以在编写代码时保持构建的更新。


function namespace(namespace) {
    var object = this, tokens = namespace.split("."), token;

    while (tokens.length > 0) {
        token = tokens.shift();

        if (typeof object[token] === "undefined") {
            object[token] = {};

        object = object[token];

    return object;

// Usage example
namespace("foo.bar").baz = "I'm a value!";

这是Ionuț G. Stan的回答的后续,但通过使用var ClassFirst = this显示了整洁代码的好处。ClassFirst = function(){…},它利用JavaScript的闭包作用域来减少相同名称空间中的类的名称空间混乱。

var Namespace = new function() {
    var ClassFirst = this.ClassFirst = function() {
        this.abc = 123;

    var ClassSecond = this.ClassSecond = function() {
        console.log("Cluttered way to access another class in namespace: ", new Namespace.ClassFirst().abc);
        console.log("Nicer way to access a class in same namespace: ", new ClassFirst().abc);

var Namespace2 = new function() {
    var ClassFirst = this.ClassFirst = function() {
        this.abc = 666;

    var ClassSecond = this.ClassSecond = function() {
        console.log("Cluttered way to access another class in namespace: ", new Namespace2.ClassFirst().abc);
        console.log("Nicer way to access a class in same namespace: ", new ClassFirst().abc);

new Namespace.ClassSecond()
new Namespace2.ClassSecond()


Cluttered way to access another class in namespace: 123
Nicer way to access a class in same namespace: 123
Cluttered way to access another class in namespace: 666
Nicer way to access a class in same namespace: 666

下面是Stoyan Stefanov在他的JavaScript Patterns一书中是如何做到这一点的,我发现这本书非常好(它还展示了他如何做注释,允许自动生成API文档,以及如何向自定义对象的原型添加一个方法):

* My JavaScript application
* @module myapp

/** @namespace Namespace for MYAPP classes and functions. */
var MYAPP = MYAPP || {};

* A maths utility
* @namespace MYAPP
* @class math_stuff
MYAPP.math_stuff = {

    * Sums two numbers
    * @method sum
    * @param {Number} a First number
    * @param {Number} b Second number
    * @return {Number} Sum of the inputs
    sum: function (a, b) {
        return a + b;

    * Multiplies two numbers
    * @method multi
    * @param {Number} a First number
    * @param {Number} b Second number
    * @return {Number} The inputs multiplied
    multi: function (a, b) {
        return a * b;

* Constructs Person objects
* @class Person
* @constructor
* @namespace MYAPP
* @param {String} First name
* @param {String} Last name
MYAPP.Person = function (first, last) {

    * First name of the Person
    * @property first_name
    * @type String
    this.first_name = first;

    * Last name of the Person
    * @property last_name
    * @type String
    this.last_name = last;

* Return Person's full name
* @method getName
* @return {String} First name + last name
MYAPP.Person.prototype.getName = function () {
    return this.first_name + ' ' + this.last_name;


var namespace = {};
namespace.module1 = (function(){

    var self = {};
    self.initialized = false;

    self.init = function(){
        setTimeout(self.onTimeout, 1000)

    self.onTimeout = function(){
        self.initialized = true;

    self.init(); /* If it needs to auto-initialize, */
    /* You can also call 'namespace.module1.init();' from outside the module. */
    return self;

你可以声明一个局部变量,就像self和assign local。onTimeout如果你想要它是私有的。