

一些邪恶的代码可能会偷你的锁(这个很流行,也有一个“意外”变体) 同一类中的所有同步方法都使用完全相同的锁,这降低了吞吐量 你(不必要地)暴露了太多信息





we are talking about instance synchronization both implicit (synchronized methods) and explicit form of synchronized(this) are considered if you quote Bloch or other authorities on the subject, don't leave out the parts you don't like (e.g. Effective Java, item on Thread Safety: Typically it is the lock on the instance itself, but there are exceptions.) if you need granularity in your locking other than synchronized(this) provides, then synchronized(this) is not applicable so that's not the issue


I think there is a good explanation on why each of these are vital techniques under your belt in a book called Java Concurrency In Practice by Brian Goetz. He makes one point very clear - you must use the same lock "EVERYWHERE" to protect the state of your object. Synchronised method and synchronising on an object often go hand in hand. E.g. Vector synchronises all its methods. If you have a handle to a vector object and are going to do "put if absent" then merely Vector synchronising its own individual methods isn't going to protect you from corruption of state. You need to synchronise using synchronised (vectorHandle). This will result in the SAME lock being acquired by every thread which has a handle to the vector and will protect overall state of the vector. This is called client side locking. We do know as a matter of fact vector does synchronised (this) / synchronises all its methods and hence synchronising on the object vectorHandle will result in proper synchronisation of vector objects state. Its foolish to believe that you are thread safe just because you are using a thread safe collection. This is precisely the reason ConcurrentHashMap explicitly introduced putIfAbsent method - to make such operations atomic.


Synchronising at method level allows client side locking. If you have a private lock object - it makes client side locking impossible. This is fine if you know that your class doesn't have "put if absent" type of functionality. If you are designing a library - then synchronising on this or synchronising the method is often wiser. Because you are rarely in a position to decide how your class is going to be used. Had Vector used a private lock object - it would have been impossible to get "put if absent" right. The client code will never gain a handle to the private lock thus breaking the fundamental rule of using the EXACT SAME LOCK to protect its state. Synchronising on this or synchronised methods do have a problem as others have pointed out - someone could get a lock and never release it. All other threads would keep waiting for the lock to be released. So know what you are doing and adopt the one that's correct. Someone argued that having a private lock object gives you better granularity - e.g. if two operations are unrelated - they could be guarded by different locks resulting in better throughput. But this i think is design smell and not code smell - if two operations are completely unrelated why are they part of the SAME class? Why should a class club unrelated functionalities at all? May be a utility class? Hmmmm - some util providing string manipulation and calendar date formatting through the same instance?? ... doesn't make any sense to me at least!!


这要视情况而定。 如果只有一个或多个共享实体。



线程和可共享实体 多个线程可以访问同一个实体,例如多个connectionThreads共享一个messageQueue。由于线程并发运行,可能会有一个数据被另一个覆盖的机会,这可能是一个混乱的情况。 因此,我们需要某种方法来确保可共享实体一次只能被一个线程访问。(并发)。

同步块 Synchronized()块是一种确保可共享实体并发访问的方法。 首先,打个小比方 假设有两个人P1, P2(线程)一个盥洗室(可共享实体),有一扇门(锁)。 现在我们想让一个人一次使用脸盆。 一种方法是在P1锁门的时候P2等待P1完成他的工作 P1打开门 那么只有p1可以使用脸盆。



"this" provided the intrinsic lock associated with the class (Java developer designed Object class in such a way that each object can work as monitor). Above approach works fine when there are only one shared entity and multiple threads (1: N). N shareable entities-M threads Now think of a situation when there is two washbasin inside a washroom and only one door. If we are using the previous approach, only p1 can use one washbasin at a time while p2 will wait outside. It is wastage of resource as no one is using B2 (washbasin). A wiser approach would be to create a smaller room inside washroom and provide them one door per washbasin. In this way, P1 can access B1 and P2 can access B2 and vice-versa.


Object lock1=new Object();
Object lock2=new Object();





// apply mutex to this instance
synchronized(this) {
    // do work here


// instance level lock object
private readonly object _syncObj = new object();


// apply mutex to private instance level field (a System.Object usually)
    // do work here






你可以在这里找到更详细的解释: http://www.artima.com/insidejvm/ed2/threadsynchP.html



关于这方面的更多细节,我建议你阅读这篇文章: http://java.dzone.com/articles/synchronized-considered


你要做的就是锁定目标 当前对象;而且 你想要 锁定粒度小于 整体方法;


Some people deliberately use synchronized(this) (instead of marking the method synchronized) inside the whole contents of a method because they think it's "clearer to the reader" which object is actually being synchronized on. So long as people are making an informed choice (e.g. understand that by doing so they're actually inserting extra bytecodes into the method and this could have a knock-on effect on potential optimisations), I don't particularly see a problem with this. You should always document the concurrent behaviour of your program, so I don't see the "'synchronized' publishes the behaviour" argument as being so compelling.
