我知道一个简单的if (x >= 1 && x <= 100)就足够了;但是有很多语法糖和新特性不断添加到c# /。Net这个问题是关于更习惯的(一个可以称之为优雅的)写法。
我知道一个简单的if (x >= 1 && x <= 100)就足够了;但是有很多语法糖和新特性不断添加到c# /。Net这个问题是关于更习惯的(一个可以称之为优雅的)写法。
bool TestRangeDistance (int numberToCheck, int bottom, int distance)
return (numberToCheck >= bottom && numberToCheck <= bottom+distance);
//var t = TestRangeDistance(10, somelist.Count()-5, 10);
bool TestRangeMargin (int numberToCheck, int target, int margin)
return (numberToCheck >= target-margin && numberToCheck <= target+margin);
//var t = TestRangeMargin(10, somelist.Count(), 5);
using static System.Linq.Enumerable;
int x = 30;
if (Range(1,100).Contains(x)) //true
using static指令适用于任何具有静态成员(或嵌套类型)的类型,即使它也具有实例成员。但是,实例成员只能通过类型实例调用。
但这对许多人来说并不简单,因为Enumerable。Range有第一个参数start和第二个参数count。 所以这种检查可能在特定情况下有用,比如当你使用Enumerable时。范围的foreach循环,在开始之前,您想知道,如果循环将执行。
int count = 100;
int x = 30;
if (!Range(1, count).Contains(x)) {
Console.WriteLine("Do nothing!");
foreach (var i in Range(1, count)) {
// Some job here
如果你想写更多的代码而不是简单的If,也许你可以: 创建一个名为IsBetween的扩展方法
public static class NumberExtensionMethods
public static bool IsBetween(this long value, long Min, long Max)
// return (value >= Min && value <= Max);
if (value >= Min && value <= Max) return true;
else return false;
// Checks if this number is between 1 and 100.
long MyNumber = 99;
MessageBox.Show(MyNumber.IsBetween(1, 100).ToString());
Addendum: it's worth noting that in practice you very rarely "just check for equality" (or <, >) in a codebase. (Other than in the most trivial situations.) Purely as an example, any game programmer would use categories something like the following in every project, as a basic matter. Note that in this example it (happens to be) using a function (Mathf.Approximately) which is built in to that environment; in practice you typically have to carefully develop your own concepts of what comparisons means for computer representations of real numbers, for the type of situation you are engineering. (Don't even mention that if you're doing something like, perhaps a controller, a PID controller or the like, the whole issue becomes central and very difficult, it becomes the nature of the project.) BY no means is the OP question here a trivial or unimportant question.
private bool FloatLessThan(float a, float b)
if ( Mathf.Approximately(a,b) ) return false;
if (a<b) return true;
return false;
private bool FloatLessThanZero(float a)
if ( Mathf.Approximately(a,0f) ) return false;
if (a<0f) return true;
return false;
private bool FloatLessThanOrEqualToZero(float a)
if ( Mathf.Approximately(a,0f) ) return true;
if (a<0f) return true;
return false;
In production code I would simply write 1 <= x && x <= 100 This is easy to understand and very readable. Starting with C#9.0 we can write x is >= 1 and <= 100 Note that we must write x only once. is introduces a pattern matching expression where and is part of the pattern. && would require us to repeat x is as in x is >= 1 && x is <= 100 Here is a clever method that reduces the number of comparisons from two to one by using some math. There is not necessarily a performance advantage in doing so, but it is elegant. The idea is that one of the two factors becomes negative if the number lies outside of the range and zero if the number is equal to one of the bounds: If the bounds are inclusive: (x - 1) * (100 - x) >= 0 or (x - min) * (max - x) >= 0 If the bounds are exclusive: (x - 1) * (100 - x) > 0 or (x - min) * (max - x) > 0
public static bool IsInRange(int value, int min, int max) => (uint)(value - min) <= (uint)(max - min);
static class ExtensionMethods
internal static bool IsBetween(this double number,double bound1, double bound2)
return Math.Min(bound1, bound2) <= number && number <= Math.Max(bound2, bound1);
internal static bool IsBetween(this int number, double bound1, double bound2)
return Math.Min(bound1, bound2) <= number && number <= Math.Max(bound2, bound1);
double numberToBeChecked = 7;
var result = numberToBeChecked.IsBetween(100,122);
var result = 5.IsBetween(100,120);
var result = 8.0.IsBetween(1.2,9.6);